건강하고 행복하게/生活 常識

Geopathic Stress

hanngill 2014. 6. 20. 06:04


Geopathic stress is a natural phonemenon which affects certain places and can be damaging to our health. It relates to irregularities in the earth's magnetic field, which can be aggravated by a variety of features. So come on in, put your feet up awhile, and learn about this interesting topic....what it is, what it does, what the signs and symptoms are, and how you can deal with it if you are being affected.

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Electrical Pollution: What's It's Doing to You and Your Clients?

Electrical Pollution: What's It's Doing to You and Your Clients? 

Author: Shivani Arjuna R.P.P

I recently took a crash course in electrical pollution. I crashed, so of course I had to find out why in order to remedy the situation! What I have learned and experienced have convinced me that electrical pollution is a major cause of our health problems.

Electrical pollution, invisible, silent, odorless, tasteless, is the perfect pollutant. We have not evolved any methods of sensing its presence. A few people, like me, have become "electrically sensitive" and are able to know when we are being exposed due to immediate symptoms that we experience, but most people, even if exposed to levels and wave lengths that are literally killing them, remain
unaware. Even when they do experience palpable sensations, the cause simply does not occur to them.

Everyone living in areas of the world with electricity is being negatively affected. It is only a question of degree. (Dr. Neil Cherry, Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic: the implications for the epidemiology of cancer and cardiac, neurological and reproductive effects. His presentation to New Zealand Parliament in May 2000, European Parliament in June, 2000. Look for link at www. electricalpollution.com/ Dr. Cherry’s work is monumental.)

Electricity is termed “dirty” or polluted when the normal 60 cycle sine wave carries with it various high frequencies, which damage electronics and living beings. Industry and large corporations spend billions to protect their electronic equipment from this, but nobody is looking out for humans.

The present pollution is created as electricity passes through anything electronic, which “chops up” the sine wave and then dumps these high frequencies into the current as it is passed on. This RF (radio frequency) energy causes neurological, cardiac, respiratory, ophthalmological, dermatological and other conditions ranging in severity from headaches, fatigue and ADD to pneumonia, psychosis and strokes. (“No Place To Hide” Volume 3, Number 1, April 2001, “Special Issue on Russian and Ukrainian Research” by Arthur Firstenberg. Article can be obtained at (718)
434-4499 or see at www.electricalpollution.com/) Childhood leukemia is markedly higher in areas with electrical pollution. (Savitz, D.A. et al. 1988. Case Control Study of CHILDHOOD CANCER and Residential Exposure to 60(c)Hz Magnetic Fields. American Journal of Epidemiology 128(1):21(c)38.).

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THURSDAY, MAY 29, 2008

Report: Serious Health Issues Raised Over EMFs

University of Albany, New York– August 31, 2007

Serious Public Health Concerns Raised Over Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Power Lines and Cell Phones

An international working group of scientists, researchers and public health policy professionals (The BioInitiative Working Group) has released its report on electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health. It raises serious concern about the safety of existing public limits that regulate how much EMF is allowable from power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of EMF exposure in daily life..

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FRIDAY, MAY 23, 2008

Video: Electromagnetic Pollution

Electromagnetic Pollution and Schumann Resonance. 

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How to Choose A Home

Here is an interesting and informative article by Christan Hummel fromEarth Transitions that summaries some of the important aspects one should consider if they are looking for a new home.

Most people know intuitively what parameters would enhance or diminish the quality of their life when looking for a house. However, many important factors are overlooked in favour of less geobiologically significant elements.

After our dermas and clothing, the house is our third skin and a very important factor in keeping healthy. We should remember that when choosing a house or a site we are defining our future quality of life. Geobiology proposes coherent and structured ways to establish the important criteria bearing on this choice. It suggests the following rules of thumb.

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FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2008

Geopathic Stress and Animals

Here is an interesting article I came across that discussed the effects of Geopathic Stress on Animals. For those of you who have a sick pet or animal, you may find this especially interesting....

"I first came across mention of it in an article in the Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, in which the author suggested that, when there were many members of a family (animal and human) that had chronic or frequent health problems that did not respond very well to treatment, it would be worth while looking at geopathic stress as a cause. .

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More Suggestions for a Peaceful Nite's Sleep

Reducing Manmade Electro-Magnetic Stress in Your Home
Call in an electrician to check your wiring, if your home has not been rewired for more than 20 years.

Be aware where you position TVs, hi-fis, computers and battery chargers, as their EMFs can penetrate through walls.

Avoid installing a satellite dish on the wall immediately behind the bed area, or make sure the television is earthed.

Use battery alarm clocks, instead of electric ones, or keep them at least four feet away from the bed.

Do not trail or coil wires under beds and turn off and unplug any equipment immediately behind them (apart from side lights).

Avoid placing a bed above fluorescent lights in the kitchen, as these emit radiation which can cause bed springs to be passive resonators of EMFs.

Do not have the meter and fuse box in the bedroom, or directly above or below the bed areas. This is particularly important in children's rooms.

If you insist on keeping your microwave, unplug it when not in use and do not put it under the central heating boiler as the microwave radiation may affect the water in your system. Microwaves will also travel into nearby refrigerators and food cupboards, affecting the quality of food.

Source Living in Harmony


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TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2008

Understanding Wireless Phones

Wireless telephones are hand-held phones with built-in antennas, often called cell, mobile, or PCS phones. These phones are popular with callers because they can be carried easily from place to place.

Wireless telephones are two-way radios. When you talk into a wireless telephone, it picks up your voice and converts the sound to radiofrequency energy (or radio waves). The radio waves travel through the air until they reach a receiver at a nearby base station. The base station then sends your call through the telephone network until it reaches the person you are calling.

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MONDAY, MAY 12, 2008

Electro Pollution

"High magnetic fields interfere with the cell membrane and make it highly penetrable. This way, people get toxic acidic shocks. The protective barrier is out of balance, is confused, which leads to diseases like cancer, arthritis and depression". 

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An Important Factor in Electromagnetic Exposure

Low frequency electromagnetic fields, whose frequencies, harmonics and sub-harmonics coincide with the range of frequencies used by our brains, hearts and cells. Subtly and at extremely low intensities, they strongly interact, through resonant absorption, with primary functions of our bodies with significant elevations in depression, sickness and death. (Dr. Neil Cherry: See full text )

"When these health-damaging frequencies ride on the "clean" 50/60 Hz current of our electric utility transmission systems, they are known as "electrical pollution." After entering our buildings via wiring, water and gas pipes and phone lines, they broadcast from these filling our living spaces with frequencies that damage our health.

Body impedance of electrical current decreases and current passing through the body increases as frequency increases . We have good resistance to 50/60 Hz but less as the frequency increases. Above 1.7 KHz, all the energy dissipates internally into the human body.

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Rod Reid who runs the support group ElectroSensitivity-UK, has collected case histories from many sufferers, some of whom are forced to live in isolation, on a restricted diet, without modern comforts, such as electricity or heating, because they have developed multiple chemical sensitivity in addition to their electrosensitivity (also referred to as electro-hypersensitivity or EHS).

If early warning signs are not heeded, some EHS sufferers can go on to develop allergies to almost everything in their environment, and in extreme cases this can include any source of light.

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