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Power walking (=Speed Walking)

hanngill 2009. 1. 9. 09:16

Walking :

Strolling: Walking at the rate of about 3 mph with arms swinging loosely at sides. 散步 4 km

Brisk Walking: Walking at the rate of about 4 mph with energetic arm motion.        速步 6 km

Power/Race Walking: Walking at the rate of  5 mph with quicker steps and arms at a 90 degree angle. 輕步 8 km


Power walking

From Wikipedia

Power walking is walking at a speed at the upper end of the natural range for the walking gait, typically 7 km/h to 9 km/h (4.5 to 5.5 mph).

In this range walking and jogging are almost equally efficient, and

the walking gait gives significantly less impact to the joints.


Recently, power walking has been increasingly recommended (see, for example, articles by Kenneth H. Cooper) as an alternative to jogging for a low-to-moderate exercise regime (say 60-80% of maximum heart rate).

When used in this way, an exaggerated arm swing is also often used.


To qualify as power walking as opposed to jogging or running, at least one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times (see walking for a formal definition).


Power walking is also known as speed walking.




Speed Walking

- sometimes called power walking, fitness walking, health walking, exercise walking or striding -

파워 워킹은 혈류를 원활히 함으로써 심혈관을 뚫어주어 심장병을 예방한다.

또 폐활량을 높혀주어 폐기능강화에 도움이 될 것이다.

지방분해을 위해서라면 strolling / brisk walking (5.5~6.5 km/h)이 더 좋을 것이다.


What is speed walking?


Without a doubt, walking is good exercise. But

if you want great exercise, try speed walking or its stepped-up cousin, race-walking.

These activities increase your caloric burn rate without the joint-jarring effects of jogging.


Simply put, speed walking  is walking very fast without breaking into a jog or run. Arms swing in pace with the stride, and one foot is on the ground at all times. Your stride is slightly longer and considerably quicker than in a leisurely stroll. Speed walkers generally walk at a pace of 3.5 to 5.5 miles per hour.(7 ~9 km/h).


How many calories does speed walking burn?


The number of calories burned during a speed-walking workout depends on such factors as your weight, the length of your workout, the pace of your walk and how vigorously you swing your arms.

Walking at a brisk pace of 4.5 mph on level terrain burns about 440 calories per hour if you weigh 150 pounds. You'd burn about the same number of calories by running slowly. Heavier people burn more calories per hour no matter what activity they are engaged in; lighter people burn fewer. Another way to burn more calories is to speed walk on hilly terrain or on an inclined treadmill.

According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, walking harder or faster only slightly increases the calories spent. A better way to burn more calories is to increase the time spent walking.




Advantages of speed walking several times a week are manifold.

One study found that

women who walked one to three hours a week were 30 percent less likely to develop heart disease or suffer a heart attack compared with sedentary women.

Women who walked three hours weekly were 35 percent less likely to have heart problems.

Walking five or more hours a week reduced the risk of heart problems by more than 40 percent.


According to champion race-walker and certified exercise leader Bonnie Stein,

race-walking provides a lower- and upper-body workout because of the accentuated use of the back, shoulders and arms.

Speed walkers and race-walkers also enjoy a low injury rate.

Walking places much less stress hitting the ground than running does.


According to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's sports medicine department,

 the impact of running is about three times your body weight, while the impact of walking is half of that.

And, if you keep an erect posture, you are less likely to develop back problems.

As with other forms of aerobic exercise, speed walking for 20 to 60 minutes three or more times a week provides stress-relief and other psychological benefits.


Other advantages:

Speed walking is independent and inexpensive.

You don't need a partner or a team.

All you need is a pair of comfortable walking shoes and a place to walk - a park, track, treadmill, the local mall or your own neighborhood.




If you walk too slowly, it can be difficult to raise your heart rate enough to derive the same cardiovascular benefits provided by other forms of aerobic exercise.

Depending where you live and work, you may lack access to a safe place to speed walk for long distances. Unless you have access to a treadmill, mall or an indoor track, maintaining your speed-walking schedule may be difficult during inclement weather. Another potential downside is boredom because walking can be monotonous to some people.

Speed walking or race-walking can lead to foot pain if the soles of your walking shoes are worn or too thin, if they provide inadequate arch support, are too loose around your heels, or lack shock absorbency.

If you usually wear shoes with heels higher than 2 inches, you may experience heel pain when you switch to walking shoes.


Who should participate?


The beauty of speed walking is that almost every ambulatory person can do it. Speed walking is also a great family activity.

Check with your doctor before beginning a speed-walking or any other exercise program. Be sure you don't have foot problems that may cause your weight to be distributed unevenly as you speed walk. This can lead to plantar fasciitis, a painful inflammation of the soles of your feet.


Learning to speed walk


Many people teach themselves to speed walk by increasing their usual walking pace and swinging or "pumping" their arms vigorously. For those concerned with perfecting their technique, there are walking clinics and books about walking.

Race-walking technique is more difficult to master. Like speed walkers, race-walkers do not let themselves become airborne as runners do. What makes race-walking unique is that the supporting leg is kept unbent from the time the foot touches the ground in front of you until the moment it passes under your body. Race-walkers also accentuate their arm swing and move their torso and pelvis in a rhythmic, albeit peculiar-looking manner.

Posture is important in both speed walking and race-walking. The torso is kept upright yet relaxed throughout each stride. The head remains in a neutral position; you are not looking down or up. In race-walking, your footfalls should be aligned, and your hips, which drive your stride, should be rotating horizontally with very little vertical movement.

Some walking clubs offer speed walking and race-walking clinics.


Speed walking guidelines


Talk to your doctor. Check with your doctor before you start this or any other new activity, especially if you have a medical problem like heart disease or asthma, are very overweight, or have been inactive for some time.

Don't forget to stretch. Exercise should always include a warm-up period. After warming up, stretch to prepare your whole body, especially the muscles that will be used. Remember to cool down after exercising by letting your breathing return to normal and heart rate slow down. Stretching after you cool down is important too.

Safety in numbers. If there are no safe places to walk alone near your home or workplace, join a speed walkers club. Or find one or two friends or coworkers who also enjoy walking, and hammer out a walking schedule that works for everyone. Speed walking in pairs or groups fights monotony and motivates you to speed walk regularly.

Be visible. Wear light colors or reflective tape on your clothing when speed walking. This is especially important if you walk in the road, at dusk, at night or in foggy conditions.

Fight boredom. Focus on the natural beauty around you (if you are outside), meditate on a fixed point (if you are on a treadmill), listen to music or just allow yourself to get lost in your thoughts. Katherine R., an author and fitness-aficionado, says she takes brisk walks to deal with writer's block. And she doesn't consciously focus on the problem she is trying to solve; she simply clears her mind as she walks. This technique, she says, invariably leads to a breakthrough by the time she returns to her desk.

Stay challenged. As your physical conditioning improves, step up your pace and swing your arms more vigorously as you speed walk. The longer and faster you walk, the more fat you'll burn and the more health benefits you will experience.

Speed walking gear

A good pair of walking shoes is the only "special equipment" a speed walker needs, although proper attire and walking adjuncts can make the walking experience more comfortable and intense, respectively.

Shoes. Wear shoes that are comfortable, supporting and fit your feet well. If they are too loose or too tight, you could wind up with blisters, calluses or foot pain. According to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, any pair of decent running shoes, particularly the training models with heavy soles, makes good walking shoes. Other footwear options include lightweight trail or hiking boots or casual shoes made with heavy rubber or crepe rubber soles.

Walking shoes should have arch supports and elevate your heels one-half to three-quarters of an inch above the sole of the foot. The shoe's uppers should be made of materials that "breathe," such as leather or nylon mesh.

If you speed walk several times a week, you will probably need to replace your walking shoes every six months or so.

Clothes. Weather will dictate the rest of your attire. In general, it is best to wear lighter clothing than temperatures seem to indicate. Speed walking generates lots of body heat, and you may become overheated if you are dressed too warmly. In cold weather, wear several layers of lightweight clothing than one or two heavy layers. The extra layers help trap heat, and they are easy to shed if you get too warm. A wool watch cap or ski cap also will help trap body heat and provide protection for the head in very cold temperatures.

Wear thick athletic socks made of 100 percent cotton or a cotton blend. Thicker socks provide a degree of padding that can help prevent foot injuries.

Indoors, wear a tank top or T-shirt and comfortable shorts.

Female speed walkers and race-walkers should wear a supportive sports bra.

Pedometer. If you like to track your walking distance, consider getting a pedometer. While these digital devices are generally accurate on flat routes, they may not be accurate when you walk on hilly terrain because the length of your stride changes.

Walking Adjuncts. To add intensity to your walking workout, you may wish to try a walking adjunct. Walking adjuncts are devices that add weight to your body or help you work your upper extremities. Walking poles, for example, are used like cross-country ski poles and help you exercise your arms as you walk.

According to the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, using walking poles increases the intensity of walking from 68 percent to 78 percent of maximal heart rate. The poles also increase caloric expenditure by 22 percent, compared to walking without poles.

Other walking adjuncts include hand weights, wrist weights, ankle weights, weighted gloves and weighted vests. While these devices help you burn more calories, they also raise your risk for injury because they place more pressure on your joints with each stride.

Glossary of terms

Dorsi flexing: A race-walking technique in which you deliberately flex your ankle so that your forefoot comes up with each stride.

Pedometer: An instrument that records walking distance and number of steps by responding to the motion of your body.

Plantar fasciitis: Inflammation of the plantar fascia, a broad ligament-like structure that extends from the heel bone to the base of the toes.

Race-walking: A sport in which the body is moved forward as quickly as possible without running and the body does not move up and down as in regular walking.

Speed walking: Walking at a brisk pace of 3.5 to 5.5 mph.

Walking adjuncts: Devices such as weighted gloves and weighted vests that add intensity to your walk or challenge the muscles in your upper extremities.

Walking poles: Long poles with rubberized tips used like cross country ski poles to work the arms and upper body while walking.



Related Articles

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External Sources

President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
University of Pittsburgh Sports Medicine Department
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

Strolling: Walking at the rate of about 3 mph with arms swinging loosely at sides. 4.8km

Brisk Walking: Walking at the rate of about 4 mph with energetic arm motion. 6.4 km

Race Walking: Walking at the rate of 5 mph with quicker steps and arms at a 90 degree angle. 8km

1 mile = 1.609344 km