건강하고 행복하게/Good Life


hanngill 2016. 3. 23. 01:58

오존은 유기물이나 무기물에 부식성이 있으므로 주의를 요한다.

살균, 소독, 탈취, 탈색 목적이 아니면 이용하지 안해야 한다.


Operating Instructions:

1. Plug the ozone generator into an electric outlet.

2. Attach one end of the ozone supply tubing into the ozone vent at the bottom of

the generator and a stone diffuser into the other end of the tube. Extend the

tubing so that the diffuser stone and the Aqua-6 purifier are as far apart as

possible. 장치는 물에서 충분히 떨어지게

3. Turn on the main power switch on the face of the unit on. The red light above the

main power button will illuminate. The LCD will indicate 00 (blinking). 메인스위치를 켜고

4. Press the (+) button to select the desired function setting from the table for the

desired amount of time. The (–) button will step down the setting numbers

sequentially. 원하는 기능에 해당하는 시간을 선택하고. 

5. The ozone generator will start 10 seconds after you select the setting on the LCD.

Once the generator starts producing ozone, the LCD changes to display the time

remaining for the setting you have chosen. once the cycle is complete, the LCD

will change back to the setting number for repeat settings or (00) for one time run


6. To cancel a setting, simply press the on/off button below the LCD. The LCD will

blink (00) indicating it is ready for a new setting. After the function is turned off,

please allow air compressor to run for 10 seconds, then unplug or cut power to

the unit. 동작이 멈추고나서 10초있다가 전원을 끈다.

7. To turn off the unit, cancel the setting and then wait for 10 seconds and turn off

the main power with the button on the right side of the face of the unit.

The unit is now powered down and ready to unplug the power cord for storage or

transport. 전원스위치를 끄기 전에 기능세팅을 취소하고 10 초 기다린다.

NOTE: This unit is not made for continuous operation. Do not intentionally run the unit

without a 15 to 30 minute delay between run times. 

한 번 이용이 끝났으면 15분이상 기다렸다가 다시 이용한다.

1 Run  2 minutes and turn off , one time run only   물 1 컵  30초

2 Run  5 minutes and turn off, one time run only    물 1 리터 5분

3 Run  10 minutes and turn off, one time run only  물 1되병 10분

4 Run  15 minutes and turn off, one time run only  과일 채소 어패류 고기 그릇 은 15분

5 Run  20 minutes and turn off, one time run only   물 1 gallon 20분

10 Run 20 분간 매시간마다 반복       물 1말 100분.  5시간 반복.
( 이상은 600 mg/hour 일 경우이다.  3000 mg/h 이면 1/5 로 시간단축된다.)


Ozone kills bacteria, viruses, molds, mildew, spores, and cysts

Ozone eliminates chemical contaminants such as aldehydes which can be emitted from paneling, carpets, insulation, paints, stains, and plastics.  

Ozone eliminates odors from cigarettes, cigars, pets, diapers, mildews, musty/stale smells, airborne molds, food, locker rooms, shoes and boots, human scent and more!  


Ozone, sometimes called active oxygen, is comprised of three atoms of oxygen. Ozone is a natural purifier and one of nature’s basic elements. Ozone is produced in nature when the ultraviolet rays of the sun strike oxygen molecules. When this occurs high in the atmosphere it creates what we know as the “ozone layer”. Because the oxygen molecules absorb the sun’s energy, living things on earth are protected from the damaging and potentially cancer-causing rays of the sun. Nature also produces ozone near the earth’s surface, especially during a thunderstorm, when lightning flashes. The sweet, fresh smell after a thunderstorm is ozone.  

Ozone will destroy viruses, bacteria, and virtually all other forms of microbes; it also breaks down chemical contaminants. It does this in both air and water and does it without the use of chemicals or additives of any kind!  

Ozone’s use as a water purifier was discovered in the late 1800’s in the Netherlands. Its first large-scale use was in Nice, France where it was used to purify drinking water. Today, more than thirty countries use ozone systems to purify drinking water.  In addition, most of the world’s bottled water plants use ozone as part of their water purification process.  


 Ozone is also gaining tremendous popularity as an air purifier throughout the world. Our homes and offices can be a source of environmental pollution. The EPA estimates that indoor pollution causes tens of thousands of illnesses each year, and many more from contaminated water. Ozone is most effective to purify air and water.   

Ozone is clearly superior to virtually all other forms of purification. When you use the AQUA-6, you won’t have to purchase or store any chemical or purification materials or change any filters. Everything you need is generated within the small, lightweight AQUA-6 unit. All this, for just pennies a day. 


1. Potable drinking/camping water 

2. Fruit and vegetable rinsing 

3. Food and cooking utensils 

4. Hot tub/spa 

5. Bath water 

6.  Baby bottle washing 

7.  Water tower 

8.  Office air treatment 

9.  Home air treatment 

10. Removes mold and odor in basements, 

11. Removes food odor such as onion, spices, burnt oil, etc. in kitchen 

12. Kills bacteria in water and air 

13. Ozonates olive oil or other oils in liquid form 

14. In large and small fish tank, make water crystal clear 

15. Air treatment, kills bacteria and pollen 

16. Doctor and dental office application, removes bio film and sanitizes water 

17. Aquarium, makes water crystal clear 

18. Removes smoke and smoke odor right away             


The AQUA-6 Purifier can be used to destroy airborne odors caused by such things as wet carpet, basement mold and mildew, pet odor, pollen, smoke odor, chemical odor, paint odor and fire damage. 

Simply use the timer settings on the Purifier to select the duration of ozone treatment. Avoid placing the diffuser stone at the end of the ozone supply tube too close to metallic or rubber objects as high levels of ozone will oxidize these objects. 

Operating time and room size Room Size Function  

100 ft2 11 2 Min 4 Hours 

200 ft2 12 5 Min 4 Hours 

500 ft2 13 10 Min 4 hours 

PPB = Parts per billion; 1000 PPB = 1 PPM. Square Ft is based on an 8 ft ceiling. Do not allow the ozone level in any living area to exceed FDA-recommended level of 70 PPB. 

WARNING: Long term inhalation of high concentrations of ozone gas in the air can cause nasal and/or lung irritation. When using this unit for air treatment purposes, it is recommended that it be operated in unoccupied spaces.  


The shelf life of fruits and vegetables can be extended by ozone treatment. Not only will they keep a more attractive appearance, but they will also taste fresh! 

To help keep your produce fresh, fill your sink with water and place the AQUA-6 Purifier’s dispersion stone 2 to 4 inches deep in sink. 

Place the vegetables and/or fruit to be treated in the water and operate the AQUA-6 Purifier for 15 minutes (FUNCTION # 4) (Average sized sinks should be half-full).  


Since ozone kills bacteria and viruses, it can aid in the destruction of bacteria found on raw foods, meat, vegetables, fruit and cooking utensils. , For example, soaking uncooked chicken parts in ozone treated water will help retard the growth of salmonella. For best results, follow the same procedure described above for produce. 

For utensils, rinse off food debris and treat in clean water with ozone for 15 minutes.          


The AQUA-6 Purifier can be used to purify water in emergency storage, spas, bathtubs, fountains, and wading pools. It can also be used to purify drinking water from well sources or city water supplies, remove undesirable tastes, chemicals, odors and colors caused by iron, copper, manganese, chlorine and organic chemicals such as pesticides, and herbicides. Do not use water from a source that is questionable such as stagnant pool of water or the like.  

To treat water, place white or gray dispersion stone into the water container (4 inches deep only) and leave the unit on the recommended amount of time shown in the table below. When completed, turn off the AQUA-6 Purifier and allow twenty minutes for excess ozone to dissipate from the water. Higher output ozone generators are available for well water and holding tanks when used in conjunction with a particulate filter. Ozone removes excess minerals including iron, manganese, and lead, as well as radon and sulfur gases. 

1  gallon    20 minutes 

5  gallons  100 minutes  

Time setting depends upon water quality. A glass of tap water requires approximately 30 seconds

1 liter = 1 quart = 8 glass  5분,  1되 10분,  2되 = 1 gallon  20분 계산이 나온다.

1 glass  30 초

1 liter  5 분,  1되 10분, 1 gallon 20분,  

( 1 quart 즉 약 1 리터 40분 으로 하라는 측도 있음.)


The AQUA-6 Purifier can be used on spas, hot tubs, and wading pools up to 1,000 gallons, allowing you to reduce the chemical usage significantly. You will never need to put up with dry skin, red eyes, faded suits, or green hair again! Ozone is pH neutral, so it will not adversely affect the acid/alkaline balance of your water. It is more cost effective than traditional chemicals and leaves no undesirable smell or taste. Continuous operation (10 to 20 minutes; function number 9 or 10) is proven to be the most economical treatment method for spa water, fountains and larger bodies of water to 1,000 gallons. 

1. The AQUA-6 Purifier must be sheltered from direct exposure from the elements (rain and water). Place the unit at least five feet from the spa or water enclosure and at least twelve inches above the maximum water level. Ensure that the location is out of the reach of children or anyone in the water. 

2. Connect the ozone supply tube to the ozone outlet vent at the bottom of the purifier. If the ozone supply tubing is too long, trim it with household scissors or a razor knife.  

3. Place the white diffuser stone 4 inches into the body of water near the center for maximum ozone saturation in the water. 

4. Plug the AQUA-6 Purifier into a ground fault circuit interrupter (G.F.C.l.) protected outlet. 

5. Set the unit at desired function and turn on the unit. 

Disinfect Tooth Brush, Dentures, etc. 

A simple way to promote gum health and prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and microorganisms is to soak your toothbrush in ozonated water for at least 3 minutes before or after each use. That's all it takes to get rid of the "bad guys”, germs and bacteria found on most toothbrushes; many of which will not simply go away with hot water. As a matter of fact, ozonated water can be used to disinfect utensils, contact lens cases, children toys, toilet bowls or anything that needs to be 100% bacteria and microorganism free. 

Gargle for Gum Health & to Prevent Bad Breath 

Gargling with ozonated water every day is a great way of promoting good health. Brushing your teeth and then gargling with ozonated water is a simple yet powerful way of promoting good health. A side benefit, say goodbye to bad breath and say hello to clean fresh breath! 

Gargling with ozonated water kills the microorganisms that lead to bad breath. 10초 ~ 30초 

Remove Second Hand Smoke and Odors 

Smokers need ozone! 

Second hand smoke penetrates all kinds of surfaces and settles on them. Ozone oxidizes those harmful substances found in second hand smoke; even surfaces damaged by cigarette or cigar smoke. You don't have to smoke however to reap the benefits of this ozonator. Simply passing through a smoky bar can saturate your clothing with second hand smoke. Ozone will remove the second hand smoke odors from clothing (actually oxidizes them) which in turn can save you money on dry cleaning. 

Simply make an Ozone box, place your smoky garments inside, and saturate them with ozone for 20 minutes (function number 3) for Presto! Clean, fresh smelling clothing. 

Ozonating Oil in liquid form  

When ozone is bubbled into olive oil or safflower oil for long periods of time, the oil eventually thickens, holding the ozone within. When kept refrigerated, this gel will hold the ozone for years. To achieve the minimum concentrations required for effective ozonated oil, you will need to accumulate at least 6 hours of ozonation to create liquid solid paste ozonated oil.

However, since the Ozone Generator runs for only 20 minutes every hour (an important safety precaution!), it may take longer. This unit is not suitable to make solid ozonated oil.

For liquid solid paste oils, you will need to accumulate at least a total of 6 hours of ozonation, so you will need to reset the timer every hour. The timer is an important safety device on the ozone machine. If the unit runs continuously, it will damage some internal parts that will not be covered by the warranty. You need to rest the ozonator the same amount of time as running time. Do not place stone more than 2 inches deep in oil (2 to 3 OZ. Oil).반홉정도의 오일.

※ Aqua 6 으로 solid paste Ozonated Oil을 만들려면 Timer function # 10 으로 18 시간 하면 총 6시간 실행한 셈이 된다. 오일량은 반홉정도.

   실제 실용적으로 이용할 것은 못되는 것 같다. 실외에서 진행하여야 함. 공기로 부터 오염의 우려가 있으니 외용으로만 사용할 것임.


( Commercial ozonator model # A2Z Z-3G is recommended to make solid ozonated oil, visit WWW.A2ZOZONE.COM for specification. The good news is that once you've ozonated oil, it lasts in the refrigerator for a long time. Affix one of the clear plastic tubes to the end of the ozone outlet (in the front of the ozonator) and select the gray stone diffuser and place it 2 inches deep in 4 to 6 OZ of oil (for oil use gray stone only). 1홉정도의 오일.)


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