Exercise hypertension
Exercise hypertension is an excessive rise in blood pressure during exercise.
Many of those with exercise hypertension have spikes in systolic pressure to 250 mmHg or greater.
A rise in systolic blood pressure to over 200 mmHg when exercising at 100 W is pathological,
and a rise in pressure over 220 mmHg needs to be controlled by the appropriate drugs.
Similarly, in healthy individuals the response of the diastolic pressure to 'dynamic' exercise (e.g. walking, running) of moderate intensity is to remain constant or to fall slightly (due to the improved blood flow),
but in some individuals a rise of 10 mmHg or greater is found.
Recent work at Johns Hopkins involving a group of athletes aged 55 to 75 with mild hypertension has found a correlation of those with exercise hypertension to a reduced ability of the major blood vessels to change in size in response to increased blood flow (probably due to impaired function of the endothelial cells in the vessel walls).
(This is to be differentiated from stiffness of the blood-vessel walls, which was not found to be correlated with the effect.)
"Exercise Hypertension" Occurs When Cells Can't "Relax,"
Normally during exercise, blood pressure increases to push the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. However, in some individuals, the response to exercise is exaggerated. Instead of reaching a systolic (upper number) blood pressure of around 200 mmHg at maximal exercise, they spike at 250 mmHg or higher.
Johns Hopkins scientists researchers found that higher blood pressures in response to exercise were associated with poorer blood vessel expansion , suggesting that the endothelial cells failed to dilate enough to handle the extra blood flow.
There was no correlation between the stiffness of blood vessel walls or resting blood pressure with increased blood pressure during exercise.
Impaired endothelial function is not solely related to high blood pressure, Stewart adds. It also is associated with aging, menopause, high cholesterol, smoking and diabetes, and may be a common process for developing heart disease among all of these risk factors.
운동성고혈압은 평상시는 안정적이나 운동할 때(달릴 때) 수축기혈압이 올라가지만 일정수준(180∼190mmHg)에서 유지 ( 이 후 부터 무산소운동으로 들어가므로 혈압은 더 오르지 않는다.hanngill ) 되지 않고, 지속적으로 올라가는 것을 나타내며 260∼270mmHg까지 상승하기도 한다.
"운동성고혈압을 나타내는 사람은 5년이내에 약 50% 이상이 휴식시에도 고혈압으로 진행된다"는 보고가 있으므로 혈압관리에 보다 관심을 기울여야 한다.
운동성 고혈압이 있는 허혈성 심질환자( 비만, 고지혈증, 고혈압, 당뇨)는 위험하므로 가벼운 유산소 운동에 그쳐야 한다.
문제는 대부분이 이런 사실을 모르고 지낸다는 것이다. 간혹 운동중이나 달리기 하는 중에 혈압을 측정해 보아 운동성 고혈압이 있는지를 체크해 보아야 할 것이다.
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