건강하고 행복하게/建康 運動 258

*** How to Improve Muscle Balance and Stability

**** How to Improve Muscle Balance and Stability for Increased Performance By Sam Visnic, FT This concept, unfortunately, is the most underemphasized aspect of many fitness programs everywhere. What is muscle balance really? How do you test it? What the heck does it have to do with stability and performance? Well, let's take a moment to explain why this concept is important. First of all, we mus..

Longevity News: Older men may not live as long if they have low testos

http://lifetwo.com/production/node/20070606-longevity-low-testosterone-mortality Longevity News: Older men may not live as long if they have low testosterone Home » Health, Diet, and Exercise Submitted by Wesley on June 6, 2007 - 8:17am. According to new research being done by the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, low l..

Exceptional Longevity in Men; Testosterone & Risk of Prostate Cancer;

http://mensnewsdaily.com/2008/02/17/exceptional-longevity-in-men-testosterone-risk-of-prostate-cancer-smoking-pre-malignant-colorectal-polyps/ Exceptional Longevity in Men; Testosterone & Risk of Prostate Cancer; Smoking & Pre-malignant Colorectal Polyps By Robert A. Wascher, MD, FACS | Feb 17, 2008 The information in this column is intended for informational purposes only, and does not constit..

현대과학이 밝혀낸 장수의 비결 7가지

현대과학이 밝혀낸 장수의 비결 7가지 어떻게 하면 건강하게 100년을 살 수 있을까? 유사 이래 수많은 장수비법들이 나타나고 사라졌다. 17세기 유럽에선 당대 최고의 과학자들이 수은을 장수의 만병통치약으로 믿고 장기 복용하기도 했다. 요즘도 갖가지 생약이나 자연에서 찾아낸 신비의 영약들이 수..