연구하는 인생/♣COMPUTER

Embed Hangout on Air Events in Facebook and Twitter

hanngill 2014. 10. 15. 03:56

Embed Hangout on Air Events in Facebook and Twitter
Leave the live Hangout on Air tab open and go back to your Google+ tab. Click the Preview button to convert the preview window into a YouTube video. Then click the YouTube logo to see your Hangout on YouTube.
To embed your live Hangout feed in Facebook and Twitter, you need the YouTube sharing link. Click Share and copy the link.
Copy the YouTube Share link.

Head over to your Facebook page, write an update and paste in the link. The link will generate a preview, but it won’t be active until your Hangout starts. You can either post the update immediately or use a scheduling tool. Either way, my suggestion is tomake the post live at the same time the broadcast goes live.
When you have your Facebook and Twitter posts ready, it’s time to start the show!Head back over to the Google Hangout on Air tab and start your broadcast.

It’s important to note that there’s about a seven-second delay from when someone speaks to when the audience hears it on their end. Keep this in mind if you plan on responding to the comments on each platform in real time.

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