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summit - macmillandictionary

hanngill 2018. 6. 16. 15:55


SUMMIT    send 보내다. 내놓다. 전념하다. 용납하다. 긍정하다. 약속하다. 맡기다. 의뢰하다. 하기로하다.

[TRANSITIVE] to do something illegal or morally wrong

commit a crime/an offense: 

The study aims to find out what makespeople commit crimes.

commit murder/a robbery etc.: 

conspiracy to commit murder

commit adultery: 

He had admitted to committing adultery.

commit suicide: 

Reports suggest that the singer committed suicide.

[TRANSITIVE] to make someone agree or promise to do something

commit someone to (doing) something: 

The agreement commitsthem to a minimum number of performances per year.

[INTRANSITIVE] to promise to do something

commit to (doing) something: 

He would have to commit to spending several thousand dollars.

I do not want to commit to any particular date.

[TRANSITIVE] to say that you will use available things or people for a particular purpose

commit something to something: 

They’ll have to commit more money to the project if they want it to succeed.

[TRANSITIVE] to say officially that someone must go to prison

    [INTRANSITIVE] to decide to have a permanent relationship with someone

He’s not ready to commit.

[TRANSITIVE] [USUALLY PASSIVE] to officially state that someone is mentally ill and should go to a hospital to be treated

TRANSITIVE] FORMAL to give someone or something to someone else to take care of