The liver and Gallbladder Flush
Reproduced from
"The amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush"
Author - Andreas Moritz
The liver flush requires 6 days of preparation, followed by 16 to 20 hours of actual cleansing.
To remove gallstones you need the following items:-
Apple Juice |
6 x 32oz containers |
Epsom Salts* (or magnesium Citrate) |
4 Tablespoons dissolved in three 8oz glasses of water |
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cold pressed. |
One half glass – 4oz |
Either fresh grapefruit (pink is best) or fresh lemon and orange combined ** |
Enough to squeeze ¾ glass (6oz) glass of juice |
2 pint jars, one with a lid |
* Look for Epsom salts ( magnesium sulphate) some packaging labels describe it as a natural laxative. (If it is not available, use magnesium citrate)
* If you cannot tolerate grapefruit juice or if it tends to make you nauseated, you may use equal amounts of freshly squeezed lemon and orange juice instead. The effect is the same with either choice.
Drink one container of 32oz of packaged or freshly prepared apple juice (or other option) per day for a period of 6 days. (You may drink more than that if it feels comfortable to do so)
Drink the apple juice slowly throughout the day, between meals 1(avoid drinking the juice during, just before, and in the first two hours after meals, and in the evening.)
The malic acid in apple juice softens the gallstones and makes their passage through the bile ducts smooth and easy. The apple juice has a strong cleansing effect. Some sensitive people may experience bloating and, occasionally, diarrhoea during the first few days – much of the diarrhoea is actually stagnant bile released by the liver and gallbladder (indicated by a brownish, yellow colour). This fermenting effect of the juice helps widen the bile ducts. If this becomes somewhat uncomfortable, you can dilute the apple juice with any amount of water, or use other options described later.
Preferably, use organic apple juice, although for the purpose of the flush any good brand of commercial apple juice, apple concentrate, or apple cider works just as well. It may be useful to rinse your mouth out with baking soda and / or brush your teeth several times a day to prevent the acid from damaging your teeth. (In case you are intolerant of apple juice or allergic to it, see the other options explained in the book, refer to Chapter 4 –