건강하고 행복하게/Good Life

Oil pulling or Oil swishing - wikipedia

hanngill 2014. 6. 30. 05:14
Oil pulling or oil swishing is a folk remedy where oil is "swished" (kavala graha) or "held" (snigda gandoosha) in the mouth.


Practitioners of oil pulling claim it is capable of improving oral and systemic health, including a benefit in conditions such as headaches, migraines, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth.


Its promoters claim it works by pulling out toxins, which are known as ama in Ayurvedic medicine, and thereby reducing inflammation.


Oil pulling has received little study and there is little evidence to support claims made by the technique's advocates.

 In one small study, sesame oil was found to be effective at reducing plaque and oral bacterial load, but was less effective than chlorhexidine (a chemical antiseptic mouthwash),

otherwise the health claims of oil pulling have failed scientific verification or have not been investigated.


Traditional usage

In traditional Ayurveda, an ancient Indian practice, gargling treatments like kavala graha and gandusha have been used to treat imbalances of various doshas.

Ayurveda does not recommend general treatments blindly for everyone, but rather, health is held to be very individualistic, and, the dominant dosha in both the individual and nature determines health care, including dental health.

 As per Ayurvedic literature, sesame oil is one among many medicinal fluids recommended for daily preventive use and/or seasonal use to reduce dryness (vata dosha)of the mouth and reduce inflammation and burning sensation in the mouth.

Current origin

The phrase, Oil pulling, and its usage in its current form, was popularized in early 1990s, by one of the early adopters, Lt Col Tummala Koteswara Rao based in Bangalore, South India. Rao actively evangelized oil pulling as an ancient Ayurvedic practice. Articles on oil pulling therapy, and interviews with Rao were published in English and regional language newspapers in India at various times.

Rao claims to have been introduced to oil pulling by a paper, reportedly presented, by a Dr F. Karach, to the All Ukrainian Association of the Academy of Science of the USSR in which he advocated a method of oil pulling, which, consists of swishing, not gargling, vegetable oil in the mouth. The paper by Mr Fedor Karach, is claimed to have been widely circulated, in 1991, in German Magazines “Natur & Heilen” (“Nature & Healing” - author: Günther W. Frank) and, “Natur und Medizin” (“Nature and Medicine” - author: Veronica Carstens).[24] It is further claimed, in the same paper, that Siberian shamans practised oil pulling with sunflower oil for more than a century[25]

The extensive promotion as an Ayurvedic practice, the increased commercial interest in vegetable oil and the claimed anecdotal benefits helped firmly establish oil pulling, as a popular complementary and alternative medicine home remedy.

Traditionally, sesame oil was used for oil pulling, but recent endorsements by celebrities has resulted in increasing popularity of coconut oil based oil pulling, in the Western world.[27]

Purported mechanism of action

Even after several (limited) studies, the exact mechanism of action of oil pulling therapy is still not clear.

The suggestion is that oil provides a surface layer that prevents plaque or bacteria adhering to teeth.

It is also suggested that by increasing the secretion of saliva, oil pulling, uses the salivary glands in the mouth as a detoxifying organ - the saliva can trap the toxin within the oil particles.

It is also suggested that the prolonged and forceful mechanical action could play a part in dislodging bacteria and undigested particles from the deep crevices within the mouth.

Oil pulling with sesame seed oil moisturizes gums, which can provide a measure of relief to those suffering from dry mouth. Dry mouth is known to increase bacteria growth.


Hard evidence of the benefits and risks is hard to come by and American Dental Association state that insufficient research has been done on oil pulling,

The Canadian Dental Association responding to published research, has stated thay "We sense oil pulling won’t do any harm, we’re not convinced there are any particular benefits to it.

In vitro, lab studies have indicated the antibacterial activity of edible oils such as coconut oil, sesame oil and sunflower oil.

 Also limited studies have indicated the effectiveness of essential oils such as tea tree oil against gingivitis and dental plaque formation when used in combination with regular oral hygiene.

  • A 2012 - AIT, Ireland - study indicates that coconut oil which has been partially digested (or enzyme modified) by saliva is more effective than natural coconut oil.

Against the background of current scientific and empirical knowledge, edible oils might be used as oral hygiene supplements but a decisive benefit for the oral health status is questionable The drawbacks highlighted by medical professionals and experts are: [54][55]

  • Oil pulling cannot replace care from a qualified dentist, and any delays in going to the dentist might make it difficult to treat mouth problems.
  • It consumes more time than conventional alcohol-free, antiseptic mouthwash
  • There is a report of lipid pneumonia caused by accidental inhalation of the oil during oil pulling.[56][57][33]
  • Coconut oil, in rare cases, can act as an antigenic agent that causes contact dermatitis.[58][59][60]
  • The oil has to be spit into the garbage can, not the sink. Coconut oil if it solidifies can clog the pipes.[61][62]

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