Liver Cleanse Recipe
Health is one of the indispensable assets in life for any person. Good health is reflected in one’s actions and attitude. In other words, a sound health is the key to having a sound mind too. |
There is a strong relationship between your body and mind. Nevertheless, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and keeping diseases at bay is becoming a Herculean task in the present age. Though a number of factors contribute towards this, the prime ones worthy to note are pollution, unnecessary and uncontrolled use of chemicals and artificial ingredients especially in the food industry, lack of awareness of the safety precautions to avoid diseases, etc.
All these factors combine together and attack our body which is unable to eliminate the toxic wastes before they begin to settle down in the system. This condition of our body is known as toxemia. This leads to many other illnesses like chronic fatigue, decreased metabolic activities, unexplained restlessness, joint pains, aches, acnes, and what not. The list is a long-winding one which goes on to highlight the ill-effects of toxicity caused by undesirable substances found in our body.
Though our body is well-equipped to eliminate these wastes quickly, the problem begins when the organs like colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin which are responsible for waste-elimination fail to function correctly. one such complication is the sluggishness of the liver caused by a number of factors. Mainly, the gallstones that are collected in the liver obstruct the flow of bile. This is not usually visible in any medical test, but your body does indicate that there is a problem brewing up in your body’s largest internal organ, liver.
Before things become more complicated, it is advisable to venture in to the task of liver cleansing or detoxification. The liver performs several important functions such as producing the bile juice that aids in digestion, breaking down internal toxins and eliminating them, renewing your body energy, and so on. only if you realize the importance of liver, you will be encouraged to keep it healthy. If the liver does get affected by gallstones, you should not hesitate or postpone the decision of liver cleansing using a liver cleansing recipe.
By the way, you might be wondering as to what liver cleansing is all about and how it is done. Several questions may crop up in your mind! Let us try to find convincing answers to these queries.
The best way to cleanse your liver is to adopt good liver cleansing recipes that have been found to produce satisfactory results. Recognized doctors and experts are usually those who formulate these liver cleansing recipes. Some of the best known and proven recipes for liver cleansing are:
Liver Cleanse Recipe
- Epsom salts which is nothing but Magnesium Sulphate – 4 tablespoons
- Olive oil- Extra virgin—usually light oil is best—1/2 or 1 cup.
- Freshly picked grapefruit, preferably pink ones—2 or 3 so that you get fresh juice of about 2/3 or ¾ of a cup, or lemons 30, you need about 300ml of fresh juice.
- Ornithine capsules—this is often optional but useful in inducing sleep when taken in a small quantity like 4 capsules.
- Classic coke—1/2 cup-- can be included if you prefer.
If you are first-timers to liver cleansing, then you might feel uncomfortable with the taste of olive oil. Hence, it is advised that you start with smaller quantities.
Before beginning the liver cleansing process, keep all ingredients ready. Not only that, it is better to choose a day like Saturday so that you can get enough time to relax and rejuvenate yourself after a good liver cleansing session.
Now, let us proceed to the actual process of liver cleansing using cleansing recipes.
Do not eat a heavy breakfast or lunch on the day chosen for liver cleansing. You can take a light diet of fruits, juices, bread, or honey, etc.
It is also important that you avoid taking any medicine or pills which are not absolutely essential. once you eat any of this, then remember not to eat after 2’o clock.
Make a mixture of the Epsom salts (3 tablespoons) and water (3 cups).
This will last for 4 servings when taken at ¾ cup each time.
After drinking this mixture at 2’o clock, drink again at 6’o clock and 8’o clock.
At about 9.45 PM, make a mixture of olive oil (1/2 cup) and grapefruit juice (3/4 cup) and don’t forget to shake the mixture vigorously. For improving taste, you can make a lemonade topping. After 15 minutes or so, drink this mixture along with the ornithine capsules (4-8). You have to drink 200ml Olive Oil mixed with 200 ml of your juice.
Immediately, lie down with a pillow under your head to hold it high and lie on your back. Try to remain static for at least 20 minutes after drinking this mixture. You would enjoy a good night’s sleep, especially due to the ornithine capsules. The next morning, preferably at 6 AM, take the third dose of the Epsom salts.
Two hours later, take the last and fourth dose of these salts. You can start eating with a light diet after 2 hours of taking the last dose.
The recipe mentioned above is the first step for most people in the process of liver cleansing. You can proceed with other liver cleansing recipes once you start feeling comfortable. Another liver cleansing recipe with similar procedure can be done by including peppermint oil or V8 juice to resist the nausea caused after drinking the olive oil mixture.
It is best to use a liver cleansing recipe to cleanse your liver at least twice a year. As we discussed earlier, the liver is an essential organ in our body as it helps in creating energy needed by the body at critical times. Not only that, it is an amazing fact to note that in our body, only the liver has been blessed with the power of self-recreation.
In other words, it manages to heal its own damaged cells and regenerates them. Doesn’t that sound marvelous? When the organs in our body possess such magical powers, isn’t it our utmost duty to protect them and keep them in a healthy state? Shouldn’t we take time to mend and fine-tune them? Remember that as long as the organs are in a good condition, they won’t trouble you. But, if you neglect and ignore their calls for upkeep, then you are inviting trouble.
Liver cleansing should be accompanied by a liver flush and more importantly, a thorough cleansing of the colon and the kidneys too. In fact, the latter process should be done first. This is a very significant point to be remembered because you might not benefit fully from a liver cleansing session if the colon or kidneys are filled with toxins and other unwanted wastes.
In the course of colon cleansing, the toxins hidden in that part will be thrown out and hence you can witness the benefits of liver cleansing more clearly. Not only that, a poorly maintained colon and kidneys would become the breeding ground for bacteria and other parasites that feed on the fecal matter buried in these organs. An ideal formula for a liver flush is to drink as much fresh fruit juice as possible, preferably apple juice, as this softens the gallstones and paves way for liver cleansing easily. If they are too stubborn, then you can even opt for an enema.
The liver is one of those organs that directly affect your health. If you experience sluggishness, irritations, and a lack of appetite, then clearly understand that your liver has been neglected grossly and hence it needs immediate attention and repair. Try a liver cleansing recipe and get rid of all unwanted substances to regain good health. In other words, removing toxins will cheer you up and bestow good health and give you energy and vigor in life.
Related Article: Colon cleanse recipe
마그네슘의 황산염.
화학식은 MgSO4. 무수물 이외에도 1·2·3·4·5·6·7·12수화물이 있다. 보통은 7수화물로 존재한다. 천연에서는 독일 슈타스푸르트의 암염층 가운데 1수화물이 키저라이트(MgSO4·1H2O)로서 발견되었으며, 또한 카이나이트(KCl·MgSO4·3H2O)·랭바인석(K2SO4·2MgSO4)·브레이드석(Na2SO4·MgSO4·4H2O) 등으로도 산출된다. 공업적으로는 바닷물로부터 얻거나 칼리 공업의 부산물로 제조된다. 7수화물은 사리염 또는 엡솜염이라고도 하는데, 천연에서 엡소마이트 광물로 산출된다. 무색이나 백색을 띤 침상 또는 주상의 풍해성 결정으로 쓴맛이 난다. 비중은 1.67이며 녹는점은 1,185℃이다. 물 100mℓ에 20℃에서는 71g이, 40℃에서는 91g이 각각 녹으며, 그 액성은 중성이다. 알코올에는 약간 녹는다. 건조한 공기 중에서는 상온에서 하나의 물 분자를 잃는다. 70~80℃에서는 물 4분자를, 100℃에서는 5분자를, 120℃에서는 6분자를 각각 잃는데, 습한 공기 중에서 즉시 물을 다시 흡수한다. 약 250℃에서는 무수물이 된다.
종이의 충전제, 견(絹)의 증량제, 내화섬유의 제조, 매염제 등으로 사용된다. 의약품으로는 중요한 염류하제이며, 바륨이나 바르비탈 중독의 해독제, 담즙 채취시 담낭 수축제, 파상풍의 항경련제 등으로 쓰인다. 신장에서 빠르게 배설되는데, 신부전증의 경우에는 마그네슘 중독을 일으킨다. 특히 비경구적으로 다량 투여했을 때는 온몸에 열이 나고 혈압이 떨어지며 심장 기능이 억제되고 중추신경억제가 일어난다. 치료방법으로는 10% 크롬산칼슘을 정맥주사한다.
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