Is your lifestyle slowly wearing you down? Is the way you live conducive to your physical, mental, and emotional health, or are you making it hard on yourself? Your diet, exercise habits and daily routines have a huge impact on your overall wellness. Find out if your lifestyle needs to be redesigned in the name of personal peace and health with the Lifestyle Test.
Examine the following statements and indicate how often they apply to you. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer as truthfully as possible. After finishing the Lifestyle Test, you will receive a detailed, personalized interpretation of your score that includes diagrams, information on the test topic and tips.
Most of the time/ Often/ Sometimes/ Rarely /Almost never
1. I avoid excess sugar.
2. I like learning new things.
3. I have the motivation to realize my plans.
4. I eat a healthy balanced diet according to the official nutritional guidelines.
5. I avoid excess fat.
6. I make sure I get enough fiber and vitamins.
7. I eat meat LESS than three times a week.
8. I drink LESS than three cups of coffee or tea a day.
9. I avoid excess salt.
10. I feel good about what I do (studies, job, being a full-time mother/father, etc.).
11. I drink LESS than 5 oz (three drinks) of alcohol per week.
12. I smoke LESS than 1 pack of cigarettes per week (less than 3 a day).
13. During my usual day, I am physically active (I take the stairs instead of the elevator, I walk).
14. During my usual day, I take time to stretch and to relax.
15. I exercise at least once a week.
16. once I get to bed, I fall asleep easily.
17. To ease my aches and pains, I prefer natural remedies to medication.
18. I have a check-up exam at least once every three years.
Completely true/ Mostly true/ Somewhat true/false/ Mostlyfalse/ Completely false
19. My weight is within the normal range.
20. I use drugs no more than once a month or never.
21. I have a stable sexual partner (or I am celibate).
22. I am aware of the occupational hazards my job involves (stress, pain, fatigue, etc.) and I take preventive measures.
23. I am aware of the risks and side effects of contraception (or lack thereof).
24. I am satisfied with my relationships (friendships, love).
25. I am satisfied with my sexual life (or of being celibate, if you are not sexually active).
26. I am satisfied with the way I spend my leisure time.
27. I am capable of balancing my budget.
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