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* 이스라엘 땅굴 탐사기술이 2017년 현재 답보 상태인 것 같은데 남한의 기발한 민간 탐사팀이 가서 함께 개발하면 어떨까 하는 생각이 든다.
4 Feb, 2016
US to invest $120 million into Israeli tunnel detection system –
The US and Israel are each to invest $120 million into a tunnel detection system, which Israel says it needs to guard its borders, Israeli media reported.
Israeli companies have been developing systems in order to detect underground tunnels crossing under the border with Gaza since at least the mid-2000s. In 2005 and 2006, two systems were shortlisted and tested, but failed their trials.
The effort intensified after the 2014 hostilities in Gaza, during which the IDF1 encountered an unexpectedly sophisticates system of underground communications used by the militant group Hamas 2to transport troops and weapons.
Similar underground pathways dug across the border, colloquially known as ‘terror tunnels’ in Israel, are used to launch surprise attacks on Israeli territory. Destruction of the tunnels was stated as one of the primary military goals of the Israeli campaign.
The development is to receive a $120 million cash injection over the next few years, the news website Ynet reported this week. It added that US Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work, who visited Israel in mid-January, approved the transfer of $40 million to cover the first year of the joint project. The Israeli government is to allocate a similar sum for the rapid deployment of the system, the report said.
The system, which involves hundreds of sensors detecting the noise of underground construction and sophisticated computer software which identifies genuine signals from false ones, was field-tested on some parts of the Gaza border last summer.
( Defense sources estimated that covering the entire border with Gaza would cost $380 million to $640 million. Creating a wall along the 65km border 3with Gaza similar to that erected by the US along its border with Mexico would cost much more, The Jerusalem Post reported at the time.)
The IDF and Defense Ministry told defense firms Rafael and Elbit involved in the development that “there is no budget limitation” for the project, a military source told the newspaper.
America’s investment in the tunnel detection system may pay off as tunnels not unlike those constructed by Hamas are used by smugglers at the US southern border too.
2017, 2. 28.
Development of tunnel-detection technology was delayed; foot-dragging continues to date
The search for a technological solution that can be used to locate underground tunnels has been going on for years, and the defense establishment takes pride in having examined virtually all possibilities. Even when such a system was found – and the army and the Ministry of Defense defined its implementation as a matter of urgency – the IDF was slow to deploy it.
As early as the end of 2012, the Defense Ministry commissioned a firm to carry out this effort, stipulating that the first stage should be completed by February 2014. By the time the war broke out in Gaza, however, this stage had not been completed; moreover, the equipment in question was deployed only in limited areas.
Even after the operation ended there were delays in installation of the system: only in late March 2015, a year after the scheduled date, did work start on installing it along Israel's border with Gaza – but the foot-dragging continued. By mid-2016, the system was still only partly operational and work is now underway to complete it.
전자기를 이용한 땅굴 발견 방법 소게
Detection of Underground Tunnels with a Synchronized Electromagnetic Wave Gradiometer
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