연구하는 인생/西醫學 Medicine 190

빈뇨 및 야간뇨 (urinary frequency, nocturia) 구성내용

빈뇨 및 야간뇨 (urinary frequency, nocturia) 정의 보통 성인은 낮에 깨어있는 동안 4~6회, 밤에 자는 동안 0~1회, 많아도 하루 총 10회 이내로 배뇨하는 것이 정상인데, 이 범위를 넘어 배뇨 횟수가 비정상적으로 증가하는 경우를 빈뇨라고 한다. 빈뇨는 방광의 염증에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 증상이며, 전립선 비대..

Hiccup - singultus - synchronous diaphramatic flutter (SDF)

Hiccup - singultus - synchronous diaphramatic flutter (SDF) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A hiccup or hiccough (normally pronounced "HICK-up" IPA: /ˈhɪkʌp/), is a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm that typically repeats several times per minute. In medicine, it is known as synchronous diaphramatic flutter (SDF). In humans, the abrupt rush of air into the lungs causes the epig..

★ Hippocratic Oath ★ 히포크라테스 선서

★ Hippocratic Oath The Hippocratic Oath is an oath traditionally taken by doctors swearing to ethically practice medicine. It is widely believed to have been written by Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, in the 4th century BC, or by one of his students[1], and is usually included in the Hippocratic Corpus. The phrase "Above all, do no harm" is usually attributed to the oath. Althoug..