한글 : http://blog.daum.net/hanngil/12409971
In South Korea a large number of Kim il-sung's Juche theory following groups have been acting for several decades to overthrow The Republic of Korea government. At last they have occupied The Blue House thru May presidential election in 2017. President Moon Jae In is acting according to the instruction from North Korea. They do not know really what is Marxism and the Kim Il Sung style of socialist theory. So I wrote this article to let them know correctly about the fictitious theory of Kim il sung in North Korea and the superiority of the capitalist liberal democracy in South Korea.
The remaining communist socialist nations on the planet are only five nations ; Vietnam 1945, Democratic People's Republic of Korea 1948, People's Republic of China 1949, Cuba 1961 and Laos 1975. Just as the Soviet Union collapsed, many other socialist nations had collapsed through recognizing that Marx's theory was fictitious. ( 모두 경제적 빈곤과 정치적 불안으로 몰락되었음)1
A letter to Juche-Thoughts groups. 주사파에게 보내는 글
: http://blog.daum.net/hanngil/12409970
* Karl Heinrich Marx 1818 ~ 1883.
A communist revolutionary, a historian, an economist, a philosopher, a sociologist, and a founder of Marxism.
He met Engels in 1844 at the age of 26.
Marx and Engels announced 'Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei' 공산당선언. 1848 at the age of 30, immediately followed by the French February Revolution in 1848 .
Marx, living in poverty until 1865, wrote ' Das Kapital : Kritik der politischen Ökonomie' 자본론 1,2,3. Published the first volume at the age of 49 in 1867. Engels edited the second and the 3rd volumes.
The World's First Communist Revolution by Lenin's Soviet (Workers, Peasants, Soldiers) broke out in October 1917. The Bolshevik Revolution was influenced by Marxism. Then the Russian Civil War (1917-1922) took place, and in 1922 the Soviet Union(USSR), the first Communist nation was born.
* Friedrich Engels 1820 ~ 1895
He is one of the founders of Marxism, German Socialist, a philosopher and an economist.
§ Karl Marx's Theological Background :
The England productive system changed from handicraft to factory production. The invention of the steam engine triggered the second industrial revolution.
Confrontation between capitalist and laborer -At that time the regime was imperialistic.
The enclosure movement of the territory and the large-scale livestock industrialization (18th and 9th century)
Many farmers who lost farmland went to the cities and labored in manufacturing factories, but they lived in extreme poverty due to the wages that were not even the basic living expenses.
In this environment, the conflicts between the capitalists and the workers had been growing.
Marx and Engels' The manifesto of Communist Party, and Marx's Capital. Critique of Political Economy.
(- The class struggle theory and the labor exploitation theory were on the basis of them.)
Claiming the nationalization of the means of production, and claiming the proletarian violent revolution.
Calls for a socialist system that is ideal for workers and peasants.
The birth of the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1917) thru the Bolshevik revolution.
§ Marx's Labor Exploitation theory & The Communist Socialism theory:
According to Marx, the bourgeoisie take profits by the exploitation of the surplus labor of the proletariat.
As time goes on, the capitalists become wealthier and the workers become more poverty-stricken.
And the conflicts between the capitalist class and the working class are grown extremely. In the end, the proletariat have to restore the exploitative part from the capitalists, and nationalize the production facilities of the capitalists throuth violent revolution. Marx insisted that by doing so the socialist society should be established. Marx insisted that until the communist system be achieved in the future, the socialist system should be maintained and the labor party should be the only party, and the leader of the labor party should dictate and rule the socialist nation. (This theory is the basis of one-party dictatorship.) The Kim Il Sung Juche idea of North Korea comes out from these theories. Marx saw the communist society(not nation) is the most complete idealized society similar to Utopia, and also saw the communist society comes inevitably.
But in fact, the communist society can not be achieved absolutely, therefore the socialist dictatorship will be perpetuated. People would become to live in a bondage losing their freedom deceived by such a fictitious idea.
Marx and Engels published the 'Manifest of Communist party' at the age of 30s, and Engels supported the Marxist theory. And Marx published the first volume, the rest of the two were published after Marx's death by Engels.
§ Criticism of Karl Marx's theory of Labor Exploitation:
You can be either a capitalist or a worker anytime freely at your will without any restrictions, even if you belong to any class of the two. You are not fixed to any classes. The capitalists and the workers are not on the opposition but on the cooperative relationship.
But Marx said that the capitalists class and the workers class were on the relationship of conflict and struggle. That is not right but definitely wrong.
They are on the relationship of Yang and Yin. Yang and Yin do not reject but do attract each other. They need each other. Positive Yang and negative Yin coexist and they are one. It should not be forgotten that Yang or Yin is only one of the both sides. They become influenced by either side and they become balanced soon.
Even if the capitalists gain too much profit compared to workers do, the surplus profit will soon be returned to the new investment. What the capitalists have does not run away, but exists in their country, it effects positively on the social life of the people directly or indirectly. It should also be noted that the profits of capitalists become the driving force of national economic development.
In the middle ages when the enclosure movement prevailed over by the manor lords, the small landowners abandoned their small farms and went to the manor lords to volunteer to work for themselves. Most of capitalists and workers needed each other. They were not on conflict relations.
(Land privatization makes perpetual wealth gap between the possessor and non-possessor of land. So I, hanngill, think the land should be nationalized and not be succeeded to the offspring.)
Marx says that the profits that capitalists earn from hiring workers are the results of labor exploitation but that is only a misleading claim. The capitalists make production facilities at the cost of deep consideration, research and relentless efforts. Of course, their objective is to gain profits. Meanwhile the workers can get their jobs and they sell their labor for their living.
If the capitalists get too much profit and pay too cheap, the workers could leave and go to other producers, or they can be self-employed. Workers can also become a capitalist by endeavoring with zeal in the system of capitalism. Even if the capitalist gains some unfair profits, it would never be a matter of turning into a socialism system for communism through a violent struggle. In capitalism system states, it is possible to make any kind of adjustment through democratic procedures and methods of the fair distribution policy.
For development, a certain amount of competition and economical inequality between rich and poor is needed.
If all people are the same level of wealth, you must live in the same living pattern with others. you and all of others have to own the same class of cars. then there can't be no development. There should be the classes of luxury car owners and the low-grade car owners.
In communism socialist society there can not be developments in all fields due to no competition and all people have to live merely according to the schedule of the one-party. What creative effort or spirit might they need? A nation or society can develop in various classes of people, culture, knowledge, wealth or ability.
In the near future, all production processes will not require human labor, the robots and the Computer will take over. Could you still say that the capitalists exploit the labor of the workers?
§ Two major errors in Marx's theory:
* it's wrong to see as capitalists and workers are opposed to each other.
If it were a large-scale industrial enterprise, the capitalists and the workers must be in an interdependent and cooperative relationship. That is a coexistent relationship in which either one alone can not exist. However Marx saw it as a exclusive relationship each other .
Based on this theory of labor exploitation, the class struggle theory, the proletarian violent revolution claim, socialism theory and communism theory came out.
* It is wrong to see as human happiness is not mentalistic but materialistic.
Human life or Happiness is not something you can buy with money. Man can live on happily with spirit and heart rather than wealth. However Marx sees the history of human as the history of class struggle only for material, ignoring human thoughts, minds, spirits, and humanities.
Based on this historical materialism, the totalitarian socialism which despises the dignity of human and freedom of personality came out.
§ Leninism
In contrast to Marxism, Leninism insists on the necessity of public property system, nation, and anti-imperialism.
Also, Leninism embodied the long term dictatorship of the proletariat ( this is the soviet socialist system) on the way of transition from capitalism to communism. Leninism advocated the independence and liberation of the weaker countries, and the ethnic self-determination of the colonial lands. Leninism insist on the necessity of a small group of elite revolutionaries who can fully understand Marxist ideologiy.
Marxism said that the proletarian dictatorship would not go for long in the Manifesto of Communist Party, but Leninism insisted that the long-term proletarian dictation should be continued.
Based on the necessity of equality instead of freedom, many communist dictators had made brutal dictatorship. The idea of Juche, the only ideology of North Korea, is also based on Marx-Leninism.
On the basis of materialism, religion was severely persecuted, and numerous priests were killed by the People's Court. Numerous philanthropists and capitalists were executed. (The following Stalin always tried to equate his non-democratic Stalinism with Marx-Leninism.)
* Vladimir Lenin 1870 ~ 1924
A revolutionary of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, a political economist, a political philosopher, a politician, a labor activist and the leader of the Bolsheviks. He is a Communist, but also the founder of the Leninist ideology that developed Marx's scientific socialist thought. He tried to build a communist nation and tried to build a nation that was faithful to Marx and Engels' revolutionary theory. He tried to unify the states through nationalization and ideological unity. Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Mao Zedong, Tito, Castro and Kim Il Sung were influenced by his communist nation model.
There were February Revolution 1917, the October Bolshevik Revolution, and the USSR Soviet Union 1922.
In 70 years(1922) after Marx declared the Communist Party, for the first time, a communist state emerged as a reality. However, after 70 years(1991) the Soviet Union collapsed due to political aggravation of economic depression and distrust of socialism. This proves the falsity of Marx's theory.
In Britain and France, the birthplace of Marxist theory, not a communist socialist country did not appear, and many years later in Russia ( far away distant land) Lenin built a communist socialist state which would eventually be ruined. It will not be long till disappearing of all socialist countries including North Korea.
* Comintern (Communist International. 1919 ~ 1943)
The goal is overthrowing the capitalist system, eliminating the capitalist nations , and constructing the Soviet Union.
Their work was to promote communist propaganda, proletarian dictatorship, to advocate reformists and centrist opinions, and to make illegal or legal organizations to overthrow the capitalist regime.
Stalin became the leader of the Comintern as General Secretary of the Communist Party.
* Cominform (Communist Information Bureau 1947 - 1956 )
It declares that it will fight with anti-communism system of Western Europe including the US.
The US Marshal Plan (April 8, 1948) was accused of being part of a policy of expansion.
The Soviet Union, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia, France, Italy and nine other countries.
§ Criticism of Socialism :
The remaining communist socialist nations on the planet are only five nations : Vietnam 1945, Democratic People's Republic of Korea 1948, People's Republic of China 1949, Cuba 1961 and Laos 1975.
Most socialist nations except North Korea have transformed into a capitalist market economy system.
Above socialist nations are not such socialist states that have emerged through the class struggle according to pure Marxian theory. Every socialist nations have hired Marx's theory to justify their dictatorship.
According to Marxian theory, the socialist nation is such a state as a cooperative co-owning all production means of land, labor and capital in order to prevent the exploitation of workers' labor from capitalists. A socialist nation is a temporal state ruled by one-party's head necessarily to go through on the way to a communist state.
In a socialist state, an individual becomes an accessory of a socialist state, and individual ego (I-am-ness) disappears. Individual freedom, personality and personal wills are all lost. Like in the ants' or bees' society, the people work deadly for the party's chief with loyalty and dies like animals with nothing to their descendants.
In socialist nation, equality takes precedence over individual freedom (in reality there is no invidual freedom). In socialist nation, the capital and production facilities belong to the nation and the people. All incomes generated through collaboration belong to the Labor Party of the nation. All people must live on the same distribution of Labor Party. Therefore all people must work like one-body under the directions of the Labor Party without freedom.
If everything is equal, there can't be any competition. Progress is achieved through competition that seeks individual profits. In socialist nation like North Korea, there is no free competition, development is slow and individual freedom is deprived of. Man! How do you feel like about living there ?
Communists and socialists say that only materials are the goal of life and the standard of judgment of all living. This is from the historical materialism ideology. But Man can not live with material alone. When you are mentally free you can feel happiness in your heart. Sprits, minds and emotions are the bases of human life and happiness.
Could the distributions of incomes do you think be done properly and fairly in communism socialist nation? No! Production is less than in capitalist society due to weaker competitiveness and passive participation of workers. All profits are concentrated in the barns of the state. In the process of distribution, the remains after filling the bellies of the upper classes are distributed to the workers.
Almost socialist nations are collapsing today. We can see that how fictitious Marxism and Leninism are. The Stalinism, Trotskyism, Maoism, Titoism, Castroism, and Juche ideology are all skeptical theories that are an atheistic materialism. Be sure we'll see someday they were all gone from this planet.
Everyone wants to live as freely as he wants to, even if he lives poor. It is more important to live well mentally rather than to live materially. The capitalist liberal system, in which the capitalist and the laborer coexist together freely while living an economic life for the sake of individual interests, is far much better than the communist socialism system.
§ Criticism of Communism :
Marxists claim that Communism state is a complete ideal society.
But the inevitable natural communist society can not arise because of increasing populaton and depleting resources. In reality the communist nation has never existed on earth in the past and at present, and never in the eternal future.
Historical materialism is the theory that the history of world develops in the order of natural primitive communism, agricultural ancient slavery medieval feudalism, industrial modern capitalism and (regressing to the primitive) future communism. The socialist nation is aiming at the communist society or nation forth-coming-inevitably.
If resources are abundant, there is no reason to fight. But if natural or artificial resources are insufficient, there would be fighting inevitably to get them competitively. Over time, the population grows and resources become scarce. With air pollution and water pollution, the air and water became commodities. Everything you make is a commodity. To get these people must struggle day and night. The complete ideal communist society cannot come eternally.
Large scale production system develops to use electricity and nuclear power rather than labor power. It automates with machine rather than human. The robot will do everything in the future. In this situation the workers' anti-capitalist violent revolution has no meaning. There cannot be such a violent revolution of proletariat to construct socialist nation. Therefore, the whole phase of socialism society is meaningless, and the inevitable communism society does not come. The socialist states existing at present are collapsing gradually with a great speed. The communist nation will not come absolutely.
§ Will the Proletariat revolution succeed ?
Let's say that struggles are made between the proletariat and the capitalists. Can you see the proletariat will win?
Can you see a communist society will be created by the revolution of the proletariat? Absolutely No
Do you see North Korea's socialism will succeed in overthrowing South Korea with a revolution?
These years communism socialist nations on the planet are disappearing with great speed.
North Korea regime will be blown away, and it will collapse.
As already mentioned, there are no evident line discriminating between the capitalists and working classes.
Most of them think that they live in a middle class. The word 'class struggle' itself can not be established.
In the intellectual human society, we know that we need to cooperate rather than fight.
There can be no communist society unless almost human beings are gone and returned to the primitive.
The resources are getting depleted and the population is increasing.
The dream of communism is completely fictitious. Marx's theory has already been proved fictitious.
Wake up, these bitches Juch ideology followers !!
§ Capitalist society is the most natural and desirable society:
Communist society is neither natural nor necessarily inevitable. But capitalist society is natural and desirable.
As a developmental stage, the present stage is the age of industrial capital society:
The developing stages of historical materialism are the primitive communal society, colonial slavery society, lord feudal society, industrial capital society and future communist society.
As above mentioned the Future utopian communism society or nation can not come absolutely.
The goal of the current capitalist liberal society is to respect human right, to let live at will, live in freedom and enjoy individual life. Human beings want to find something they wish to do and to live freely with their own personality. Happiness does not come from material abundance but from spiritual satisfaction. Happiness comes when human dignity is respected and individual freedom are guaranteed. Capitalists give jobs to workers and provide them basic living.
If we produce using the idle labor, it is profitable for the workers as well as the capitalists. Is this the exploitation of the labor ?
When a group is formed co-owning means of production and works together for it's common goal, the members of the group can not freely live for individual life. Their daily life would be similar to military life. As it is in a communist socialist state, one should live as a member of the national society for the benefit of the nation not for individual self-life.
In capitalist society, one could work freely as one want and live freely to one's earning. Real happiness is mental happiness. There cannot be material happiness. The Historical Materialism which knows only material and ignores human mental is absolutely undesirable.
Do not fall into the fictitious theory of communist socialism that has its own contradictions.
The current liberal democratic republic state is the best nation to live in happily so much as everyone try hard.
What we are pursuing now is a liberal democracy. In this system, the capitalist and the worker are not absolute opposition to each other. We should no longer be caught up in propaganda of the communist socialist ideology.
Marx's capital theory is no longer a theory of learning. Marxism is neither worth studying nor worth mentioning. Marx's capital theory is absolutely wrong. Karl Marx should not have been born.
* hanngill 's claim of land nationalization: http://blog.daum.net/hanngil/7090465
The land is one of the three means of production (land, labor and capital). The God gave the land to all his people to share it from birth. So the land must be owned by the nation of all people (the nation is liberal democratic state). The land must not be owned and not be inherited privately. Land privatization causes unearned incomes, unfair benefits and inheritance of wealth from generation to generation. The nation gives the right of using the land to the person who wants it. When he die, he has to return the land to the nation.Of course the rent of the land corresponding to the land value should be given to the nation. By doing so, all of the nation and the people become landlords. And the class of landlords disappears.
( Distinguish : Georgism = only the land is owned by the nation and a single Rent is permitted. Communism = land, labor and capital are all owned by the state and no taxation .)
Nov. 18. 2017
Written by HANNGILL
물리학에서 뉴턴의 법칙이나 아인슈탄인의 상대성원리가 타당성을 잃어가고 있다. 우주가 움직이면서 존재하는 현상의 원리가 이들의 원리로 풀어지지 않기 때문이다. 철학적 학설이나 경제학설도 잠간만 맞는 것 같다가 곧 사라진다. 철학이나 경제학 서적은 시간이 흐르면 옛날 이렇게 생각했던 적이 있구나 하는 역사서로서의 의미 빆에 없게 된다. 여기서 말한 마르크스 와 엥겔스 이론은 더욱 그렇다. 공산주의의 허망한 꿈을 아직도 가지고서 온 세상에 불행을 초래하는 혼란을 일으키는 붉은 무리들이 있다는 것에 참으로 인간은 모순덩어리 이구나 하는 생각이 든다.
- 지금 북한이 경제적 빈곤과 정치적 불안상태에 있다. 붕괴직전에 있는 것이다. 북한의 사회주의 체제가 붕괴되어야 자유민주주의 대한민국으로 통일이 가능하다. 현 시점에서 북한을 경제적으로 도와 준다는 것은 아무 의미가 없다. 지금 북한에 경제적 원조을 하는 것은 오히려 북한 동포에게 불행을 지속시켜 주는 것과 다를 바 없다. 오히려 우리를 해치는 적을 더 강하게 만드는 결과를 낳는다. [본문으로]
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