난해한 구동사
When Zeke found out they were coming for him he LIT OUT for the border. 국경을 향해 황급히 달아나다.. LIGHT OUT FOR 장소. To flee hastily for a particular destination; to clear out or depart quickly.
We lit out for the safe house as soon as we heard the police sirens in the distance.
I have to BEAVER AWAY AT it or else I will fail the course. 비버처럼 일하다.
limber up, knock up, warm up.
Lighten up! 기운내라. Make more cheerful. 가벼히 하라.
trade off 균형 상태.
get off on one's power over sby. 에 우쭐하다. 힘의 우위에 쾌감을 느끼다.
egg him to fight with 와 싸우기를 계속 부추기다. Provoke him to V.
flog off =to sell something cheaply in order to get rid of it quickly. 싸게 때려치우다.
The council FLOGGED OFF the land cheaply to a developer who had close links to a few of the councillors. 싸게팔아버리다. 때려 치우다
The idiot CARVED us UP and forced me to brake hard. 조각하다.자르다.
멍청한 놈이 우리앞을 잘라서 급 제동을 하게 만들었다. pull ahead, overtake
It took me ages to COTTON ON TO what they were planning.
She crank out a good excuse.
핑계를 기계적으로 만들어 낸다. 입으로만 변명을 한다.
cop it 잘못한 댓가를 치르다. Cop out= cop off 살짝 빠저나가다. commit to 전념하다.
Why did you bug out on me? ( 나만 남겨두고 말 없이 떠나버리다) 튀다. = bail out on me. Bailout 비행기탈출 bail out 나쁜 상황에서 탈출하다. bailout 긴급재난구제지원금
Belt out! = 큰소리 지르다. 입을 크게 열라. 입마개를 열라
Belt up! = shut up. 조용히 하라. 입을 닫아라. 입마개를 닫으라.
Buckle down 본격적으로 시작하다.
I used to BUNK OFF school and go into town.
My computer's ACTING UP 않던 짓하다. 필요 없는 짓하다 ; I think I might have a virus.
The rules don't ALLOW OF any exceptions. allow of Sth 허용, 가능
bail up 붙들다. bail out 탈출시키다 (돈잡히고). 물 퍼내다.
Everybody BAILED OUT ON him when the scandals broke. 달아나다
He BALLSED the presentation UP. 헛소리로 망치다.
I'm BANKING ON your help; I can't do it alone. 기대하다.
The scandal BLEW OVER within a fortnight 지나갔다. 끝났다.
It all BOILS DOWN TO money in the end.
What he did was BORDERING ON betrayal. 배신에 가깝다.
It took ages to BREAK the horse IN. 길들이다.
He BOUGHT the newspaper OFF by placing a lot of adverts. 많은 광고를 해서 즉, 돈을 많이 주어서 신문사 입을 막았다. 돈으로 매수하다.
He threatened to tell the police, so I had to buy him off. 그가 경찰에 알리겠다고 위협해서 나는 그를 매수하다.
His business partners BOUGHT him OUT to get rid of him.
I don't mean to bag you out, but that top is really not flattering on you.
The government are CLAMPING DOWN ON antisocial behaviour. 엄히 다스리다. 꽉 조이다.
The police always CRACK DOWN ON drink-driving offences over the Christmas period. 깨 부수다. 을 엄하게 다루다.
I've got to work tonight; can I CRY OFF going out for dinner? 못한다고 소리 지르다. 취소하다.
A red Mini CUT me UP and I had to brake suddenly.
The car CUT OUT at the traffic lights just as they went green. 멈추다.
신호등이 초록으로 바꾸는 바로 그 때 신호등 있는데서 엔진이 멈추었다.
The radio cut out on us just as the dispatcher was giving us the street address.
His illness has a lot to do with his failing the exam. 그의 병이 불합격과 관련이 많다. Do with 와 관계하다.
Everyone DOBBED IN some cash to help. (help) 갹출하다.
The storm gradually lessened as the night drew on. 밤이 깊어가면서 lessen, lesson.
I really DROPPED him IN IT when I told them what he'd done.
나는 정말 그를 곤경에 빠지게 했다.
He checked into a clinic to DRY OUT after being arrested for drink-driving.
술중독에서 벗어나기 위해 병원에 입원했다.[병원에 check in 하였다]
The other students EGGED him ON when he started arguing with the teacher. Provoke
They FELL OUT (with Sby) over the decision and hardly speak to each other any more.
사이가 벌어지다.[ 사이가 떨어지다]
We are able to feed off each other's ideas. 서로의 아이디어를 이용할 수 있다.
His anger fed off his jealousy. 질투심에서 생긴다.
The microbes feed off the decaying seaweed. 뜯어먹고 산다.
She FORGED AHEAD of the other runners and won.
She FRONTED UP the money we needed.
I'm GAGGING FOR a drink. Gag for = want. (gag 재갈, 입막다. 원하다, joke)
Did you GET IT ON WITH him?
The talk was dull and nobody GOT IT ON. 더이상 듣지 안했다.
He GETS THROUGH two bottles of wine a day.
I GOT the test OVER WITH rather than had to worry about it.
over with= end, finish, complete. I'll be glad when exams are over with.
걱정하기 보다는 도전해서 끝냈다.
We asked him to GET TO the point, but he just waffled away.
요점을 말하라고 했는데도 쓸데없는 말을 지꺼리다. (wafer, waffle 과자)
Last June I GOT TO visit Stonehenge.
He GAVE himself UP/over TO his job.
Their behaviour GNAWED AWAY AT our trust in them.
The play didn't have much GOING FOR IT and we left halfway through. It=the play
A lot of time and effort WENT INTO this book.
After the traffic jam, he really WENT IT to make up time. 막가다
He prefers to GO IT ALONE rather than working with the team.
My plans WENT OVER well. 잘 넘어갔다.
My divorce WENT THROUGH last week.
We WENT THROUGH a fortune on our holiday. 거금을 썼다. =consume
The plans sounded strange at first, but they have GROWN ON me.
그 계획들이 처음에는 이상하게 들렸으나 점차 그 계획들이 내 마음에 들었다.
He HACKS me OFF with his endless complaining. = 들 볶다.
I HACKED UP a lot of phlegm while I was ill. [목을 다듬어 가래를 올리다]
I can't stop HANKERING AFTER some chocolate. Hanker 갈망하다. Cf. hunker 궁둥이대고 쪼그려 앉다.
She HAD IT AWAY with him last Friday. 그거를 해버렸다.
They HAD IT OFF after the party. 파티후에 했다.
He has HAD IT IN FOR me since I beat him last year. 꼼한 생각을 간직하다.
I'd been worried for ages, so I decided to HAVE IT OUT WITH them.
수년동안 속으로 앓았는데 이 번에는 한 번 털어 놓고 이야기 하기로 했다.
I HIT IT OFF WITH her immediately. 잘 맞아 떨어지다. 연인사이.
He HIT me WITH the details of their demands. 놀라게 했다.
I tried to HOLD ONTO my cash during the holiday. 현금을 쥐고 있으려고 노력했다. 아껴쓰다.
Two armed men HELD UP the bank in High Street this morning and got away with £75,000.
I don't HOLD WITH their plans. 그들의 계획과 함께 하지 않는다. 동의하지 않는다. Go with
The government is HOMING IN ON benefit fraud. =focus on
보상사기 (실업수당 받을려고 거짓 기재하는 사기)에 초점을 맞추고 있다.
He was HOONING AROUND in his new car last night and the police pulled him. 난폭운전하다.
We KICKED the idea ABOUT at the meeting.
그 아이디어를 논의해보다.
Her hayfever didn't feel half as bad once the antihistamines had KICKED IN. (allergic rhinitis)
He started KICKING OFF big time when the police tried to arrest him.
크게 반항하기 시작했다. Big time 크게
They were LARGING IT UP in the rave.
After they won, they went to a bar to LARK IT UP.
I LASHED OUT a lot ON a new car. 뿌리다.
We have LINED UP a lot of meetings for them.
She PACKED her boyfriend IN. 그만두다.
Their patience PAID OFF when he finally showed up and signed the contract.
그들의 인내가 좋을 결과를 낳았다.
Fearing the police, he PEELED OUT in a cloud of tire smoke. 급가속으로
I PEGGED the washing OUT after it stopped raining.
She was ill in bed with flu, but she PERKED UP a bit when some friends dropped by. =perch up 횃대에 오르다.
I plumped for the steak, but I wish I had gone with the chicken.
She POLISHES OFF half a bottle of gin every night.
I had to PONY fifty dollars UP for the meal. =pay for 조락말. 돈을 내다.
Computer games allow people to PLAY OUT their violent urges.
컴퓨터 게임은 사람들이 폭력적인 충동을 발산시켜준다.
He's always POPPING OFF when things don't suit him.
At one stage it looked as if she was going to die, but she PULLED THROUGH in the end. 회복하다.
He was so angry that he couldn't PULL HIMSELF TOGETHER. control
PUT me DOWN FOR 50p per mile. 나에게 해달라. 마일당 50 파우드 식으로.
He didn't score many, but we can PUT that DOWN TO inexperience.
그는 많은 점수를 얻지 못했지만 우리는 경험부족이라 해할 수 있다.
He PUT IN FOR a transfer to the new branch. 새 지점으로 전근할 것을 요청하였다.
I was really PUT OFF by the way he eats with his mouth open. 진짜 싫어지다..
They RACKED UP the car in an accident. ←wrecked up
She RAPPED OUT the command. 명령을 큰소리로 퉁명스럽게 쏘아내다.
His enthusiasm RUBS OFF ON everyone around him. 번지다.
They're always RUNNING me DOWN and I am sick and tired of it.
They RAN him IN last night. 연행하다
She RAN the car IN for a thousand miles. 길들이기 운전
He RAN UP a lot of bills at the hotel. 지불했다.
I wasn't sold on the idea until they showed me exactly how they planned to spend the money. 나는 그 아이디어에 넘어기지 않았다. 속지 않았다. 팔리지 않았다.
We managed to SELL him ON the expansion plans. . Sell me on~ 으로 속여팔다. 둘려먹다.
Cf. Sell on trust, sell on sale
Did you send in the check for our utility bill yet?
공과금 고지서를 발급 받기 위해 사용량을 체크 해서 보냈느냐?
The comedian sent up the vice president. 부통령 흉내 내다.
send sby/sth up (사람들을 웃기기 위해 흉내를 내며) ~을 조롱하다
send sby up ~을 감옥에 집어넣다
His efforts to raise the issue were SHOUTED DOWN. [shout down 큰소리질러서 제지하다]
His anger SHOWED THROUGH despite his smile. 웃는 모습이지만 분노가 훤히 들어났다.
You have to SHUT your feelings OUT to deal with it.
감당하기 위해서 감정을 억제하다. 즉, 감정이 생기지 않게 하다. 감정을 못들어 오게 막다.
I SIGNED OFF when I got my new job. 등록 해제하는 사인
I had to SIGN ON when I lost my job. 등록하는 사인
I've SIGNED UP as a volunteer.
The boss wants to sit in on the production meeting to make sure everything is going smoothly. 자리에 앉다.
If his girlfriend finds out 알면, she'll get mad and SIT ON him. 올라타다.
slag sby/sth off 스레그 취급하다; 혹평하다; sth 를 걷어내다.
The cold beer SLIPPED DOWN a treat after the walk. ( a treat 아주 잘)
It was very boring so we SLIPPED OFF before it finished.
The lecture sounded really boring, so I SLOPED OFF and went to the pub.
They SNAFFLED UP all the food before we got there. 남이 먹을 새라 재빨리 훔치듯이 먹어 치우다.
He's been SPOILING FOR an argument all day. 말 다투려고 안달이다.
It was obvious that he was spoiling for a fight. 싸우려고 안달이다
[ 그는 싸우고 싶어서 망가지고 있었다]
A mob armed with guns was at the border between the two republics, spoiling for a fight.
They SPRANG a birthday party ON me at work. 나에게 생일파티를 갑자기 내 놓다.
They need to SQUARE UP TO what they did wrong. 그들이 잘못을 인정할 필요가 있다.
He squared up to the guy who had been making lewd remarks about his girlfriend. 맞서다
John was angry and appeared to be squaring up for a fight. 맞서다.
We went to the bar to square up our bill from the night before. 정산하다.
square up the picture frame
The new model doesn't STACK UP AGAINST the old one. 옛것에 대하여 더 낫지 않다.
Well, how does your new car stack up against your old one? 옛것에 비해 얼마나 더 낫느냐?
He's obsessed with how he stacks up against my previous boyfriends. 그가 비해서 더 낳을까를 가지고 고심하다.
Stack up against/to. compare to. 의문문 부정문. 견주어 낫지 않다, 낫을까.
He's the kind of manager who will always STAND UP FOR his staff. 지지하다
She STOOD UP TO the police when they tried to corrupt her.
The manager was furious and STARTED ON her staff for not trying hard enough.
He STARTED ON me for being late.
Not wanting to attract attention, she STOLE OUT early.
He's so much better than the others that he STICKS OUT.
그는 쉽게 눈에 띄일 정도로 다른 사람들 보다 뛰어나다.
I STOPPED OVER in Bangkok for a couple of days on my way back from Tokyo.
도중에 머물다.
I STOPPED UP last night watching the film. 늦게까지 자지 않고 머물다.
They kept saying they were interested, but they were just STRINGING me ALONG. 관심있다고 줄 곧 말하는데, 실은 그저 한 편인 처럼하는 것이다.
It took her ages to SUSS OUT what was going on. 의심을 풀다.
Edward slipped on the ice and THREW OUT his shoulder.
He complained for an hour and to TOP it OFF started shouting his head off.
그는 한시간 동안 불만을 털어놓았고 거기다가 얹어서 머리가 떨어저 나갈 정도로 소리를 질렀다.
Here, let me top off/up your glass with a bit more wine. 잔을 채우겠습니다.
We topped off our vacation in Greece with a trip to the Acropolis of Athens. 으로 마무리 하다.
She TRADED IN her old car for the new model.
I traded off my old car for a new one. 새차를 위해 헌차를 팔았다.
I was not (got) to let him do it.// 시키도록 되어 있지 않았다. I was got to
I had not (got) to let him do it.// 시킬 필요가 없었다. I've got to
She TUCKED her children UP in bed and switched the lights off.
Unable to reach the buoy from the shore, I waded in toward it.
I tried to WALK OFF my hangover. 축처짐(aftereffects of drunkenness)를 벗어나려고 걷다.
He WALKED me THROUGH the procedures.
그 과정을 나에게 다 설명하였다 [걸어서 따라가면서]
The way he spoke was WEIRDING me OUT. 의아롭게 하다.
He WIGGED OUT when he heard that he had failed. 극도로 흥분하다. [가발을 벗다]
He was supposed to be in charge but tried to WIGGLE OUT.
I WIGGLED OUT OF having to work late. 나는 늦게까지 일해야 하는 것을 피했다.
He always manages to WRIGGLE OUT OF any extra work we get.
I was going to have the hottest curry on the menu, but I WIMPED OUT and had a mild lamb Korma instead.
The children are really WINDING me UP
It took me a while to WINKLE the truth OUT of him.
It took him a long time to WORK THROUGH his anger after he lost his job. 인내, 인고,
He WROTE the car OFF in an accident on the motorway. 폐차했다.(기록에서 지움)
He YACKED ON for an hour.
She YAMMERED ON for ages.
That equipment can no longer be used, so we are writing it off. 폐기하다.
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