건강하고 행복하게/建康 運動 258


에너지소모형 운동 ENERGY CONSUMING EXERCISE 에너지소모형 운동이란 운동 목적이 체지방 분해나 체중감량으로 많이 움직이는 운동을 말한다. 근육을 만들고 강화하고 유지하는 목적이 아니다. 전신의 근육을 이용하여 모든 관절을 적당한 강도로 움직여 주는 유산소 운동을 비롯하여 가장 큰 근육을 가벼..

** Muscle Men Have More Sex, But Poor Immune System

http://www.infoniac.com/science/muscle-men-have-more-sex-but-poor-immune-system.html According to a new study, men with muscles attract women more, but their downside is poor immune system and stronger appetite. The lead researcher, William Lassek, who works as an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, explains that such disadvantages could be the reason why no..

Scientists Focusing On How Exercise Raises Immunity

Scientists Focusing On How Exercise Raises Immunity ScienceDaily (July 7, 2003) — CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- An increasing number of doctors and other health experts have been encouraging older adults to rise from their recliners and go for a walk, a bike ride, a swim, or engage in just about any other form of physical activity as a defense against the potentially harmful health consequences of a sed..

Exercise And Immunity: Infection and swimming performance

Exercise And Immunity: Infection and swimming performance The persuasive theory that heavy training lowers immunity to illness, with a consequent negative impact on performance, has been called into question by an Australian study of elite male and female swimmers. This showed that a season of training did not alter salivary immunoglobulin concentrations and, further, that the presence of respir..