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Trump delivers 'MAJOR speech' on North Korea at South's National Assembly

hanngill 2017. 11. 8. 13:31


 Trump delivers 'MAJOR speech' on North Korea at South's National Assembly


DONALD Trump in a historic address to South Korea’s National Assembly warned North Korea that underestimating the US would be a "fatal miscalculation" as he recommitted his pledge to support America's allies.

The US President's arrival at the South Korean National Assembly was met with a huge applause and a standing ovation from the nation’s lawmakers.

He was joined at the South Korean parliament in Seoul by his wife Melania and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

In an earlier tweet Trump had promised a "major speech" before he travels to China for the third leg of his 12-day Asia tour.

Addressing the Assembly, Trump issued a chilling warning to the South's top enemy North Korea adding the US would not be intimidated by Kim Jong-un's intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

The firebrand Republican said: "We will not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction. We will not be intimidated.

"And we will not let the worst atrocities in history be repeated here, on this ground we fought and died to secure.

"The world cannot tolerate the menace of a rogue regime that threatens it with nuclear devastation."

Trump also hit out at Kim Jong-un saying “North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned”.

He said: "I also have come here to this peninsula to deliver a message directly to the leader of the North Korean dictatorship: The weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer.

“They are putting your regime in great danger. Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face.

“North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves.

“Yet despite every crime you have committed against god and man you are ready to offer – and we will do that, we will offer a math towards a much better future.

“It begins with an end to the aggression of our regime, a stop to your development of ballistic missiles and complete verifiable and total denuclearisation."

Trump also declared that the world cannot tolerate a regime that threatens nuclear devastation and called on China and Russia to put further pressure on North Korea.

The nearly 35 minutes speech was met with another standing ovation with bellowing hoots of approval as Trump stepped down from the podium.

Earlier Trump had attempted to visit the demilitarised border with North Korea but the plans had to be scapped a few minutes before the President was to land in Marine one.

The US President was minutes from landing in a helicopter near the heavily fortified area but the plan had to be scrapped due to “poor weather”, according to the White House.

The visit would have marked a historic step closer by Trump to Kim Jong-un with whom the Republican has been engaged in an escalating war of words since he took office earlier this year.

The move comes amid fears North Korea could launch a deadly nuclear weapon during Trump’s South Korea visit.

The White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Trump was disappointed that his surprise trip to the DMZ was thwarted after two attempts by Marine one to land near the North Korean border.

She added the President is “pretty frustrated” that he had to change his plans.

Leaked exerts of Donald Trump’s speech earlier revealed the President will say: "Today, I hope I speak not only for our countries, but for ALL civilized nations, when I say to the North: Do not underestimate us. AND DO NOT TRY US.

"We will not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction. We will not be intimidated.

"All responsible nations must join forces to isolate the brutal regime of North Korea - to deny it any form of support, supply, or acceptance."



*I was so grateful to hear the adress of TRUMP, the 45th President of the United States, and I felt strongly trustworthy from him . This Trump's address will be recorded as a world's historic speech. Read it over and over and listen carefully. All the events that Trump is speaking of are entirely just right.  They are very clearly explained  by the method of counterpoint. All of you, especially the followers of the delusive Juche theory, Read and Listen to it a lot and think deep in mind. I was able to read his heart loving our nation and caring for our country and I much thanked him to tears. He knew of our historical situation better than anyone of us Korean. Stupid All the members of the Cheong Wa Dae, including Kim Il Sung follower Moon Jae-in, and some left-wing parliament members & lawyers, who misunderstand or do not know of  Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism and Kim il Sung doctrine, Do learn about what Trump's speaking. The KCTU, the KTU, and other progressive cults! Learn about North Korea correctly and exactly thru Trump's speech. I have been worrying too much about our nation going the way of Vietnam reunification followed by mass massacre. The moment I heard Trump's speech, it was heartbreaking. I recognized that America dose not forsake the Republic of Korea drifting not-knowingly where to go.  I thought it was the virtue of the United States that we achieved a good living  today in a liberal democratic country.  Many thanks to America!  However  this country is insecure because there are these stupid people who believe that the communist world will come inevitably. We are living well now and we are going to better life in the future. Why are you  breaking this blessing nation? Listen ! Moon Jae-In. Wake up from dream of the delusive Juche idea. Again I say, Listen to Trump 's words  several times and convert your thoughts and mind. Engrave in your mind, "Unification in Liberalism Never in Socialism !!!"*  written by HANNGILL

*MANY THANKS Mr.TRUMP!  PLEASE BOMB STRIKE NORTH KOREA ASAP. THAT'S THE onLY WAY TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. NO CHANCE LATER. NEVER PEACE TREATY !!! Almost South Korean people don't want peace treaty or the likes, don't wish to be absorbed to North Korea in Red. Peace Treaty will  be followed soon after by attacking South Korea thru the network DDang Gul ( hidden underground tunnel, cave, bunker constructed  by North Korea  especially beneath Seoul City). President Moon Jae In  is  a Juche idealogy (of Kim Il Sung) follower. Don't Be Deceived. We fear that the Korean present situations are going the way of Vietnam reunification. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR EXCELLENT ADDRESS TO KOREA !!!*

*Kim Jong Eun's ultimate goal is to reunify the North and South by sudden attacks through the secret tunnels under South Korea territory without any foreign intervention  by the way of the Vietnam reunification. Also, this is Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il's last dying words. So he would not give up nuclear weapons. Therefore it is necessary to bomb and strike North Korea  before the completion of nuclear plans and then reunify the peninsula into a free democratic nation.*