The Diamond of the Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom
(translated by A.F.Price)
1.The Convocation of the Assembly. 法會因由.
Thus have I heard. Upon a time Buddha sojourned in Anathapindika's Park by Shravasti with a great company of bhikshus, even twelve hundred and fifty.
One day, at the time for breaking fast, the World-honored one enrobed, and carrying His bowl made His way into the great city of Shravasti to beg for His food. In the midst of the city He begged from door to door according to rule.
This done, He returned to His retreat and took His meal. When He had finished He put away His robe and begging bowl, washed His feet, arranged His seat, and sat down.
如是我聞 一時. 佛 在舍衛國 祇樹給孤獨園 與大比丘衆千二百五十人俱
爾時 世尊 食時 着衣持鉢 入舍衛大城 乞食於其城中
次第乞已 還至本處 飯食訖 收衣鉢 洗足已 敷座而坐
2. Subhuti Makes a Request. 善現起請.
Now in the midst of the assembly was the Venerable Subhuti. Forthwith he arose, uncovered his right shoulder, knelt upon his right knee, and, respectfully raising his hands with palms joined, addressed Buddha thus:
World-honored one, if good men and good women seek the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment, by what criteria should they abide and how should they control their thoughts?
Buddha said: Very good, Subhuti! Just as you say, the Tathagata is ever-mindful of all the Bodhisattvas, protecting and instructing them well. Now listen and take my words to heart: I will declare to you by what criteria good men and good women seeking the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment should abide, and how they should control their thoughts.
Said Subhuti: Pray, do, World-honored one. With joyful anticipation we long to hear.
時 長老 須菩提 在大衆中 卽從座起 偏袒右肩 右膝着地 合掌恭敬 而白佛言.
希有 世尊. 如來 善護念諸菩薩 善付囑諸菩薩 世尊 善男子 善女人 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 應云何住 云何降伏其心?
佛言. 善哉善哉 須菩提 如汝所說 如來 善護念諸菩薩 善付囑諸菩薩 汝今諦請. 當爲汝說.善男子 善女人 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 應如是住 如是降伏其心.
唯然 世尊 願樂欲聞.
3. The Real Teaching of the Great Way. 大乘正宗.
Buddha said: Subhuti, all the Bodhisattva-Heroes should discipline their thoughts as follows:
All living creatures of whatever class, born from eggs, from wombs, from moisture, or by transformation whether with form or without form, whether in a state of thinking or exempt from thought-necessity, or wholly beyond all thought realms --
all these are caused by Me to attain Unbounded Liberation Nirvana. Yet when vast, uncountable, immeasurable numbers of beings have thus been liberated, verily no being has been liberated.
Why is this, Subhuti? It is because no Bodhisattva who is a real Bodhisattva cherishes the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality.
佛告. 須菩提 諸菩薩摩訶薩 應如是降伏其心.
所有一切衆生之類 若卵生 若胎生 若濕生 若化生 若有色 若無色 若有想 若無想 若非有想 非無想
我皆令入無餘涅槃 而滅度之 如是滅度 無量無數無邊衆生 實無衆生得滅度者.
何以故 須菩提 若菩薩 有 我相 人相 衆生相 壽者相 卽非菩薩.
4. Even the Most Beneficent Practices are Relative. 妙行無住.
Furthermore, Subhuti, in the practice of charity a Bodhisattva should be detached.
That is to say, he should practice charity without regard to appearances; without regard to sound, odor, touch, flavor or any quality.
Subhuti, thus should the Bodhisattva practice charity without attachment.
Wherefore? In such a case his merit is incalculable.
Subhuti, what do you think? Can you measure all the space extending eastward?
No, World-honored one, I cannot.
Then can you, Subhuti, measure all the space extending southward, westward, northward, or in any other direction, including nadir and zenith?
No, World-honored one, I cannot.
Well, Subhuti, equally incalculable is the merit of the Bodhisattva who practices charity without any attachment to appearances.
Subhuti, Bodhisattvas should persevere one-pointedly in this instruction.
復次 須菩提 菩薩 於法應無所住 行於布施 所謂不住色布施 不住聲香味觸法布施.
須菩提 菩薩 應如是布施 不住於相.
何以故 若菩薩 不住相布施 其福德 不可思量.
須菩提 於意云何 東方虛空 可思量不.
須菩提 南西北方 四維 上下 虛空 可思量 不.
須菩提 菩薩 無住相布施福德 亦復如是 不可思量.
須菩提 菩薩 但應如所敎住.
5. Understanding the Ultimate Principle of Reality. 如理實見.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Is the Tathagata to be recognized by some material characteristic?
No, World-honored one; the Tathagata cannot be recognized by any material characteristic. Wherefore? Because the Tathagata has said that
material characteristics are not, in fact, material characteristics.
Buddha said: Subhuti, wheresoever are material characteristics there is delusion; but whoso perceives that all characteristics are in fact no-characteristics, perceives the Tathagata.
須菩提 於意云何?
可以身相 見如來不?
不也 世尊. 不可以身相 得見如來 何以故 如來所說 身相 卽非身相.
佛告. 須菩提 凡所有相 皆是虛妄 若見諸相 非相 卽見如來.
6. Rare is True Faith . 正信希有.
Subhuti said to Buddha: World-honored one, will there always be men who will truly believe after coming to hear these teachings?
Buddha answered:
Subhuti, do not utter such words!
At the end of the last five-hundred-year period following the passing of the Tathagata, there will be self-controlled men, rooted in merit, coming to hear these teachings, who will be inspired with belief.
But you should realize that such men have not strengthened their root of merit under just one Buddha, or two Buddhas, or three, or four, or five Buddhas, but under countless Buddhas; and their merit is of every kind.
Such men, coming to hear these teachings, will have an immediate uprising of pure faith, Subhuti; and the Tathagata will recognize them. Yes, He will clearly perceive all these of pure heart, and the magnitude of their moral excellences.
Wherefore? It is because such men will not fall back to cherishing the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality. They will neither fall back to cherishing the idea of things as having intrinsic qualities, nor even of things as devoid of intrinsic qualities.
Wherefore? Because if such men allowed their minds to grasp and hold on to anything they would be cherishing the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality; and if they grasped and held on to the notion of things as having intrinsic qualities they would be cherishing the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality.
Likewise, if they grasped and held on to the notion of things as devoid of intrinsic qualities they would be cherishing the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality.
So you should not be attached to things as being possessed of, or devoid of, intrinsic qualities.
This is the reason why the Tathagata always teaches this saying:
My teaching of the Good Law is to be likened unto a raft. [Does a man who has safely crossed a flood upon a raft continue his journey carrying that raft upon his head?]
The Buddha-teaching must be relinquished; how much more so mis-teaching!
須菩提 白佛言. 世尊 頗有衆生 得聞如是言說章句 生實信 不?
佛告. 須菩提 莫作是說 如來滅後 後五百歲 有持戒修福者 於此章句 能生信心 以此爲實.
當知 是人 不於一佛二佛三四五佛 而種善根 已於無量千萬佛 所種諸善根.
聞是章句乃至一念 生淨信者 須菩提 如來 悉知悉見 是諸衆生得如是無量福德.
何以故 是諸衆生 無復 我相 人相 衆生相 壽者相 無法相 亦無非法相.
何以故 是諸衆生 若心取相 卽爲 着 我 人 衆生 壽者. 若取法相 卽着 我 人 衆生 壽者
何以故 若取非法相 卽着 我 人 衆生 壽者
是故 不應取法 不應取非法.
以是義故 如來常說 汝等比丘 知我說法 如筏喩者.
法尙應捨 何況非法.
7. Great ones, Perfect Beyond Learning, Utter no Words of Teaching . 無得無說.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Has the Tathagata attained the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment?
Has the Tathagata a teaching to enunciate?
Subhuti answered:
As I understand Buddha's meaning there is no formulation of truth called Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment.
Moreover, the Tathagata has no formulated teaching to enunciate.
Wherefore? Because the Tathagata has said that truth is uncontainable and inexpressible. It neither is nor is it not.
Thus it is that this unformulated Principle is the foundation of the different systems of all the sages.
須菩提 於意云何. 如來 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提耶. 如來 有所說法耶
須菩提言. 如 我解 佛所說義 無有定法名阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 亦 無有定法 如來可說.
何以故 如來 所說法 皆 不可取 不可說 非法 非非法
所以者何? 一切賢聖 皆以無爲法 而有差別.
8. The Fruits of Meritorious Action . 依法出生.
Subhuti, what do you think? If anyone filled three thousand galaxies of worlds with the seven treasures and gave all away in gifts of alms, would he gain great merit?
Subhuti said: Great indeed, World-honored one! Wherefore? Because merit partakes of the character of no-merit, the Tathagata characterized the merit as great.
Then Buddha said: on the other hand, if anyone received and retained even only four lines of this Discourse and taught and explained them to others, his merit would be the greater. Wherefore? Because, Subhuti, from this Discourse issue forth all the Buddhas and the Consummation of
Incomparable Enlightenment teachings of all the Buddhas.
Subhuti, what is called "the Religion given by Buddha" is not, in fact Buddha-Religion.
須菩提 於意云何. 若人滿三千大千世界七寶 以用布施 是人 所得福德 寧爲多 不?
須菩提言 甚多 世尊. 何以故 是福德 卽 非福德性 是故 如來說 福德多.
若復有人 於此經中受持 乃至 四句偈等 爲他人說 其福勝彼.
何以故 須菩提 一切諸佛 及 諸佛阿耨多羅三藐三菩提法 皆從此經出.
須菩提 所謂佛法者 卽非佛法.
9. Real Designation is Undesignated . 一相無相.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Does a disciple who has entered the Stream of the Holy Life say within himself: I obtain the fruit of a Stream-entrant?
Subhuti said: No, World-honored one. Wherefore? Because "Stream-entrant" is merely a name. There is no stream-entering.
The disciple who pays no regard to form, sound, odor, taste, touch, or any quality, is called a Stream-entrant.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Does an adept who is subject to only one more rebirth say within himself: I obtain the fruit of a once-to-be-reborn?
Subhuti said: No, World-honored one. Wherefore? Because "Once-to-be-reborn" is merely a name. There is no passing away nor coming into existence. [The adept who realizes] this is called once-to-be-reborn.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Does a venerable one who will never more be reborn as a mortal say within himself: I obtain the fruit of a Non-returner?
Subhuti said: No, World-honored one. Wherefore? Because "Non-returner" is merely a name.
There is no non-returning; hence the designation "Non-returner."
Subhuti, what do you think?
Does a holy one say within himself: I have obtained Perfective Enlightenment?
Subhuti said: No, World-honored one. Wherefore? Because there is no such condition as that called "Perfective Enlightenment."
World-honored one, if a holy one of Perfective Enlightenment said to himself "such am I," he would necessarily partake of the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality.
World-honored one, when the Buddha declares that I excel amongst holy men in the Yoga of perfect quiescence, in dwelling in seclusion, and in freedom from passions, I do not say within myself: I am a holy one of Perfective Enlightenment, free from passions.
World-honored one, if I said within myself: Such am I; you would not declare: Subhuti finds happiness abiding in peace, in seclusion in the midst of the forest.
This is because Subhuti abides nowhere: therefore he is called, "Subhuti, Joyful-Abider-in-Peace, Dweller-in-Seclusion-in-the-Forest."
須菩提 於意云何. 須陀洹 能作是念 我得須陀洹果 不?
須菩提言. 不也 世尊. 何以故 須陀洹 名爲入流 而無所入 不入色聲香味觸法 是名須陀洹
須菩提 於意云何. 斯陀含 能作是念 我得斯陀含果 不?
須菩提言. 不也 世尊. 何以故 斯陀含 名一往來 而實無往來 是名斯陀含.
須菩提 於意云何. 阿那含 能作是念 我得阿那含果 不.
須菩提言. 不也 世尊. 何以故 阿那含 名爲不來 而實無不來 是故 名阿那含.
須菩提 於意云何. 阿羅漢 能作是念 我得阿羅漢道 不?
須菩提言. 不也 世尊. 何以故 實無有法 名阿羅漢.
世尊 若阿羅漢作是念 我得阿羅漢道 卽爲着我人衆生壽者
世尊 佛說 我得無諍三昧人中最爲第一 是 第一離欲阿羅漢.
世尊 我不作是念 我是離欲阿羅漢.
世尊 我若作是念 我得阿羅漢道 世尊 卽不說 須菩提 是樂阿蘭那行者.
以 須菩提 實無所行 而名 須菩提 是樂阿蘭那行
10. Setting Forth Pure Lands. 莊嚴淨土.
Buddha said: Subhuti, what do you think?
In the remote past when the Tathagata was with Dipankara Buddha, did he have any degree of attainment in the Good Law?
No, World-honored one. When the Tathagata was with Dipankara( Dipamkara, lamp bearer) Buddha he had no degree of attainment in the Good Law.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Does a Bodhisattva set forth any majestic Buddha-lands?
No, World-honored one. Wherefore? Because setting forth majestic Buddha-lands is not a majestic setting forth; this is merely a name.
[Then Buddha continued:] Therefore, Subhuti, all Bodhisattvas, lesser and greater, should develop a pure, lucid mind, not depending upon sound, flavor, touch, odor, or any quality. A Bodhisattva should develop a mind which alights upon no thing whatsoever; and so should he establish it.
Subhuti, this may be likened to a human frame as large as the mighty Mount Sumeru.
What do you think? Would such a body be great?
Subhuti replied: Great indeed, World-honored one. This is because Buddha has explained that no body is called a great body.
*Generally, Buddhists believe that there has been a succession of many Buddhas in the distant past and that many more will appear in the future;
Dipankara, then, would be one of numerous previous Buddhas, while Gautama was the most recent, and Maitreya will be the next Buddha in the future.
佛告 須菩提 於意云何. 如來昔在燃燈佛所 於法 有所得 不?
不也 世尊. 如來在燃燈佛所 於法 實無所得.
須菩提 於意云何. 菩薩 莊嚴佛土 不?
不也 世尊. 何以故 莊嚴佛土者 卽非莊嚴 是名莊嚴.
是故 須菩提 諸菩薩摩訶薩 應如 是生淸淨心. 不應住色 生心 不應住聲香味觸法 生心. 應無所住 而生其心.
須菩提 譬如有人 身如須彌山王 於意云何. 是身爲大 不?
須菩提言. 甚大 世尊. 何以故 佛說非身 是名大身
11. The Superiority of Unformulated Truth. 無爲福勝.
Subhuti, if there were as many Ganges rivers as the sand-grains of the Ganges, would the sand-grains of them all be many?
Subhuti said: Many indeed, World-honored one! Even the Ganges rivers would be innumerable; how much more so would be their sand-grains.
Subhuti, I will declare a truth to you. If a good man or good woman filled three thousand galaxies of worlds with the seven treasures for each sand-grain in all those Ganges rivers, and gave all away in gifts of alms, would he gain great merit?
Subhuti answered: Great indeed, World-honored one!
Then Buddha declared: Nevertheless, Subhuti, if a good man or good woman studies this Discourse only so far as to receive and retain four lines, and teaches and explains them to others, the consequent merit would be far greater.
須菩提 如恒河中 所有沙數 如是沙等恒河 於意云何. 是諸恒河沙 寧爲多 不?
菩提言 甚多 世尊. 但諸恒河 尙多無數 何況其沙.
須菩提 我今實言告汝. 若有善男子 善女人 以七寶滿爾所恒河沙數 三千大千世界 以用布施 得福多 不?
須菩提言. 甚多 世尊.
佛告. 須菩提 若善男子 善女人 於此經中乃至受持四句偈等 爲他人說 而此福德勝前福德
12. Veneration of the True Doctrine. 尊重正敎.
Furthermore, Subhuti, you should know that wheresoever this Discourse is proclaimed, by even so little as four lines, that place should be venerated by the whole realms of Gods, Men and Titans as though it were a Buddha-Shrine.
How much more is this so in the case of one who is able to receive and retain the whole and read and recite it throughout! Subhuti, you should know that such a one attains the highest and most wonderful truth.
Wheresoever this sacred Discourse may be found there should you comport yourself as though in the presence of Buddha and disciples worthy of honor.
復次 須菩提 隨說是經乃至四句偈等 當知 此處 一切世間 天人阿修羅 皆應供養 如佛塔廟.
何況有人 盡能受持讀誦 須菩提 當知是人 成就最上 第一希有之法.
若是經典所在之處 卽爲有佛 若尊重弟子
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13. How this Teaching should be Received and Retained? 如法受持.
At that time Subhuti addressed Buddha, saying: World-honored one, by what name should this Discourse be known, and how should we receive and retain it?
Buddha answered: Subhuti, this Discourse should be known as "The Diamond of the Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom" - thus should you receive and retain it.
Subhuti, what is the reason herein?
According to the Buddha-teaching the Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom is not really such. "Perfection of
Transcendental Wisdom" is just the name given to it.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Has the Tathagata a teaching to enunciate?
Subhuti replied to the Buddha: World-honored one, the Tathagata has nothing to teach.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Would there be many molecules in [the composition of] three thousand galaxies of worlds?
Subhuti said: Many indeed, World-honored one!
Subhuti, the Tathagata declares that all these molecules are not really such; they are called"molecules."
[Furthermore,] the Tathagata declares
that a world is not really a world; it is called "a world."Subhuti, what do you think?
May the Tathagata be perceived by the thirty-two physical peculiarities [of an outstanding sage]?
No, World-honored one, the Tathagata may not be perceived by these thirty-two marks. Wherefore? Because the Tathagata has explained that the thirty-two marks are not really such; they are called "the thirty-two marks."
Subhuti, if on the one hand a good man or a good woman sacrifices as many lives as the sand-grains of the Ganges, and on the other hand anyone receives and retains even only four lines of this Discourse, and teaches and explains them to others, the merit of the latter will be the greater.
爾時 須菩提白佛言 世尊 當何名此經 我等云何奉持.
佛告. 須菩提 是經 名爲金剛般若波羅蜜 以是名字 汝當奉持.
所以者何 須菩提 佛說般若波羅蜜 卽非般若波羅蜜 是名般若波羅蜜.
須菩提 於意云何 如來有所說法 不?
須菩提白佛言 世尊 如來無所說.
須菩提 於意云何 三千大千世界所有微塵 是爲多 不?
須菩提言 甚多. 世尊.
須菩提 諸微塵如來說 非微塵 是名微塵 如來說世界 非世界 是名世界.
須菩提 於意云何 可以三十二相見如來 不?
不也 世尊. 不可以三十二相得見如來 何以故 如來說三十二相 卽是非相 是名三十二相.
須菩提 若有善男子 善女人 以恒河沙等身命布施
若復有人 於此經中 乃至 受持四句偈等 爲他人說 其福甚多.
14. Perfect Peace Lies in Freedom from Characteristic Distinctions. 離相寂滅.
Upon the occasion of hearing this Discourse Subhuti had an interior realization of its meaning and was moved to tears. Whereupon he addressed the Buddha thus:
It is a most precious thing, World-honored one, that you should deliver this supremely profound Discourse. Never have I heard such an exposition since of old my eye of wisdom first opened.
World-honored one, if anyone listens to this Discourse in faith with a pure, lucid mind, he will thereupon conceive an idea of Fundamental Reality. We should know that such a one establishes the most remarkable virtue.
World-honored one, such an idea of Fundamental Reality is not, in fact, a distinctive idea; therefore the Tathagata teaches: "Idea of Fundamental Reality" is merely a name.
World-honored one, having listened to this Discourse, I receive and retain it with faith and understanding. This is not difficult for me, but in ages to come - in the last five-hundred years, if there be men coming to hear this Discourse who receive and retain it with faith and understanding, they will
be persons of most remarkable achievement.
Wherefore? Because they will be free from the idea of an ego-entity, free from the idea of a personality, free from the idea of a being, and free from the idea of a separated individuality.
And why? Because the distinguishing of an ego-entity is erroneous. Likewise the distinguishing of a personality, or a being, or a separated individuality is erroneous.
Consequently those who have left behind every phenomenal distinction are called Buddhas all.
爾時 須菩提 聞說是經 深解義趣 涕淚悲泣 而白佛言.
希有 世尊. 佛說 如是甚深經典.我從昔來 所得慧眼. 未曾得聞 如是之經.
世尊 若復有人 得聞是經 信心淸淨 卽生實相 當知 是人成就第一 希有功德.
世尊 是實相者 卽是非相 是故 如來說名實相.
世尊 我今得聞如是經典 信解受持 不足爲難
若當來世 後五百歲 其有衆生 得聞是經 信解受持 是人 卽爲第一希有.
何以故 此人 無我相 無人相 無衆生相 無壽者相.
所以者何 我相 卽是非相 人相 衆生相 壽者相 卽是非
何以故 離一切諸相 卽名諸佛.
Buddha said to Subhuti:
Just as you say! If anyone listens to this Discourse and is neither filled with alarm nor awe nor dread, be it known that such a one is of remarkable achievement.
Wherefore? Because, Subhuti, the Tathagata teaches that the First Perfection [the Perfection of Charity] is not, in fact, the First Perfection: such is merely a name.
Subhuti, the Tathagata teaches likewise that the Perfection of Patience is not the Perfection of Patience: such is merely a name.
Why so? It is shown thus, Subhuti:
When the Rajah of Kalinga mutilated my body, I was at that time free from the idea of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, and a separated
Wherefore? Because then when my limbs were cut away piece by piece, had I been bound by the distinctions aforesaid, feelings of anger and hatred would have been aroused in me.
Subhuti, I remember that long ago, sometime during my past five-hundred mortal lives, I was an ascetic practicing patience. Even then was I free
Therefore, Subhuti, Bodhisattvas should leave behind all phenomenal distinctions and awaken the thought of the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment by not allowing the mind to depend upon notions evoked by the sensible world - by not allowing the mind to depend upon notions
evoked by sounds, odors, flavors, touch-contacts, or any qualities.
The mind should be kept independent of any thoughts which arise within it. If the mind depends upon anything it has no sure haven.
This is why Buddha teaches that the mind of a Bodhisattva should not accept the appearances of things as a basis when exercising charity.
Subhuti, as Bodhisattvas practice charity for the welfare of all living beings they should do it in this manner.
Just as the Tathagata declares that characteristics are not characteristics, so He declares that all living beings are not, in fact, living beings.
Subhuti, the Tathagata is He who declares that which is true; He who declares that which is fundamental; He who declares that which is ultimate. He does not declare that which is deceitful, nor that which is monstrous.
Subhuti, that Truth to which the Tathagata has attained is neither real nor unreal.
Subhuti, if a Bodhisattva practices charity with mind attached to formal notions he is like unto a man groping sightless in the gloom; but a Bodhisattva who practices charity with mind detached from any formal notions is like unto a man with open eyes in the radiant glory of the morning, to whom all kinds of objects are clearly visible.
Subhuti, if there be good men and good women in future ages, able to receive, read and recite this Discourse in its entirety, the Tathagata will clearly perceive and recognize them by means of His Buddha-knowledge; and each one of them will bring immeasurable and incalculable merit to
佛告. 須菩提 如是如是.
若復有人 得聞是經 不驚 不怖 不畏 當知 是人 甚爲希有.
何以故 須菩提 如來說 第一波羅蜜 卽非第一波羅蜜 是名第一波羅蜜.
須菩提 忍辱波羅蜜如來說 非忍辱波羅蜜.
何以故 須菩提 如我昔爲歌利王 割截身體 我於爾時 無我相 無人相 無衆生相 無壽者相.
何以故 我於往昔節 節支解時 若有 我相 人相 衆生相 壽者相 應生嗔恨.
須菩提 又念過去於五百世 作忍辱仙人 於爾所世 無我相 無人相 無衆生相 無壽者相
是故 須菩提 菩薩 應離一切相 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心. 不應住色生心 不應住聲香味觸法生心.
應生無所住心. 若心有住 卽爲非住. 是故 佛說 菩薩 心不應住色布施.
須菩提 菩薩 爲利益一切衆生 應如是布施.
如來說一切諸相 卽是非相 又說一切衆生 卽非衆生.
須菩提 如來 是 眞語者 實語者 如語者. 不狂語者 不異語者.
須菩提 如來所得法 此法無實 無虛.
須菩提 若菩薩 心住於法 而行布施 如人入闇 卽無所見.
若菩薩 心不住法 而行布施 如人有目 日光明照 見種種色.
須菩提 當來之世 若有 善男子 善女人 能於此經 受持讀誦
卽爲如來 以佛智慧 悉知是人 悉見是人. 皆得成就 無量無邊功德.
15. The Incomparable Value of This Teaching. 持經功德.
Subhuti, if on one hand, a good man or a good woman performs in the morning as many charitable acts of self-denial as the sand-grains of the Ganges, and performs as many again in the noonday and as many again in the evening, and continues so doing throughout numberless ages, and,
on the other hand, anyone listens to this Discourse with heart of faith and without contention, the latter would be the more blessed.
But how can any comparison be made with one who writes it down, receives it, retains it, and explains it to others!
Subhuti, we can summarize the matter by saying that the full value of this Discourse can neither be conceived nor estimated, nor can any limit be set to it.
The Tathagata has declared this teaching for the benefit of initiates of the Great Way; He has declared it for the benefit of initiates of the Supreme Way.
Whosoever can receive and retain this teaching, study it, recite it and spread it abroad will be clearly perceived and recognized by the Tathagata and will achieve a perfection of merit beyond measurement or calculation - a perfection of merit unlimited and inconceivable.
In every case such a one will exemplify the Tathagata-Consummation of the Incomparable Enlightenment.
Wherefore? Because, Subhuti, those who find consolation in limited doctrines involving the conception of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separated individuality are unable to accept, receive, study, recite and openly explain this Discourse.
Subhuti, in every place where this Discourse is to be found the whole realms of Gods, Men and Titans should offer worship; for you must know that such a place is sanctified like a shrine, and should properly be venerated by all with ceremonial obeisance and circumambulation and with offerings of
flowers and incense.
須菩提 若有 善男子 善女人 初日分 以恒河沙等身布施 中日分 復以恒河沙等身布施 後日分 亦以恒河沙等身布施
如是無量百千萬億劫 以身布施 若復有人 聞此經典 信心不逆 其福勝彼.
何況書寫受持讀誦 爲人解說.
須菩提 以要言之 是經有 不可思議 不可稱量 無邊功德.
如來 爲發大乘者說 爲發最上乘者說
若有人 能受持讀誦 廣爲人說 如來 悉知是人 悉見是人 皆得成就 不可量 不可稱 無有邊 不可思議功德.
如是人等 卽爲荷擔 如來阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
何以故 須菩提 若樂小法者 着我見 人見 衆生見 壽者見 卽於此經 不能聽受讀誦 爲人解說.
須菩提 在在處處 若有此經 一切世間 天, 人, 阿修羅 所應供養.
當知 此處 卽爲是塔 皆應恭敬 作禮圍繞 以諸華香 而散其處
16. Purgation through Suffering the Retribution for Past Sins. 能淨業障.
Furthermore, Subhuti, if it be that good men and good women who receive and retain this Discourse are downtrodden, their evil destiny is the inevitable retributive result of sins committed in their past mortal lives. By virtue of their present misfortunes the reacting effects of their past will be thereby worked out, and they will be in a position to attain the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment.
Subhuti, I remember the infinitely remote past before Dipankara Buddha. There were 84,000 myriads of multimillions of Buddhas and to all these I made offerings; yes, all these I served without the least trace of fault. Nevertheless, if anyone is able to receive, retain, study and recite this Discourse at the end of the last [500-year] period, he will gain such a merit that mine in the service of all the Buddhas could not be reckoned as one-hundredth part of it, not even one thousand myriad multimillionth part of it - indeed, no such comparison is possible.
Subhuti, if I fully detailed the merit gained by good men and good women coming to receive, retain, study and recite this Discourse in the last period, my hearers would be filled with doubt and might become disordered in mind, suspicious and unbelieving.
You should know, Subhuti, that the significance of this Discourse is beyond conception; likewise the
fruit of its rewards is beyond conception.
復次 須菩提 善男子 善女人 受持讀誦此經 若爲人輕賤 是人 先世罪業 應墮惡道
以今世人輕賤 故 先世罪業 卽爲消滅 當得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
須菩提 我念過去無量阿僧祗劫 於燃燈佛前 得値八百四千萬億那由他 諸佛 悉皆供養承事 無空過者.
若復有人 於後末世 能受持讀誦此經 所得功德 於我所供養諸佛功德 百分 不及一 千萬億分乃 至算數譬喩 所不能及.
須菩提 若善男子 善女人 於後末世 有受持讀誦此經 所得功德 我若 具說者 或有人聞 心卽狂亂 狐疑不信.
須菩提 當知 是經義 不可思議 果報 亦不可思議
17. No one Attains Transcendental Wisdom. 究竟無我.
At that time Subhuti addressed Buddha, saying:
World-honored one, if good men and good women seek the Consummation of Incomparable
Enlightenment, by what criteria should they abide and how should they control their thoughts?
Buddha replied to Subhuti:
Good men and good women seeking the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment must create this resolved attitude of mind: I must liberate all living beings, yet when all have been liberated, verily not any one is liberated. Wherefore? If a Bodhisattva cherishes the idea of an ego-entity, a
personality, a being, or a separated individuality, he is consequently not a Bodhisattva,
Subhuti. This is because in reality there is no formula which gives rise to the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment.
Subhuti, what do you think?
When the Tathagata was with Dipankara Buddha was there any formula for the attainment of the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment?
No, World-honored one, as I understand Buddha's meaning, there was no formula by which the Tathagata attained the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment.
Buddha said: You are right, Subhuti! Verily there was no formula by which the Tathagata attained the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment.
Subhuti, had there been any such formula, Dipankara Buddha would not have predicted concerning me: "In the ages of the future you will come to be a Buddha called Shakyamuni";
but Dipankara Buddha made that prediction concerning me because there is actually no formula for the attainment of the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment. The reason herein is that Tathagata is a signification implying all formulas.
In case anyone says that the Tathagata attained the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment, I tell you truly, Subhuti, that there is no formula by which the Buddha attained it.
Subhuti, the basis of Tathagata's attainment of the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment is wholly beyond; it is neither real nor unreal.
Hence I say that the whole realm of formulations is not really such, therefore it is called "Realm of formulations."
爾時 須菩提白佛言 世尊 善男子 善女人 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 云何應住 云何降伏其心.
佛告. 須菩提 若善男子 善女人 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心者 當生如是心 我應滅度一切衆生
滅度一切衆生已 而無有一衆生 實滅度者.
何以故 須菩提 若菩薩 有我相 人相 衆生相 壽者相 卽非菩薩
所以者何 須菩提 實無有法 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心者.
須菩提 於意云何 如來 於燃燈佛所 有法 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 不?
不也 世尊. 如我解佛所說義 佛於 燃燈佛所 無有法 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
佛言. 如是如是. 須菩提 實無有法 如來 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 須菩提 若有法 如來得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提者
燃燈佛 卽 不與我授記 汝於來世 當得作佛 號 釋迦牟尼.
以實無有法得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 是故 燃燈佛 與我授記 作是言 汝於來世 當得作佛 號釋迦牟尼.
何以故 如來者 卽諸法如義.
若有人言 如來得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 須菩提 實無有法佛得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
須菩提 如來所得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 於是中 無實 無虛.
是故 如來說一切法 皆是佛法.
須菩提 所言一切法者 卽非一切法 是故 名一切法.
Subhuti, a comparison may be made with [the idea of] a gigantic human frame.
Then Subhuti said: The World-honored one has declared that such is not a great body; "a great
body" is just the name given to it.
Subhuti, it is the same concerning Bodhisattvas. If a Bodhisattva announces: I will liberate all living creatures, he is not rightly called a Bodhisattva. Wherefore? Because, Subhuti, there is really no such condition as that called Bodhisattvaship, because Buddha teaches that all things are devoid of selfhood, devoid of separate individuality.
Subhuti, if a Bodhisattva announces: I will set forth majestic Buddha-lands, one does not call him a Bodhisattva, because the Tathagata has declared that the setting forth of majestic Buddha-lands is not really such: "a majestic setting forth" is just the name given to it.
Subhuti, Bodhisattvas who are wholly devoid of any conception of separate selfhood are
truthfully called Bodhisattvas.
須菩提 譬如人身長大.
須菩提言. 世尊 如來說人身長大 卽爲非大身 是名大身.
須菩提 菩薩 亦如是. 若作是言 我當滅度 無量衆生 卽不名菩薩.
何以故 須菩提 實無有法 名爲菩薩 是故 佛說一切法 無我 無人 無衆生 無壽者.
須菩提 若菩薩 作是言 我當莊嚴佛土 是不名菩薩.
何以故 如來說莊嚴佛土者 卽非莊嚴 是名莊嚴.
須菩提 若菩薩 通達無我法者 如來說 名眞是菩薩.
18. All Modes of mind are Really only Mind. 一體同觀.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Does the Tathagata possess the human eye?
Yes, World-honored one, He does.
Well, do you think the Tathagata
possesses the divine eye?Yes, World-honored one, He does.
And do you think the Tathagata possesses the gnostic eye?
Yes, World-honored one, He does.
And do you think the Tathagata possesses the eye of transcendent wisdom?
Yes, World-honored one, He does.
And do you think the Tathagata possesses the Buddha-eye of omniscience?
Yes, World-honored one, He does.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Concerning the sand-grains of the Ganges, has the Buddha taught about them?
Yes, World-honored one, the Tathagata has taught concerning these grains.
Well, Subhuti, if there were as many Ganges rivers as the sand-grains of the Ganges and there was a Buddha-land for each sand-grain in all those Ganges rivers, would those Buddha-lands be many? [Subhuti replied]: Many indeed, World-honored one!
Then Buddha said: Subhuti, however many living beings there are in all those Buddha-lands, though they have manifold modes of mind, the Tathagata understands them all. Wherefore? Because the Tathagata teaches that all these are not Mind; they are merely called "mind".
Subhuti, it is impossible to retain past mind, impossible to hold on to present mind, and impossible to grasp future mind.
須菩提 於意云何 如來有肉眼 不?
?如是 世尊. 如來有肉眼.
須菩提 於意云何 如來有天眼 不?
如是 世尊. 如來有天眼.
須菩提 於意云何 如來有慧眼 不?
?如是 世尊. 如來有慧眼
須菩提 於意云何 如來有法眼 不?
?如是 世尊. 如來有法眼.
須菩提 於意云何 如來有佛眼 不?
?如是 世尊 如來有佛眼.
須菩提 於意云何 如恒河中所有沙佛說是沙 不?
如是 世尊. 如來說是沙.
須菩提 於意云何 如一恒河中所有沙 有如是沙等恒河.
是諸恒河所有沙數佛世界 如是寧爲多 不?
佛告. 須菩提 爾所國土中 所有衆生 若干種心 如來悉知.
何以故 如來說 諸心 皆爲非心 是名爲心.
所以者何 須菩提 過去心不可得 現在心不可得 未來心不可得 .
19. Absolute Reality is the only Foundation. 法界通化.
Subhuti, what do you think?
If anyone filled three thousand galaxies of worlds with the seven treasures and gave all away in gifts of alms, would he
gain great merit?Yes, indeed, World-honored one, he would gain great merit!
Subhuti, if such merit was Real, the Tathagata would not have declared it to be great, but because it is without a foundation the Tathagata characterized it as "great."
須菩提 於意云何 若有人 滿三千大千世界七寶 以用布施 是人 以是因緣 得福多 不?
如是 世尊 此人 以是因緣 得福 甚多.
須菩提 若福德有實 如來不說 得福德多. 以福德無故 如來說 得福德多
20. The Unreality of Phenomenal Distinctions. 離色離相.
Subhuti, what do you think?
Can the Buddha be perceived by His perfectly-formed body?
No, World-honored one, the Tathagata cannot be perceived by His perfectly-formed body, because the Tathagata teaches that a perfectly-formed
Subhuti, what do you think?
Can the Tathagata be perceived by means of any phenomenal characteristic?
No, World-honored one, the Tathagata may not be perceived by any phenomenal characteristic, because the Tathagata teaches that phenomenal
須菩提 於意云何. 佛 可以具足色身見 不?
不也 世尊. 如來 不應以具足色身見 何以故 如來說 具足色身 卽非具足色身 是名具足色身.
須菩提 於意云何 如來 可以具足諸相見 不?
不也 世尊. 如來 不應以具足諸相見. 何以故 如來說 諸相 具足 卽非具足 是名諸相具足.
21. Words cannot express Truth. That which Words Express is not Truth. 非說所說.
Subhuti, do not say that the Tathagata conceives the idea: I must set forth a Teaching. For if anyone says that the Tathagata sets forth a Teaching
Thereupon, Subhuti spoke these words to Buddha:
World-honored one, in the ages of the future will there be men coming to hear a declaration of
this Teaching who will be inspired with belief?
And Buddha answered: Subhuti, those to whom you refer are neither living beings nor not-living beings. Wherefore? Because "living beings," Subhuti, these "living beings" are not really such; they are just called by that name.
須菩提 汝 勿謂 如來作是念 我當 有所說法 莫作是念.
何以故 若人言 如來有所說法 卽爲謗佛 不能解我所說故.
須菩提 說法者 無法可說 是名說法.
爾時 慧命須菩提白佛言 世尊 頗有衆生 於未來世 聞說是法 生信心不?
佛言. 須菩提 彼非衆生 非不衆生. 何以故 須菩提 衆生衆生者 如來說 非衆生 是名衆生
22. It Cannot be Said that Anything is Attainable. 無法可得.
Then Subhuti asked Buddha: World-honored one, in the attainment of the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment did Buddha make no acquisition whatsoever?
Buddha replied: Just so, Subhuti. Through the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment I acquired not even the least thing; therefore it is called "Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment."
須菩提白佛言. 世尊 佛得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 爲無所得耶.
佛言. 如是如是 須菩提 我於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 乃至 無有少法可得 是名 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
23. The Practice of Good Works Purifies the Mind. 淨心行善.
Furthermore, Subhuti,
This is altogether everywhere, without differentiation or degree; therefore it is called "Consummation of Incomparable
Enlightenment."It is straightly attained by freedom from separate personal selfhood and by cultivating all kinds of goodness.
Subhuti, though we speak of "goodness", the Tathagata declares that there is no goodness; such is merely a name.
復次 須菩提 是法平等無有高下 是名阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
以無我 無人 無衆生 無壽者 修一切善法 卽得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
須菩提 所言善法者如來說 卽非善法 是名善法
24. The Incomparable Merit of This Teaching. 福智無比.
Subhuti, if there be one who gives away in gifts of alms a mass of the seven treasures equal in extent to as many mighty Mount Sumerus as there would be in three thousand galaxies of worlds, and if there be another who selects even only four lines from this Discourse upon the Perfection of
Transcendental Wisdom, receives and retains them, and clearly expounds them to others,
the merit of the latter will be so far greater than that of the former that no conceivable comparison can be made between them.
須菩提 若三千大千世界中所有諸 須彌山王 如是等七寶聚 有人 持用布施
若人 以此般若波羅蜜經 乃至 四句偈等 受持讀誦 爲他人說
於前福德 百分不及一 百千萬億分 乃至 算數譬喩 所不能及.
25. The Illusion of Ego. 化無所化.
Subhuti, what do you think? Let no one say the Tathagata cherishes the idea: I must liberate all living beings. Allow no such thought, Subhuti.
Wherefore? Because in reality there are no living beings to be liberated by the Tathagata.
If there were living beings for the Tathagata to liberate,
He would partake in the idea of selfhood, personality entity, and separate individuality.
Subhuti, though the common people accept egoity as real, the Tathagata declares that ego is not different from non-ego.
Subhuti, those whom the Tathagata referred to as "common people" are not really
common people; such is merely a name.?
須菩提 於意云何 汝等 勿謂 如來作是念 我當度衆生 須菩提 莫作是念
何以故 實無有衆生如來度者.
若有衆生如來度者 如來 卽有我人衆生壽者.
須菩提 如來說有我者 卽非有我 而凡夫之人 以爲有我.
須菩提 凡夫者如來說 卽非凡夫 是名凡夫
26. The Body of Truth has no Marks. 法身非相.
Subhuti, what do you think?
May the Tathagata be perceived by the thirty-two marks [of a great man]?
Subhuti answered: No, the Tathagata may
not be perceived thereby.Then Buddha said: Subhuti, if the Tathagata may be perceived by such marks, any great imperial ruler is the same as the Tathagata.
Subhuti then said to Buddha:
World-honored one, as I understand the meaning of Buddha's words, the Tathagata may not be perceived by the thirty-two marks.
Whereupon the World-honored one uttered this verse:
Who sees Me by form, Who seeks Me in sound, Perverted are his footsteps upon the Way, For he cannot perceive the Tathagata.
須菩提 於意云何. 可以三十二相 觀如來 不?
須菩提言. 如是如是. 以三十二相 觀如來.
佛言. 須菩提 若以三十二相 觀如來者 轉輪聖王 卽是如來.
須菩提白佛言. 世尊 如我解佛所設義 不應以三十二相 觀如來.
爾時 世尊 而說偈言
若以色見我 以音聲求我 是人行邪道 不能見如來
27. It is Erroneous to Affirm that All Things are Ever Extinguished. 無斷無滅.
Subhuti, if you should conceive the idea that the Tathagata attained the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment by reason of His perfect
[On the other hand]
Subhuti, if you should conceive the idea that anyone in whom dawns the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment declares that all manifest standards are ended and extinguished, do not countenance such thoughts. Wherefore? Because the man in whom the Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment dawns does not affirm concerning any formula that it is finally extinguished.
須菩提 汝若作是念 如來不以具足相 故得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
須菩提 莫作是念 如來 不以具足相 故得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提.
須菩提 汝若作是念 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心者 說諸法斷滅 莫作是念
何以故 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心者 於法不說斷滅相.
28. Attachment to Rewards of Merit. 不受不貪.
Subhuti, if one Bodhisattva bestows in charity sufficient of the seven treasures to fill as many worlds as there are sand-grains in the river Ganges, and another, realizing that all things are egoless, attains perfection through patient forbearance, the merit of the latter will far exceed that of the former. Why is this, Subhuti?
It is because all Bodhisattvas are insentient as to the rewards of merit.
Then Subhuti said to Buddha: What is this saying, World-honored one, that Bodhisattvas are insentient as to rewards of merit?
[And Buddha answered]: Subhuti, Bodhisattvas who achieve merit should not be fettered with desire for rewards. Thus it is said that the rewards of merit are not received.??
須菩提 若菩薩 以滿恒河沙等世界七寶 持用布施
若復有人 知一切法無我 得成於忍 此菩薩 勝前菩薩 所得功德.
何以故 須菩提 以諸菩薩 不受福德故
須菩提白佛言. 世尊 云何菩薩 不受福德.
須菩提 菩薩 所作福德 不應貪着 是故說 不受福德.
29. Perfect Tranquility. 威儀寂靜.
Subhuti, if anyone should say that the Tathagata comes or goes or sits or reclines, he fails to understand my teaching.
Why? Because Tathagata has
neither whence nor whither, therefore is He called "Tathagata".
須菩提 若有人言 如來 若來 若去 若坐 若臥 是人 不解我所說義.
何以故 如來者 無所從來 亦無所去 故名如來.
부처님은 그냥 우주에 꽉찬 광명
30. The Integral Principle. 一合理相.
Subhuti, if a good man or a good woman ground an infinite number of galaxies of worlds to dust, would the resulting minute particles be many?
Subhuti replied: Many indeed, World-honored one! Wherefore? Because if such were really minute particles Buddha would not have spoken of them
[Then Buddha said]: Subhuti, words cannot explain the real nature of a cosmos. only common people fettered with desire make use of this arbitrary method.
須菩提 若善男子 善女人 以三千大千世界 碎爲微塵. 於意云何. 是微塵衆 寧爲多 不?
須菩提言 甚多 世尊. 何以故 若是微塵衆 實有者 佛卽不說 是微塵衆.
所以者何 佛說微塵衆 卽非微塵衆 是名微塵衆.
世尊 如來所說三千大千世界 卽非世界 是名世界.
何以故 若世界 實有者 卽是一合相. 如來說 一合相 卽非一合相 是名一合相
須菩提 一合相者 卽是不可說 但凡夫之人 貪着其事.
31. Conventional Truth Should be Cut Off. 知見不生.
Subhuti, if anyone should say that Buddha declares any conception of egoity do you consider he would understand my teaching correctly?
No, World-honored one, such a man would not have any sound understanding of the Tathagata's teaching, because the World-honored one declares that notions of selfhood, personality, entity and separate individuality, as really existing, are erroneous - these terms are merely figures of speech.
須菩提 若人言 佛說 我見 人見 衆生見 壽者見. 須菩提 於意云何. 是人解我所說義 不?
不也 世尊. 是人 不解如來所說義.
何以故 世尊說 我見 人見 衆生見 壽者見 卽非 我見 人見 衆生見 壽者見 是 名 我見 人見 衆生見 壽者見.
須菩提 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心者 於一切法 應如是知 如是見 如是信解. 不生法相.
須菩提 所言法相者 如來說 卽非法相 是名法相.
32. The Delusion of Appearances. 應化非眞.
Subhuti, someone might fill innumerable worlds with the seven treasures and give all away in gifts of alms, but if any good man or any good woman awakens the thought of Enlightenment and takes even only four lines from this Discourse, reciting, using, receiving, retaining and spreading them
abroad and explaining them for the benefit of others, it will be far more meritorious.
Now in what manner may he explain them to others?
By detachment from appearances - abiding in Real Truth.
- So I tell you -
Thus shall ye think of all this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a
stream; A flash of lightning in a summer cloud, A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.
When the Buddha finished this Discourse the venerable Subhuti, together with the bhikshus, bhikshunis, lay-brothers and sisters, and the whole realms of Gods, Men and Titans, were filled with joy by His teaching, and, taking it sincerely to heart they went their ways.
若有人 以滿無量阿僧祗世界七寶 持用布施
若有善男子 善女人 發菩薩心者 持於此經 乃至 四句偈等 受持讀誦 爲人演說 其福勝彼.
不取於相 如如 不動
何以故 一切有爲法 如夢幻泡影 如露亦如電 應作如是觀
佛說是經已 長老 須菩提 及諸比丘 比丘尼 優婆塞 優婆尼 一切世間 天 人 阿修羅 聞佛所說
皆大歡喜 信受奉行.
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