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PC muscle training

hanngill 2009. 6. 13. 15:11

PC muscle
Lifting weights builds stronger arms. But what builds stronger orgasms? Well, there are actually exercises, called Kegels, you can do for that, too. Commonly used by women after pregnancy to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor after delivery, Kegel exercises involve flexing the pubococcygeus, or PC, muscle. You can locate this muscle by stopping the flow of urine when you go to the bathroom. The muscle you use to do this is your PC muscle. Now that you know what it feels like to flex this muscle, exercise it by inhaling, clenching it tight for a few seconds and then exhaling and letting the muscle relax. Many women who do Kegels say they experience increased vaginal lubrication, increased sexual sensitivity and stronger orgasms. Men who do this several times a day on a regular basis regularly report that they have firmer erections, stronger orgasms and more ejaculatory control.

***kegel exercise primer***


what are kegel exercises?
Kegel (or pelvic floor muscle) exercises help strengthen the muscles that support the urethra, bladder, uterus, and rectum. When properly performed, these exercises can improve mild to moderate urge and stress incontinence.

where are the pelvic floor muscles?
The easiest way to locate the right muscles is to pretend that you're trying to stop from passing gas. Squeeze and lift this rectal area -- for women, the vaginal area, too -- without tightening your buttocks or abdomen. Place your hand on your buttocks and abdomen to make sure they aren't moving. You can also try to stop the flow of urine while you're urinating. (Just do this to locate the right muscle. Don't make a general practice of it, because it can weaken the muscles.)

If you feel a "pulling" sensation when you squeeze, you have the right muscles. Men may feel their penis pull in toward their body. If you're a women, place a finger in your vagina and squeeze around it. If you feel pressure on your finger, you're using the right muscle.

Finding the right muscles can be tricky. Over one-third of women squeeze the wrong muscles when they start out. For this reason, you might want to have a doctor or nurse check your technique.

how often should you do the exercises? Start out by doing the exercises for five minutes twice a day. (Try it when you get up in the morning and right before you go to sleep.) Squeeze the muscle for a count of four and relax for a count of four. At first, you may be able to hold the contraction for only one to two seconds. If you feel the contraction loosening, just retighten the muscles.

In a couple weeks you should notice the exercises becoming easier. Slowly progress to holding the contraction for ten seconds and relaxing for ten seconds. once you've reached this goal, do the exercises for five minutes, three times a week.

You can also intersperse this with a second exercise: Tighten the muscles, lift up, and let go three to four times in rapid succession.

When starting out, it can help to keep a calendar to ensure that you are doing the exercise regularly and keep track of your progress.