Ozone therapy is a form of alternative medicine treatment that purports to increase the amount of oxygen to the body through the introduction of ozone into the body. Various methods have been suggested on the method of introducing the ozone into the body, and the purported benefits of this therapy include the treatment of various diseases including cancer,AIDS, multiple sclerosis, among others. The American Cancer Society has concluded there is not enough evidence to support the use of this treatment in any disease.[1]
Historical uses[edit]
In 1856, just 16 years after its discovery, ozone was first used in a health care setting to disinfect operating rooms and sterilize surgical instruments.[2] By the end of the 19th century the use of ozone to disinfect drinking water of bacteria and viruses was well established in mainland Europe.[2][3] In 1892 The Lancet published an article describing the administration of ozone for treatment of tuberculosis.[4]
Ozone was used during the First World War to disinfect wounds.[5]
Cuba's communist healthcare system has its foundation in ozone therapy and every doctor in the country is trained in its use across a broad range of medical specialties and at different levels of the healthcare system, for diabetes prevention, treatment and rehabilitation; hypertension, asthma, cardiac deficiencies and herniated disks.[6]
Proposed use and scientific evaluation[edit]
Ozone therapy consists of the introduction of ozone into the body via various methods, usually involving mixing of the ozone with various gases and liquids and injecting this into the body, including the vagina, rectum, intramuscular (in a muscle),subcutaneously (under the skin), or intravenously (directly into veins). Ozone can also be introduced via autohemotherapy, in which blood is drawn from the patient, exposed to ozone and re-injected into the patient.[1]
This therapy has been proposed for use in various diseases, including cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, heart disease,Alzheimer's dementia, Lyme, among others. one proposed mechanism for its use in treating cancer comes from the proposed theory that cancer does not thrive or grow in a high-oxygen environment, and the ozone therapy will increase oxygen in the body and therefore help treat the cancer. There is no evidence to support this theory.[1] For treatment of HIV/AIDS, although ozone deactivates the viral particles outside the body, there is no evidence of benefits to living patients.[7]
Summarizing the substantial and growing body of study results showing deleterious health effects of breathing ozone, in 1976, and reiterated in 2006, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reflects the scientific consensus that ozone is a toxic gas which has, as yet, no demonstrated safe medical application in specific, adjunctive, or preventive therapy. one possible reason, noted by the FDA, is that in order for ozone to be effective as a germicide, it must be present in a concentration far greater than can be safely tolerated by man or other animals.[8]
It is also noted that cinema projectionists who were exposed to excessive levels of ozone as a byproduct of the carbon arc lamps used in the projectors developed what was known as "Projectionists Lung". Ozone caused a deterioration of the lower lung membranes.[9]
A 1999 review concluded that "In the age of molecular medicine it is a real ‘act of faith’ to believe that ozone therapy might be a valid therapeutic option, but the history of medicine teaches us we should not disregard any possibility." [10] A review article published in 2001 found that knowledge regarding the potential benefit and harm of ozone in cancer patients is insufficient. Therefore, it did not recommend it as an alternative form of treatment for cancer patients.[11]
Ozone has been suggested for use in dentistry, but the existing evidence does not support its use.[12]
One review found tentative evidence that ozone injection is an effective treatment for herniated discs.[13]
There is some controversy about its use by athletes in an attempt to increase performance.[14]
Much of the concern related to ozone therapy revolves around the safety of blood ozonation. It is well established that when inhaled by mammals, ozone reacts with compounds in tissues lining the lungs and triggers a cascade of pathological effects. Saul Green has argued that since ozone has the capacity to oxidize organic compounds in an atmospheric environment, it should also logically oxidize blood components and endogenous human tissues.[15] When infused into human blood, ozone produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals,[16] an over-abundance of which is known to cause oxidative stressand cell damage, and is implicated in the progression of some degenerative diseases. High levels of inhaled ozone is known to be toxic, though single-dose inhalation of lower levels is not.[17]
Serious complications reported from the use of this therapy include the development of hepatitis and also include five reported fatalities.[11]
What Is Ozone Therapy?
In her September 2009 Health Freedom News article "The Miracle of Ozone Therapy", London based homeopathist Louise McClean asserts, "Ozone is probably one of the most miraculous healing therapies available on our planet at this time. Through its oxygenating power, it successfully treats and cures a wide range of serious degenerative conditions including cancer, cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, liver, and kidney disease".
Ozone or O3 is a highly charged oxygen molecule with increased oxygenating properties. It is often administered intravenously, or by injection, though it can be vaporized and inhaled or taken in through anal and vaginal openings. There is some use of ozone by U.S. dentists and medical doctors to prevent infections during surgical procedures, but the FDA taboo for curing with ozone remains.
Ed McCabe (Mr. Oxygen), ozone therapy advocate and author of Flood Your Body With Oxygen, explains that oxygen is the most important nutrient for our bodies, while virtually all pathogens are anaerobic and will not survive in a heavily oxygenated environment. Biochemist Otto Warburg was granted the Nobel Prize decades ago for discovering that anaerobic cancer cells die in oxygen.
Some History of Ozone Therapy
In Germany, ozone therapy has been widely used since 1959. There have been 10,000 German doctors using ozone therapy for close to 10 million patients for various diseases with a 90 percent cure rate and virtually no side effects. Yet the FDA disregards this as "anecdotal evidence", while the pharmaceuticals with "scientific evidence" kill many and cure few.
Russia claims 40 years of successful ozone therapy, especially for tuberculosis. A medical report from Russia claims that those who are cured do not have a reoccurrence. Cuba authorized ozone therapy in 1986 and uses it in all its hospitals. So if you can get to Cuba, you may get a good deal! But there are ozone clinics in Mexico and other parts of the Caribbean as well.
In the 1960's, Robert Atkins, MD of Atkins Diet fame, temporarily lost his license after it was discovered he had cured, repeat cured, a woman's breast cancer by injecting the tumor with O3. He used his NYC weekly radio show to announce exactly what had happened. The resultant public outcry forced the NY State Medical Board to reinstate his license, but with Atkins' agreement to quit using or publicizing ozone therapy.
The FDA suppresses ozone therapy in every way possible. Prior to the 1940's, it was commonly used in the USA. The first USA ozone generator was created in 1896. Successful ozone therapy in America dates back to that time, before the FDA was created. Ed McCabe considers this fact sufficient to legally grandfather ozone therapy's use in America today. Unfortunately, the Medical Mafia doesn't see it that way.
오존치료의 신비성을 강조하고 있다. FDA 가 어떤 세력 Medical Mafia의 힘에 따라서 이를 제지하고 있다고 주장한다. 한 때 과산화수소 H2O2 가 소독용으로 사용되었으나 지금은 쓰지 않는다. 오존도 이와 같은 성질을 가지고 있지 않을까? 예를 들어 근육에 주사를 놓아 혈액순환을 도와서 젖산이 없어진다 하더라도 이것을 운동으로 자연스럽게 풀어야지 오존으로 강제로 풀어준다는 것은 좋지 않다. 오존을 몸 속에 직접 집어 넣어 몸을 건강하게 할 수 있다는 것에는 전적으로 반대한다. 모든 것을 다 해보아도 안될때 대체적으로 선택한다면 몰라도. 침을 가지고 자극해서 치료하는 대체의학(잘못된용어)과는 판이하게 다르다. 피부에 곰팡이 병이 생긴다면 오존으로 씻고 바르고 하는 것은 좋지만 이를 먹는다는 것은 곤란하다. 먹어서 병이 나았다고 하더라도 몸의 모든 성분은 정상이 아니고 비정상 상태이기 쉽다. 약이 된다고 오존수를 일상 음용한는 것은 더욱 안된다. HANNGILL
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