時事 · 나의 時論

미국 북폭 임박 3, 4 월 중에

hanngill 2018. 3. 5. 03:09

미국 북폭 임박 3, 4 월 중에

문재인이 어떤 짓을 해도 무효

북한 붕괴와 남한에 친미 정권 수립, 시간이 걸릴 것.

김정은 제거와 북한 점령, 미군이 다스림

문재인 제거와 남한 점령, 미군이 침미정권을 새우고 간섭.

공산주의자 숙청은 필수적.

혼란이 적어도 2년은 걸릴 것.

To TRUMP  April 24, 2018.

From South Korea I suggest as follows:
<The Order of Denuclearization of Korean peninsula>
Firstly, Pre-emptive attack on North Korea.
Secondly, Demolishment of Kim Jung-un's rogue regime.
Thirdly, Elimination of Kim Jung-un.
Fourthly, Denucleariztion in North Korea.
Fifthly, Elimination of Moon Jae-in.
Sixthly, Construction of the reunified pro-US government of Korea
The last should be the main object.
At present Kim Jung-un is tricking on you Trump thru Moon Jae-in with the purpose to earn time to complete nuke weapon. Don't be deceived.
Too much seriousness makes loss of good chance. The best opportunity is not seen until it has passed away.