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Phrasal verbs 지루하게 말하다. 싫은 말하다.

hanngill 2021. 12. 11. 05:06

The manager HELD FORTH on the topic for about twenty minutes.

He was still GRINDING ON about football when we left. 

He's always BANGING ON ABOUT football.

The director DREW the meeting OUT with a lengthy speech.

The minister DRONED ON for an hour and the audience looked increasingly bored.

She DWELT UPON the economic situation in her speech.

He WENT ON and ON talking and I was so bored.

He's always GOING ON ABOUT his kids.  에 대하여 계속하다. talk too much.

He HACKS me OFF with his endless complaining.  찍어내다

Quit RAMBLING ON- I’m tired of listening to you. 촛점없이 지루하게 말하다.

She RATTLED OFF loads of statistics which nobody could understand.

The spokeswoman TROTTED OUT the same old unconvincing excuses.

They WHEELED OUT the same old excuses last time this happened.

That shows that your interest is not in helping the student, but in JAWING AWAY.  입 놀리다.

They started JABBERING AWAY about file systems and lost me completely. 신나서 지껄여 대다.
  Jabber =gabble  지껄이다.  Gabble away.  prittle-prattle 헛소리 지껄이다. 프리틀프레틀하다.          


탓하다. 질타하다.

get at, get on at, get down on, come down on, fly at.  을 탓하다. [화살을 에게로]

lay into, sail into, give it to, stick it to,  start on at, tee off on 

His boss is always GETTING AT him for arriving late. 꾸중하다. 

He FLEW AT them for not trying hard enough.  갑자기 공격하다. 

He GOT INTO me for doing it badly. My mother used to GET DOWN ON us for not doing enough homework. 

They will COME DOWN UPON us if we are late.

He's always GETTING ON AT me when I haven't done anything wrong.

They really GAVE IT TO me for forgetting to turn up. It=책망 

His partner LAID INTO him when he arrived two hours late..
따지고 들다. 

He SAILED INTO me for turning up an hour late.

He STARTED ON AT me for being late.

She STUCK IT TO me for turning up half an hour late. 나에 들이대다. 불평하다.

She TEES me OFF when they turn up late.

She TEED OFF ON me about the work I gave her. (탓하기 사작)

He STARTED ON AT me for being late. 바가지 긁다


He accused her of lying, but she FRONTED him OUT 그에게 대들었다.  

I was late twice last week and my boss keeps HARPING ON about it.

They CHEWED him OUT for being late. 씹어대다.  Chew one's ear off 잔소리하다. 귀를 씹어내다  chew one's balls off  호되게 꾸짓다. 불알을 씹어내다

He LASHES OUT when things don't go his way. 휘둘르다.
Lash into sby. 

She BAWLED me OUT for coming home drunk. 고함치다.

My boss is always NAGGING AT me about my arriving a few minutes late for work. 잔소리로 들 볶다.

She DRESSED me DOWN for being rude. 나무란다

I don't mean to bag you out, but that top is really not flattering on you. 너를 평하는 것이 아니라  너의 상의는 정말 너에게 어울리지 않는다.

He bagged her out because she was late for the meeting.

The gangsters GOT AT the jury, who found them not guilty of all charges despite the evidence presented in court. 배심원들을 계속 나무랬다.

She TORE INTO me for losing it. She TEED OFF ON me about the work I gave her. (탓하기 사작)

He TICKED me OFF for arriving late. [ tick = Beat, tap]