형규, 훤에게
아침에 일어나면 무조건 운동부터 한다.
운동하고 밥먹고 활동하고 목욕하고 잠자고.... 즉 [ 몸 시동, 명상 기도, 아침 식사, 활동 (학습 연구), 저녁 식사, 심신 정비(근육훈련, 성현의 말씀), 심신휴식(수면) ]을 나의 Daily Life Style 로 정한다. 적당한 운동을 하는 시간은 그만한 시간 이상을 벌어준다. 까 먹는 시간이 아님을 명심하라.
아침 눈을 뜨자 마자 해야 할 일은 몸을 시동하고 웜잉업 해 두는 일이다. 오늘 할 일을 확인하고 마음의 정리를 위해 명상기도를 한다.
여기서는< 몸 시동과 예열을 하는 방법 절차 >를 다루기로 한다.
아침 눈을 뜨자마자
자리에 누은 체로 온 몸의 긴장을 풀고, 중요 근육을 늘려주고 중요 관절의 회전을 시켜준다.
* stretching 으로는 Yoga 가 좋다.
아침 일어 나자마자
몸의 중요 근육 < 목, 가슴, 등, 배, 허리, 궁둥이, 허벅지, 종아리 >룰 움직이는 운동을 가볍게 한다. 맨손, 덤벡, 뱌벨, 모래주머니 등 가정에서 할 수 있는 기구를 이용해서 6~10 회 1,2 set를 한다.
MUSCLE 운동 종류 열거
NECK : 선체로 손바닥으로 웨이트를 주면서 목을 전후좌우 회전 운동을 한다. 누어서 전후좌우 방향 고개(머리)들기를 수회 반복한다. DELTOIDS : db front / lateral/ bent over raise. military press. TRAPEZIUS : shrug, db upright row, PECTORALIS : push up, db BENCH PRESS, db pull over, db fly, CABLE FLY/ ELBOW ELLIPTIC RORATE LATISSIMUS : pull up, chinning, db bent over row, CABLE onE-ARM ROW. ABDOMEN : rectus/oblique crunch, leg raise, knee up, Vacuum maneuver, torso trunk twist. ERECTORS : back extension, DEADLIFT, goodmorning. db side bending(quadratus lumborum), 엎드려 무릎 앞으로 했다가 다리 뒤로 뻗치기 또는 앉아서 무릎들어 올리기와 런지자세로 다리 뒤로 뻑치기(psoas contract /extension). GLUTES : SQUAT, lunge, total-tip machine. QUADRICEPS : leg press, leg extension. 모래주머니 발에 차고 의자에 않자서 HAMSTRINGS : leg curl, 모래주머니 발에 차고 선체로 CALVES : calf raise ARM : wrist curl, arm curl. triceps extension.
* WALKING 6 Km/hour 은 체지방 분해을 위해 좋은 전신운동이다.
Top 10 Reasons To Exercise In The Morning
If I had to pick a single factor that I thought was most import!!ant in a successful exercise or weight loss program, it would be to exercise first thing in the morning - every morning! Some mornings, you may just be able to fit in a 10 minute walk, but it's import!!ant to try to do something every morning.
So why mornings? 1. Over 90% of people who exercise *consistently*, exercise in the morning. If you want to exercise consistently, odds are in your favor if you exercise first thing in the morning. 2. When you exercise early in the morning, it "jump starts" your metabolism and keeps it elevated for hours, sometimes up to 24 hours! That means you're burning more calories all day long just because you exercised in the morning! 3. When you exercise in the morning you'll be *energized* for the day! Personally, I feel dramatically different on days when I have and haven't exercised in the morning. 4. Many people find that morning exercise "regulates" their appetite for the day - that they aren't as hungry and that they make better food choices. Several people have told me that it puts them in a "healthy mindset." 5. If you exercise at about the same time every morning, and ideally wake-up at about the same time on a regular basis, your body's endocrine system and circadian rhythms adjust to that. Physiologically, some wonderful things begin to happen; A couple of hours *before* you awaken, your body begins to prepare for waking and exercise because it "knows" it's about to happen. Why? Because it "knows" you do the same thing just about everyday. You benefit from that in several ways.. a) It's MUCH easier to wake-up. When you wake-up at different times everyday, it confuses your body and thus it's never really "prepared" to awaken. b) Your metabolism and all the hormones involved in activity and exercise begin to elevate while you're sleeping. Thus, you feel more alert!!, energized, and ready to exercise when you do wake-up. c) Hormones prepare your body for exercise by regulating blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow to muscles, etc. 6. For many people, that appointed time every morning becomes something they look forward to. It's time they've set aside to do something good for themselves - to take care of their body, mind, and soul. Many find that it's a great time to think clearly, pray, plan their day, or just relax mentally. 7. Research has demonstrated that exercise increases mental acuity. on average it lasts four to ten hours after exercise! No sense in wasting that brain power while you're sleeping. :) 8. Exercise first thing in the morning is really the only way to assure that something else won't crowd exercise out of your schedule. When your days get hectic, exercise usually takes a back seat! 9. If finding time to exercise is difficult, anyone can get up 30 to 60 minutes earlier to exercise (if it's a priority in your life). If necessary, you can go to sleep a little earlier. Also, research has demonstrated that people who exercise on a regular basis have a higher quality of sleep and thus require less sleep! 10. You'll feel GREAT! |
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