연구하는 인생/World Economy

Shadow Government, Secret Government, Invisibel Governmet

hanngill 2014. 10. 31. 20:56

The term shadow government (also cryptocracy), besides its party political meaning, also refers to what is sometimes called "the secret government" or "the invisible government," an idea based on the notion that real and actual political power does not reside with publicly elected representatives (for example, the United States Congress) but with private individuals who are exercising power behind the scenes, beyond the scrutiny of democratic institutions. According to this belief, the official elected government is in reality subservient to the shadow government who are the true executive power.

Conspiracy-oriented literature postulates the existence of a secret government who are the true power behind the apparent government. Examples of such literature include works by Dan Smoot, William Guy Carr, Jim Marrs, Carroll Quigley, Gary Allen, Des Griffin, David Icke, Michael A. Hoffman IIand John Coleman.

Some of these authors believe members of the secret government may represent or be agents for groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, CIA and MI6 in co-operation with international banks and financial institutions such as the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements.[1][2][3][4] 

Also popularizing the idea was the hit US television show, The X-Files.

Milton William Cooper claimed that the shadow government was in cooperation with extraterrestrial aliens. His 1991 book Behold A Pale Horse,[5][6]influential among "UFO and militia circles",[7] describes "the doings of the secret world government" and "a variety of other covert activities associated with the Illuminati's declaration of war upon the people of America".[8] Cooper claimed to have seen secret documents while in the Navy describing governmental dealings with aliens.

Cooper linked the Illuminati with his beliefs that extraterrestrials were secretly involved with the US government, but later retracted these claims. He accused Dwight D. Eisenhower of negotiating a treaty with extraterrestrials in 1954, then establishing an inner circle of Illuminati to manage relations with them and keep their presence a secret from the general public. Cooper believed that aliens "manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religions, magic, witchcraft, and the occult", and that even the Illuminati were unknowingly being manipulated by them.[5]

Cooper described the Illuminati as a secret international organization, controlled by the Bilderberg Group, that conspired with the Knights of Columbus, Masons, Skull and Bones, and other organizations. Its ultimate goal, he said, was the establishment of a New World Order.

According to Cooper the Illuminati conspirators not only invented alien threats for their own gain, but actively conspired with extraterrestrials to take over the world.[5] Cooper believed that James Forrestal's fatal fall from a window on the sixteenth floor of Bethesda Hospital was connected to the alleged secret committee Majestic-12, and that JASON advisory group scientists reported to an elite group of Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations executive committee members who were high-ranking members of the Illuminati.[9][10]

In his novel Coningsby, Benjamin Disraeli stated that "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes". one definition of a shadow government is a "secret government within the government". This secret government is the "real" government that controls the legitimate and visible government's agenda. The network of people constituting this secret government are bound by some common agenda known only to each other and/or the people they represent. The agenda may be that of a secret society who have infiltrated the government (examples include Freemasons, Skull and Bones men or Illuminatists). In this case the agenda of the network is known only to those members who are bound by an oath of secrecy.


  • 빌더버그 클럽 - 1954년부터 현재까지 매년마다 실시되는 초극비 엘리트 회의로 멤버들은 이름만 들어도 알만한 미국과 유럽의 왕실 인사, 정치인, 기업 총수, 금융권 수뇌들로 구성되어 있다. 모임이 개최되는 장소와 참석자 정보는 비밀이 아니지만 그 내용은 대외에 완전히 철저하게 극비에 부쳐지며 회의가 열리는 호텔은 통째로 임대돼 비밀정보요원들에게 엄격하게 출입이 통제된다. 그리고 호텔 주변에는 어떻게든 정보를 캐내려는 기자들과 비밀 엘리트 주의를 비판하는 시위꾼들이 모여든다. 일례로 2014년 개최장소인 덴마크 코펜하겐의 한 호텔에는 3m의 철조망이 쳐졌는데 용케 이를 뚫고 진입한 기자 2명이 체포되는 소동도 벌어지기도 했다. 이렇듯 세계를 쥐락펴락하는 영미권의 각계 최고 지도부들이 한 자리에 모여 비밀스런 회의를 벌인다는 점 때문에 사실상 전반적인 국제 정책들이 모두 여기서 결정된다는 설이 있다.
  • 삼극 위원회 - 미국, 유럽, 아시아의 엘리트들이 국제 정세를 논하는 회의로 존 데이비슨 록펠러의 아들인 데이비드 록펠러가 주최하였다. 처음에는 미국·일본·서유럽 출신 인사만으로 제한되었지만, 2000년대 들어서 중국, 인도 등 신흥국가 출신 엘리트들도 서서히 참가하기 시작했다. 역시 모든 회의 내용은 비밀이나 국제적 문제들을 공동 연구 및 토의하고 각국의 지도자들에게 정책을 제언하는 역할을 수행한다고 알려져 있다. 이 회의는 영미권이 주축인 빌더버그 그룹과는 달리 아시아 출신 인사들도 받아준다는 점에서 차이점이 있고 따라서 빌더버그 그룹보다는 그리 수준이 높지 않을 것으로 추측된다.이 회의는 매년마다 개최되며, 2013년에는 도쿄에서, 2014년에는 베를린에서 열렸다.