연구하는 인생/★BrainScience


hanngill 2016. 8. 22. 19:24

Dianetics is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body created by L. Ron Hubbard; Dianetics is practiced by followers of Scientology and separate independent Dianeticist groups. 

Hubbard coined Dianetics from the Greek stems dia, meaning "through," and nous, meaning "mind." 

Dianetics has achieved no acceptance as a scientific theory and is widely considered to be a pseudoscience.[1][2]

Dianetics divides the mind into three parts: 

the conscious "analytical mind," 

the subconscious "reactive mind," and 

the somatic mind.[3] 

The goal of Dianetics is to erase the content of the "reactive mind," which Scientologists believe interferes with a person's ethics, awareness, happiness, and sanity. 

The Dianetics procedure to achieve this erasure is called "auditing."[4] In auditing, the Dianetic auditor asks a series of questions (or commands) and elicits answers to help a person locate and deal with painful experiences of the past,[5] which Scientologists believe to be the content of the "reactive mind."[6][7]

Practitioners of Dianetics believe that "the basic principle of existence is to survive"[8] and that the basic personality of humans is sincere, intelligent, and good.[8] The drive for goodness and survival is distorted and inhibited by aberrations[8] "ranging from simple neuroses to different psychotic states to various kinds of sociopathic behavior patterns." Hubbard developed Dianetics, claiming that it could eradicate these aberrations.[9]

When Hubbard formulated Dianetics, he described it as "a mix of Western technology and Oriental philosophy".[10] He said that Dianetics "forms a bridge between"cybernetics and general semantics (a set of ideas about education originated by Alfred Korzybski, which received much attention in the science fiction world in the 1940s)[11][12]—a claim denied by scholars of General Semantics,[13] including S. I. Hayakawa, who expressed strong criticism of Dianetics as early as 1951.[14] Hubbard claimed that Dianetics could increase intelligence, eliminate unwanted emotions and alleviate a wide range of illnesses he believed to be psychosomatic. Among the conditions purportedly treated were arthritis, allergies, asthma, some coronary difficulties, eye trouble, ulcers, migraine headaches, "sexual deviation" (which for Hubbard included homosexuality), and even death.[15] Hubbard asserted that "memories of painful physical and emotional experiences accumulate in a specific region of the mind, causing illness and mental problems." He taught that once these experiences have been purged through cathartic procedures he developed, a person can achieve superior health and intelligence."[16] Hubbard also variously defined Dianetics as "a spiritual healing technology" and "an organized science of thought."[17]

Dianetics predates Hubbard's classification of Scientology as an "applied religious philosophy." Early in 1951, he expanded his writings to include teachings related to the soul, or "thetan."[18] Dianetics is practiced by several independent Dianetics-only groups not connected with Scientology,[clarification needed] and also Free Zone or Independent Scientologists. The Church of Scientology has prosecuted a number of people in court for unauthorized publication of Scientology and Dianetics copyrighted material.[19]

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