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** Deep cycle battery charging

hanngill 2017. 1. 30. 11:33

** 반드시 Smart charger나 Solar charge controller 를 통해서 충전해야 배터리 손상을 가저오는 과충전 없이 충전할 수 있다.  10.5 volt 이하로 가면 수명이 끝난다.  방전 최저한도는 12.00 volt, 충전 최고한도는13.5 volt 이다. 평소 유지는 12.67 volt 이다.

급속 과충전은 수소까스를 배출해서 폭발을 유발한다.

안전한 충전을 위해서 배터리 충전기는 다음과 같은 3단계를 이행한다.

Battery charging occurs in three stages; 

Bulk, Absorption and Float Charge

가) Bulk charge refers to the first stage of the battery charging process, in which the rated maximum current is sent to the battery while maintaining a constant voltage.

나) After this comes the absorption charge stage, which sees the voltage gradually lower as internal resistance increases.

다) The final float charge stage occurs after the battery reaches its full charge and the charging voltage is reduced. This process is often referred to as a ‘maintenance’ or ‘trickle’ charge and is intended to keep an already charged battery from discharging.

Solar charge controllers are also able to perform this function by sensing voltage drops in the battery and sending short ‘pulses’ to prevent loss of charge. A ‘pulse’ is a very short charging cycle and may occur several hundred times per minute.

* Although AGM deep cycle batteries self-discharge at a lower rate than standard lead-acid batteries, they will still require this type of ongoing maintenance charge or at least monthly top-ups to avoid damage.

How does a battery charger work?

The deep cycle battery charger has three main jobs:

getting charge into the battery, optimizing the charging rate and stopping when the battery has reached full charge.

Smart chargers work with most battery types and use the battery’s voltage to detect the type of battery and charge needed. Look for a smart charger that also comes with reverse pulse technology as this can help reduce battery temperature when charging. 

If you are not using a smart charger to charge your 12V deep cycle batteries, the charging current should be at least 10% of the amp hour rating for a flooded lead acid battery or up to 30% for an AGM lead acid battery. Find out more about choosing a deep cycle battery charger.

Charging time

Charging time is the time it takes for the reconstitution of the battery’s active chemicals to be completed while the cell temperature is kept at a safe level. This process stops when the termination voltage has been reached in order to avoid overcharging.

The charging time for deep cycle batteries depends on the number of amp hours it stores. Divide the amp hour rating of your battery by the amp rating of the charger and you’ll have an estimate of the time needed to reach full charge. For example, a 100 amp hour battery at a 50% stage of charge (50 amp hours) would take approximately 5 hours to charge on a 10 amp battery chargerIt’s important to avoid overcharging as this can cause grid corrosion and severely reduce battery life. The excessive heat this creates can also cause the plates within the cells to buckle and shed their active material. Using a smart charger can help avoid the problem of overcharging as it will automatically switch off when the correct level of charge has been detected.

Charging from Solar

Investing in solar panels will allow you to charge your deep cycle battery with free energy from the sun, even when away from mains power. After panels have been placed in the sun, they will need to be attached to a solar regulator, also known as a charge controller. 12 volt solar panels can produce fluctuating power that would damage a battery if left unregulated but the solar charge controller keeps this voltage at a safe level. Most solar regulators also have the technology to switch to float charge when the battery has reached full capacity; eliminating the problem of overcharging.

- See more at: http://www.aussiebatteries.com.au/blog/charging-deep-cycle-agm-batteries/#sthash.hdIOhM2W.dpuf


Deep cycle battery는 자동차의 Alternator 발전기 전류로 충전하기에 적당하지 않다. 작은 전류로 오랫동안 충전해야 하기 때문이다.

따라서 deep cycle battery 와 car starter battery 를 병열 또는 직열로 함깨 연결해서 충전하거나 방전하는 것은 불가하다.

( 단, Deep battery에서 car battery로 one way diode 이용해서 충전하는 것은 가능하다. 이 때 solar panel에 연결되어 있다면 car bat에 충전이 잘 될 것이다.)

( 시동이 꺼진 상태에서는 car bat.에서 deep bat.로 12.7 volt 이내에서 충전을 할 수 있을 것이다. 시동을 켜지 않도록 주의해야 한다.)

Deep cycle battery charging from cigar light socket: 하지 않는 것이 좋다.

Deep cycle battery 산업용배터리 충전을 자동차 cigar socket 를 통해서 병렬도 연결하여 할 경우는 다음과 같이 주의해야 한다.

가)  starter battery 지나치게 drain 될 수 있으므로 alternator 를 가동해야 할 것인데 15 volt 이상이 되어서는 안된다는 것이다. 과충전 폭발의 위험이 있다. 충전시 잘 지켜 체크해야 한다. 

나) 연결 전선도 12Awg 이상으로 굵은 선을 사용해야 한다.

The only thing that will damage your battery is if the alternator is putting out more than 15 volts. Volts is what forces the amps into the battery, most chargers/alternators max out at 14.4 volts, this is enough to charge a battery without overcharging. But at 15 volts or higher it will force the amps into a full battery and it will vent.