건강하고 행복하게/Good Life

Andreas Moritz - The Mysterious Death of a Legend

hanngill 2013. 6. 13. 18:07

Andreas Moritz - The Mysterious Death of a Legend

On October 21st, 2012 at approximately 9am, medical intuitive, Andreas Moritz was reported to have died.  The shock wave went through the web with disbelief and great sadness.  How could this be? He was so young, 58 years old and worked right up to his death.

There were no cause of death reported, only a message on his website and on Face Book announcing he had died.   

~ Announcement ~ Posted on Website and Face Book - Sunday October 21, 2012

It is with a mixture of profound human sadness and deep spiritual gratitude that we announce to the world that Andreas Moritz has returned to the Realms of Light.

During his all-too-brief stay here on Earth, Andreas touched the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Through his teachings, his books, his art, his personal guidance and inspiration, he helped people throughout the

world to restore their health and well-being, and, in so doing, transform their lives.

As his mission here on Earth was nearing completion, he worked passionately to write and complete four more books, and they will be released in the coming months.

As we each deal with this shock and our personal grief surrounding his transition, the greatest gift we can give to Andreas is to send Love and Gratitude to assist him as he continues his Mission from the higher dimensions.

At some point in the future we plan to co-create a global celebration of his life and many blessings to the world.

~ The Ener-Chi Family

Andreas Moritz - Legend, Medical Intuitive, Writer, Husband and Merciful Teacher

He was born on January 27th 1954 and was married to Lillian Maresch (Lilly) who holds a PHD in Psychology.  He was a gentle man and had written many books in his lifetime.  He was most recognized for his book on liver flushing, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush. 

He was originally from Germany but had traveled the world educating himself on healing.  His studies were extensive and many were done to learn how to heal his own illnesses.  Moritz wrote his bio on Amazon, "From the age of six, Moritz experienced a number of severe illnesses such as juvenile arthritis, arrhythmia, anemia, abnormally low blood pressure, frequent fainting and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Although his main fields of interest were architecture, music and athletics, most of his time was spent in trying to understand the causes of his own illnesses. As an adolescent, Moritz began studying diet, nutrition and various approaches to natural healing and well-being."

Andreas Moritz Many Books Include:
  • Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation
  • The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush
  • Cancer Is Not a Disease! — It’s A Survival Mechanism
  • Lifting the Veil of Duality
  • Feel Great, Lose Weight
  • It’s Time to Come Alive
  • Heart Disease No More!
  • Simple Steps to Total Health
  • Diabetes – No More!
  • Ending the AIDS Myth
  • Heal Yourself with Sunlight
  • Hear The Whispers, Live Your Dream
  • Vaccine-nation
I knew of him and had seen him on Curezone where I have several forums.  He had moved on before I arrived, but he was well respected and loved.  I wrote an article on The only Liver Flush That Works and he contacted me.   He followed me on Twitter and very nicely wanted to tell me that his flush was good also.

He was kind, gentle and professional at all times.  So when I heard of the news of his death I was sad. I just could not understand why the secrets though.  Why not just tell people how he died and why he died so suddenly.  There were many rumors floating around about his health and from his last video on vaccines, it appeared Andreas Moritz was indeed sick as he stumbled through the video not totally in control.  


Just trying to find his home town was a huge struggle. Even Wikimedia had deleted his page. Now if Wikimedia disowns you, that is bad.  I finally got a lead through his Amazon page where he stated he met his wife in Minnesota and that they were now living in the Carolinas.  So my sleuth mentality now was at work.  I knew that something very secretive was going on.

I tried searching for him in North Carolina with no luck at all and then I searched in South Carolina and found a lead through Face Book.  They gave out his home town which is Landrum, South Carolina.

Aha! So I then went through every newspaper in Landrum and the entire county and not one obituary and not one death notice.  How could this be possible and why was his death such a big deal

On the Day of His Death - Sunday October 21st at 5am on Face Book he posted:
Exciting new research conducted at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Nebraska has revealed that supplementing with vitamin D and calcium can reduce your risk of cancer by an astonishing 77 %. This includes breast cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer and other forms of cancer. This research provides strong new evidence that vitamin D is the single most effective medicine against cancer, far outpacing the benefits of any cancer drug known to modern science.
The study involved 1,179 healthy women from rural Nebraska. one group of women was given calcium (around 1500 mg daily) and vitamin D (1100 IU daily) while another group was given placebo. Over four year, the group receiving the calcium and vitamin D supplements showed a 60 % decrease in cancers. Considering just the last 3 years of the study reveals an impressive 77 % reduction in cancer due to supplementation.
This research on vitamin D is such good news that the American Cancer Society, of course, had to say something against it. An ACS spokesperson, Marji McCullough, strategic director of nutritional epidemiology for the American Cancer Society, flatly stated that nobody should take supplements to prevent cancer.
If it seems surprising to you that the American Cancer Society - which claims to be against cancer - would dissuade people from taking supplements that slash their cancer risk by 77 %, then you don’t know much about the ACS. The ACS is an organization that actually prevents prevention and openly supports the continuation of cancer as a way to boost its power and profits. The ACS is the wealthiest non-profit organization in America and has very close ties to pharmaceutical companies, mammography equipment companies and other corporations that profit from cancer.
This was also the last post he made on his Twitter Page
So at 5am he was posting on Twitter and at 9:08am someone posted he had died.  Apparently he was not bedridden and apparently he was well enough to work.  But still why was no notice given of how he died?

Rumors Everywhere on Andreas Moritz Demise

Apparently he was a victim of big Pharma and some say he had death threats.  So rumors surfaced that he may have been murdered, committed suicide or maybe simply died of cancer and did not want to tell the world that his program did not work.

What was the reason for the secrecy and who really cares how he died? We do! People have the right to ask questions and they have a right to know.  First many people put their faith in him and people's lives are at stake here.  If his program does not work for everyone then simply make a statement that due to complications Andreas has died from cancer.

His true friends would stick by him and understand that there are flaws in most protocols.  Was the family afraid book sales would falter, lawsuits would follow or were they simply trying to find some alone time to handle the grief?   

What is a Medical Intuitive?
If Moritz was truly a medical intuitive or healer as he professed, then he was well aware of his sickness. Rumors followed that he was rushing to finish his last 4 books and time will tell if that has been accomplished.  He was an accomplished artist and his paintings alone showed his inner soul. His paintings on power and the hereafter reflected desire, strength and feelings.
A medical intuitive or healer would know when something is wrong with the body.  You are able to see above the body and look down and scan the entire body and know how then to treat the disease.  Healers are not perfect, but they definitely know if they have cancer or something major.
We each have decisions to make and you may only have one choice.  Apparently Moritz chose the wrong protocol and that in the end was his true destiny.

Why the Mystery of His Death?


Similar notices were on Face Book but within 24 hours the notice at Face Book was removed. There was one post from one of his books posted  a few hours ago and more and more questioned why no answers were given. So if he indeed had cancer, why not just say that? Someone took the time to post notices everywhere on social media, but not enough time to answer our one question -- how did he die?

Was this Andreas last wish that no one know his personal business or was the family deep in fear from pressures from the pharmaceutical industry?  I know these fears to be real.  I knew a man who had death threats against him and he was dead in 30 days.   

Even if he died of Aids, Cancer or Even MS, his followers would still love and follow him.  In the past when holistic healers died of normal diseases their legacies have been attacked,  In the weeks to come we can only hope that I have to edit this very long article with the real truth.  

We wish him much peace, his family comfort and the world an understanding that Andreas was who he was.  He was caring, intelligent beyond his time and he was someone who taught us all more about nutrition, cleansing and cancer than most have.


