Simon An
Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Shanxi University
The term cosmopolitanism is a derivative of cosmopolitan who is familiar with and at least in many different countries and cultures including people from many different countries. Cosmos means the universe seen as a well-ordered whole.
Nationalism means patriotic feeling, principles or efforts, an extreme form of which is marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries. A patriot means a person who vigorously supports his or her country´s policy, whether it is right or wrong, and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. Patriotic means having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one´s own country. Patriotism means zealous love of one´s own country, even it is evil. Nowadays, in China, everyday we can see it.
Nation, a body of people recognized as an entity by virtue of their historical, geographical, linguistic or ethnic links, has more natural attributes than social, cultural or civilized attributes. So, "national" is in contrast with "international". International in communist world means worldwide socialist or communist organizations. The First International was founded in 1872. Marx said that workers have no motherland.
Cosmopolitanism has a long history in Europe. It originates in late ancient Greece, and is carried forward in Christian theology. It encourages universal fraternity(博爱). Christianity does not love one´s own nation only, not love sages and men of virtues only, not love one´s close associates and compatriots only.
Jesus did not teach that one should love his own nation or country.
Christianity is not a self-respectful, self-centered and self-satisfied religion.
In European history, especially after Napoleonconquered Europe, cosmopolitanism gave way to nationalism. The purpose of education was to train good citizens, not human beings.
Christians are not docile citizens under the feudal regime. In the history of development,
Christianity assimilates heritage form Judaism.
Judaism(犹太教)is both universalism(普遍主义)and particularism in some sense. But in essence, it is a nationalistic religion.
Judaism is the preparation stage for Christian cosmopolitanism.
Jesus broke the Jewish nationalist tie. This is a revolution in the history of human thoughts.
Nowadays, Jewish thinkers developed a cosmopolitan view of Judaism. This is a great contribution to our world.
When Christianity was born, it has Judaism as its ancestor or mother.
Judaism said that all men are born equal. All men are descendents Adam and Eve.
In Jewish Testament, there are many teaching which mention "all peoples", "all nations", "all states". These texts are opposite to Chinese strong nationalism.
Jewish people are only selected people among other people.
The Jewish(犹太的) religion originally was a tribal and national religion and culture.
The modern and contemporary Judaism departs the old nationalism to cosmopolitanism.
But in Jewish Testament, there were many teachings about the whole mankind belonging to one God.
There is no Chinese idea of descendents of Yan(炎) and Huang(黄) Emperors or the idea of successors to the Dragon(龙的传人). This is an idea of Totem Worship(图腾崇拜).
As early as the first century, Christianity and Jesus break throgh the Jewish exclusionist isolation and conservatism, changing the Jewish national religion into open worldwide religion.
In modern times, Jewish thinkers expounded cosmopolitanism from point of view of Jewish Testament. But we must discriminate the cosmopolitanism expounded by modern Jewish thinkers from the traditional Jewish belief. In Jewish scriptures, there were some useful materials about cosmopolitanism.
Ancient Messianic hope, no matter how worldwide, was always linked with Jewish national hope. There was always something disgusting. The modern Jewish thinkers believed that there will be only one humanity. The reconciliation between God and humankind means the union of all people and all nations. The split among humankind is temporary and false, but the unity of them is true and eternal.
"The Lord will be king over the whole earth. on that day, there will be one Lord, and his name the only name".(Zec.14.9)
"They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. "(Isa.2.4) "Then will I purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord."(Zep.3:9)
Jewish people are not only a geographical ethnical, racial, anthropological notion, but also a cultural, civilized, historical notion. Cosmopolitanism does not negate or neglect nationality, but it pays little attention to the interests of nations or races. Nations and states must serve the more importantly high principle.
Modern Jewish cosmopolitanism is the result of the Jewish response to the challenges from modern world.
The Diaspora(散居) is not absolutely a disaster. When being deprived of the land, Jewish people have taken up their own mission. Deprivation of the lands and homes is not only a punishment, but also a part of the God´s plan. Diaspora(犹太人大流散) opened a wide space for Jewish mission. They learned that possessions, fortunes and powers are temporary. The Diaspora is a great school for them to train their heroic spirit. Modern Jewish thinkers developed an international view or cosmopolitanism.
There are some elements and foundations of cosmopolitanism in Judaism, which can be borrowed and used by Christianity. There is duality in Judaism—both nationalism and internationalism. Judaism—Christian monotheism criticized natural religion.
Some scholars praise the universalism of Judaism and criticize the Greek particularism. M.Kaplan criticized the nationalism in Judaism. He advocates that Judaism should go to the world. We should point out that as a national religion, Jewish religion never gave up the hope of becoming a world religion. It´s Jewish religions that established a basis for Christian mission. It is Jewish religion that establishes a notion of humankind. Chinese phrase says: within the four seas, all men are brothers. But according to Jewish tradition, outside the four seas, all men are also brothers. Nevertheless, Jewish religion is basically a nation´s religion, which is different from Christianity. Yahweh (Jehovah) is the Hebrew name for God. Modern Jewish scholars expound the cosmopolitanism of Jewish religion. They were influenced by modern spirit.
Chinese culture is agriculture. It is cultivation of the soil. It means field-cultura. Chinese people worship gods of field, heaven, weather, sex, season and food, etc. These are all natural phenomena. Agricultural nations worship emperors and national Gods. Chinese traditional culture is an agricultural culture. As an agricultural nation, Chinese culture has shortcomings of nationalism. Traditionally, Chinese religions have Gods of agriculture, nature, marriage, medicine, but no Gods of arts, wisdom, crafts, no commercial goddess.
Today, some Chinese scholars promote "Language Sovereignty". They advocate the idea that in 50 years time, Chinese language will replace English and become a world language. This is self-glorification. How can Chinese language replace English and become a world language? It is impossible at all. Chinese language is pictographic characters(象形文字), not alphabetic writing. English is phonetic alphabet(拼音文字): phonetic letters have many advantages. Pictograph has some shortcomings than alphabetic systems of writing. In early evolutionary period of human history, every nation used pictographs, but later on, they developed phonetic alphabets. So, English is a worldwide language, it is not because of Britain and American imperialism.
The man-made language Esperanto(世界语)cannot replace English, because it is artificial. Some Chinese scholars advocate that Chinese language will replace English as a world language 50 years later. This is utterly groundless nonsense. English has more advantages than Chinese. In our society, we can see English slogans and advertisements everyday. This is not bad. Today, some Chinese scholars hate English. They promote a strong Chinese Language Movement. They even oppose English slogans, boards, marks and advertisements. Some articles in our country say that the 21st century is Chinese century. So scholars oppose foreign languages examination for promoting Academic titles. Many of my friends even suggest "Chinese Theology". It is strange enough that I don´t understand the meaning.
In Chinese lunar calendar(阴历), the Heavenly stems and Earthly Branches(天干地支)designate the years. Today, Some people suggest that China should have its own St. Valentine day(情人节)—the seventh day of the seventh month of Chinese lunar calendar. But China has adopted Gregorian calendar(公历纪年) in 1949, and especially important, the seventh day of the seven month in Chinese lunar is not the love of male and female, but of a young peasant and a female celestial, not earthly love! It´s a national "lovers day". Other peoples can´t adopt it.
Recently, in Qufu(曲阜), Shandong, China, the hometown of Confucius, a memorial ceremony for Confucius(祭孔大典)is held by the local government. Attendants offered flower baskets to Confucius. This is the same as national ceremony for Huang Emperor Tomb(全民公祭黄帝陵). These national religions do not admit the only common ancestor of all human beings. It´s not a international spirit.
In our times, if one only loves his own nation or his own church, he betrays Jesus´ message. Our times are times of globalization. This is the realization of cosmopolitanism of Christianity. Today, in China, the Christian "Three-selves" Patriotic Movement goes against the main tendency of the world history. The leaders of Chinese churches change the essence of Christianity into a national selfish and self-centered religion. As Athens Olympic Games(雅典奥运会) is over, Chinese people celebrate its victory. The whole country is immersed in national carnival(狂欢)and fanaticism. As Chinese man-made spaceship is launched, the whole nation saw it as a nation´s own success. But it is in fact the whole world´s success. As a nation with strong nationalistic feeling, China will not melt into world culture. A nationalistic culture has no change and has not its history. History means change and revolution.
Simon An. 16-15, Philosophy Dept. Shanxi University, Taiyuan, 030006, China. Tel: 0351-7010517 Oct,16.2004
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