Chapter 10
Cancer – Who Makes It?
"It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a
person has." ~ Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.).
What you are about to read may rock or even dismantle the very foundation of your currently held
beliefs about disease in general, and cancer specifically. I am currently in the process of writing a book,
entitled Cancer is not a Disease (due for release after 2006). The title may, in fact, be provocative to
most, unsettling for many and acceptable to few. This book will be written for those who are sufficiently
open-minded to consider the possibility that cancer or a similar disorder is not a disease but a desperate
and final attempt of the body to stay alive for as long as circumstances permit. It may come as a shock to
you to learn that a person who has all the main causative factors to develop cancer would be dying within
a matter of days unless he actually grew cancer cells. In Cancer is not a Disease, I will provide evidence
to this effect. In this chapter, I will create the basis for truly understanding the causes, purpose and role of
I claim that cancer occurs only after all other defense mechanisms have failed. Under extreme
conditions this can happen within several weeks or months, but normally it takes many years, even
decades, before a so-called “malignant tumor” is formed. A malignant tumor is not a vicious being out to
kill us in retaliation for our sins or abuse of our body. Cancer is on our side, not against us.
If cancer is indeed part of the body’s complex survival responses and not a disease, we must find
answers to the following pressing questions: “Can we change those reasons that coerce the body to
develop cancer cells? What are these reasons? Who or what decides what type of cancer one gets? What
are the necessary steps to prevent the body from taking recourse in cancer as a survival mechanism? Why
would the body suddenly want to destroy itself if its basic design and tenet are to maintain life and work
through adversities of any kind? Why do most cancers appear and disappear by themselves? Are radiation,
chemotherapy and surgery really saving lives or are cancer sufferers healed due to other reasons, despite
using these radical, side-effect-loaded treatments? What roles do fear, frustration, low self-worth and
anger play in the origination and outcome of this disorder? Or asked differently, how can the selfdestructive
effects of these emotions be transformed into useful energies that promote health and well
being? Anyone who wishes to get to the root of cancer, any kind of cancer, must find satisfying and
practical answers to these essential questions.
If you have cancer and are looking for answers to these questions you will need to examine ever facet
of yourself and your life. You will need to discover for yourself that you are always in control of your
body, one way or another. You can use the power that is naturally available to you as a result of being in a
physical body, either in a nourishing and self-sustaining, or destructive and debilitating way. If you
consciously or unconsciously choose negligence or self-abuse over loving attention and self-respect, your
body is likely to end up having to fight for your life. Cancer is but one of the many ways the body tries to
change the way you treat yourself, and that includes your body. This obviously brings up the subject of
spiritual health, which is just as important an issue as the physical and emotional aspects of cancer.
Cancer appears to be a very confusing and unpredictable disease. It seems to strike the very happy and
the very sad, the rich and the poor, the smokers and the non-smokers, the very healthy and the not so
healthy. People from all backgrounds and occupations can have cancer. But if we dare look behind the
mask of its physical symptoms, such as the type, appearance and behavior of cancer cells, we will find
that cancer is not as coincidental or unpredictable as it seems to be. Why are certain types of people so
much more prone to developing cancer than others?
After having met numerous cancer patients over a period of many years, I began to recognize a certain
pattern of thinking, believing and feeling that was common to most of them. To be more specific, I have
yet to meet a single cancer patient who does not feel burdened by a poor self-image, constant unresolved
conflicts or past emotional trauma still lingering in their hearts or minds. The following two cases may
provide you with the important insight that cancer always occurs on two main levels – as a physically
manifested cancer, and as an invisible emotional cancer. A third level, which is psychosomatic, relates the
two with one another. Cancer as a concrete physical illness cannot occur unless there exists an underlying
pattern of deep-seated frustration and lack of self-respect, or what could be termed “unfinished business”
in life. Cancer can actually be a way of revealing the source of such inner conflict, coming to terms with
it, and even healing it. When the roots of the weed are removed, the weed can no longer grow. Such is the
case with cancer.
Cancer’s Main Characteristics
1. Its Physical Side
Mary visited me when she was 39 years old. one year earlier she was diagnosed with advanced breast
cancer. Her oncologist prescribed the standard routine treatments for cancer – radiation and chemotherapy
– but to no avail. Soon she was submitted for surgery to amputate her right breast. The operation took
place shortly before her menstrual period. Much to her relief, her doctors informed her that they “got all
the cancer” and the situation was now under control. Little did her doctors know that according to
research findings in the field of chronobiology, there is a four times higher risk for reoccurrence of cancer
in women who undergo surgery for breast cancer one week before or during menstruation. While
menstruating, a woman’s immunity and iron levels are measurably low and her body is, therefore, not
able to destroy all the cancer cells left over from surgery. Hence the high risk of cancer cells spreading
(metastasis) to other parts of the body.
One year after her mastectomy, Mary complained of severe pain in the lower spine and in left knee.
Ten years earlier she had been diagnosed as having cervical spondylosis in her lower spine, caused by
abnormal outgrowth and ossified cartilage around the margins of joints of the vertebral column. This time,
however, the examinations revealed that she had developed bone cancer in her lower spine and left knee.
The breast surgery had, as so often is the case, caused the dispersion of millions of cancer cells to other
parts of the body. They deposited themselves in her lower spine where the resistance to cancer formation
was particularly low.
Mary had also been suffering from severe menstrual problems as long as she remembered. In addition,
she was diagnosed as having anemia. But despite taking iron tablets regularly for years, which caused her
frequent nausea and stomach cramps, she remained anemic. She told me that her digestive system had
“never worked properly,” and constipation often lasted for as many as three to five days in a row. My
examination revealed that her liver was clogged with thousands of intrahepatic stones.
Mary also mentioned that she had received multiple treatments of antibiotics over the years for all sorts
of injections. As it is known now, regular use of antibiotics sharply increases breast cancer risk.
According to a large, long-term study, the risk of breast cancer was doubled among women who received
25 or more prescriptions for antibiotics of any variety over a 17-year-period, when compared to women
who took no antibiotics at all.
Mary was brought up with a lot of candy, cakes, ice cream and chocolate. A number of recent studies
linked a greater risk of breast cancer among women to a diet high in sugar (especially soft drinks and
popular desserts). Scientists now believe that the extra insulin released to process the simple
carbohydrates and sugars found in these foods causes cells to divide and estrogen levels in the blood to
rise. Both of these factors (cellular division and blood estrogen) can contribute to cancer.
2. Its Emotional Side
Mary experienced a very sad childhood because her parents had great problems relating with one
another. When I asked her, she could not remember even one single instant when there had not been
tension between her parents. Being a very sensitive person at heart, she took everything more seriously
than her more extrovert brother, and consequently felt insecure, frightened and depressed. With a painful
smile on her face she said that she always felt torn between her mother and father and could not make a
choice over which one to favor. Eating her meals with the parents was particularly difficult for her. She
was forced to sit and eat with them while the atmosphere was very tense. Sometimes, every one would
keep quiet, so not to arouse any new conflicts. Up to this very day she has a strong aversion to, and fear
of, food, and she gobbles it down very quickly, most often when standing or driving from one place to
Mary also faces great difficulties at work. Being a schoolteacher, she feels that the students are
allowed to take out their own frustrations on her, but she has to keep it all inside. When she returns home,
though, she shouts at her own children, which creates much guilt in her. She wants to be a good mother,
but just doesn’t know how to. Mary never wanted to be a schoolteacher, she always dreamt of becoming a
gymnastics teacher.
The frustration from not being able to fulfill her desires has been a major cause for Mary’s cancer.
Right from the beginning of her life she was taught to conform to the system, which meant for her that she
always had to do what she was told to do. Deep inside herself she had dreams that she could never fulfill
because she didn’t want to stir up tension, or make other people think badly of her.
In order to keep the peace, Mary went along with what her parents demanded of her, but inside herself
she was boiling with rage. When Mary walked into my office that morning, she gave me a beautiful smile,
which did not reveal the pain she was feeling inside. She had learned to conceal her inner world from the
outer world. But it wasn’t so much the physical pain in her body that hurt her; it was all the bottled-up
frustration, fear and insecurity that threatened the sensitive feelings in her heart. The physical pains only
reminded her of the profound emotional heartache she had suffered from for so long. All the endless
attempts of suppressing or hiding her true inner feelings during her childhood, and while an adult, shaped
a personality that eventually required a disease to bring it all to some kind of conclusion.
Torn between her parents for many years and trying to please both of them, Mary was never bold
enough to make a choice that would please her and her only. The division within her heart sapped all her
energy and happiness. The cancer started in her divided heart, in all the unexpressed grief and frustration
that filled her early life.
A Psychosomatic Phenomenon
Whatever happens in our emotional body also occurs in our physical body. The real cancer is a trapped
and isolated emotion, a feeling of “having no choice.” Through the mind/body connection, any repressed
feelings of wanting harmony, peace, stability and a simple sense of joy in life are translated into
appropriate biochemical responses in the body. This effectively deprives the body cells of all these
positive qualities as well. Cells are not physical machines that have no feelings, no sense of I-ness, or no
reaction to threats. The emotional suffocation caused so much anger and frustration in Mary, that for fear
of not being loved or liked by others, including her parents, she targeted these negative emotions at her
own body. Her toxic mind translated into a toxic body, and it threatened Mary’s very survival. She
threatened the cells of her body by keeping poisonous thoughts and feelings to herself.
The constant tension, which Mary experienced during dinnertime at her parental home, had greatly
impaired her digestive functions. To eat while being emotionally upset suppresses the secretion of
balanced amounts of digestive juices. The bile flora particularly is altered when feeling angry and
unhappy. Constant emotional strain leads to stone formation in the bile ducts of the liver and in the
gallbladder. The resulting curbed secretion of bile lowers AGNI, the digestive fire. Mary is still linking
the eating of her meals with the tension she experienced while sitting at the parental dinner table. Since
she is programmed by her unconscious attempt to avoid everything that has to do with food and eating,
her body does the same. The body cannot properly digest and absorb foods that are eaten in a hurry, hence
the accumulation of large quantities of toxic waste in her small and large intestines. Chronic constipation
and the poor absorption of nutrients, including fats, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamins had
increasingly depleted and weakened her bone tissue, bone marrow and reproductive functions.
When the reproductive tissue, which maintains the genetic blueprint (DNA) of the cells, is starved of
oxygen and nutrients, it is only a matter of time before normal and healthy cells begin to abnormally
divide and mutate their genes in order survive the “famine.” Normally, a host of immune cells, pancreatic
enzymes and vitamins break down cancer cells in the body, wherever they appear. However, most of the
digestive enzymes are “used up” quickly when the diet is rich in animal protein such as pork, fish, and
cheese, as well sugar-containing foods, food items that Mary ate plenty of. Having suffered from poor
digestion and constipation for nearly all her life, Mary’s body was practically deprived all of these natural
antidotes to cancer cells. Most cancers occur when digestive functions are continually disrupted.
The spondylosis of Mary’s lower spine signifies weakening of her internal and external support system;
it manifested in direct response to the lack of support and encouragement by her parents. Mary’s body
slumps forward while she sits, looking half its size. She looks like a scared child, without confidence and
trust. Her posture suggests that she is trying to protect her heart from being hurt again. Also her breathing
is shallow and insufficient, as if she does not want to be noticed and possibly be criticized by her parents.
The knees serve as a support system for the entire body. A lifetime of “giving in” and “not standing on
her own feet” manifested as the knee problems she developed over the years.
Mary’s Personal Remedies
Japanese research has shown that cancer patients whose cancerous tumors went into spontaneous
remission, often within a period of 24 hours, experienced a profound transformation in their attitude
towards themselves before the sudden cure occurred. Mary needed to make several major changes in her
life; one of which was to change her job, even if this meant fewer earnings for her and her children. While
still being highly susceptible to stressful situations and chaotic noise, the tense atmosphere present at her
school was hardly conducive to the healing process. She also needed to spend more time in nature, walk
in the sun and on the beach, paint her impressions, listen to her favorite music, and devote some time in
quietness and meditation every day.
Apart from following the Ayurvedic daily routine and diet, Mary began to use a number of cleansing
procedures to rid her colon of stagnant, old fecal matter and to purify the blood, liver, and connective
tissue from accumulated toxins. The liver cleanse produced thousands of stones that had impacted both
her liver and gallbladder for at least 15 - 20 years.
The most important thing for Mary was to become more conscious about everything in her life. This
included eating, emotional releases, listening to the body’s signals of thirst, hunger, tiredness, etc. She
needed to become aware of her needs and desires and begin to fulfill them whenever possible. The most
important realization she had to make was that she didn’t need to do anything that didn’t please her. Her
friends and family also needed to understand that Mary was at a very crucial stage of recovery where
every positive thought and feeling towards her could serve as a tremendous support system, one that she
never had when she was young. Mary started to improve steadily six months after she adopted about 60%
percent of the recommended advice. Today she feels that the disease has brought her a deeper
understanding of life and led to an inner awakening she had never experienced before. At the time of
completion of the first edition of this book, Mary continued to improve and grow in confidence and selfacceptance.
Cancer -- A Form of Rejection
Jeromy has Hodgkin’s disease, which is the most common lymphoma. Lymphomas are malignant
neoplasms of lymphoid tissue that vary in growth rate, also known as lymph cancer. Contemporary
medicine has no explanation as to what causes the disease. Hodgkin’s disease usually begins in
adolescence or between 50 and 70 years of age.
When Jeromy was 22 years old he noticed two enlarged lymph nodes in his neck. A few days later he
was diagnosed as having Hodgkin’s disease. In some people the disease leads to death within a few
months, but others have few signs of it for many years, Jeromy being one of them. Being a Kapha type, he
has a very athletic and strongly built body and is naturally endowed with a lot of stamina and physical
endurance. His naturally slow metabolic rate can be considered to be responsible for the slow progress of
the disease.
Jeromy received his first chemotherapy treatment in 1979, soon after diagnosis of the lymphoma, but
to no avail. Multiple radiation treatments were added to the regular chemotherapy in 1982, which
produced severe side effects, including loss of all body hair and his sense of taste. His distress was
considerable. Yet, despite the traumatic experiences caused by the various treatment programs over the
following fourteen years, Jeromy was not willing to give into depression and desperation. His strong
fighting spirit permitted him to continue his work as a general manager of a successful business
Through the Ayurvedic Pulse Reading method and Eye Interpretation (Iridology) I was able to
determine that from about age four Jeromy’s digestive functions and lymph drainage began to decline
very rapidly. His liver showed presence of a large number of intrahepatic stones. As it turned out, Jeromy
went through a very traumatic experience at that time, although at first he had difficulties remembering it.
According to Jeromy, the most traumatic event was at age 21 when his long-term girl friend suddenly left
him for another man. Exactly one year before she left him he discovered the lymph swellings in his neck.
The rejection by his girl friend was one of the most heart-breaking experiences of his life. Yet this
experience merely triggered the memory of an even more traumatic rejection.
The Ghost of Memory
Jeromy was born in a developing country with an unstable political situation. When he reached the age
of four, his parents sent him to a boarding school in another developing country, for his own safety.
Unable to understand the reasons behind this move, he felt that they stopped loving him and no longer
wanted him around. All he remembers is the feeling of being cut off from what he considered his life line
– the closeness with his parents. Although his parents believed that sending him away was in Jeromy’s
best interest, he had lost the love of the most important people in his life at an age when he needed it
most. His little world had collapsed on this first “black” day in his life, and his body’s main functions
subsequently began to decline, too.
Jeromy dedicated the major part of his life trying to prove to his parents that he was worthy of their
love. He was not aware, however, of his incessant drive to succeed in life. He proudly told me that he
never gives up in life and that he would not allow anything to get him down. one part of him never
acknowledged that he was gravely ill. His physical appearance, except for being bald, would not reveal
the battle his body was fighting. He spent all his energy and time in his work and he was very good at it.
To heal himself physically, Jeromy needed to become aware of the “rejected child” within him. He
“buried” that part of him in the farthest depths of his subconscious when he was four years old, and then a
second time when he was 21 years old and his girlfriend left him. The deep hurt caused by what he
considered to be a rejection by his parents was profoundly amplified by this second rejection.
The body stores all our experiences in some kind of etheric “filing cabinets.” Accordingly, the feelings
of anger we experience in life go into one file, sad events into another, and all rejections are filed in yet a
different one, and so on. These impressions are not stored according to linear time, but compiled in terms
of similarity. They feed “the ghost of memory,” and give it more and more life. once a file is “full up,”
even a small event can trigger a devastating eruption and awaken the ghost of memory, thereby giving it a
life of its own. And so this happened in Jeromy’s life.
The abandonment that Jeromy experienced as a four-year-old was reawakened in his awareness when
his girlfriend left him. By ignoring or denying the fact that this rejection ever took place, he
unconsciously “instructed” his body to create the identical response, which was a cancer in the very
system that is responsible for neutralizing and removing harmful waste in the body, the lymphatic system.
Unable to get rid of the ghost of memory, which consisted of deep-seated anger from feeling abandoned,
Jeromy was also no longer able to free himself of dead, turned-over cells and deadly poisons. Both his
liver and gallbladder had accumulated thousands of gallstones, which nearly suffocated him. His body had
no other choice, but to give physical expression to the cancer that had tortured his heart and mind for so
many years.
Giving Up the Need to Fight
All events in life that appear to be negative are in fact unique opportunities to become more complete
and whole inside, and to move forward in life. Whenever we need to give ourselves more love, time and
appreciation, but fail to fulfill these essential needs, there will be someone or something in our life that
pushes us in that direction. Feeling rejected by or being disappointed and angry with another person
highlights a lack in taking responsibility for the negative things that happen to us. Blaming someone else
or oneself for an unfortunate situation can eventually manifest as disease, and if we cannot understand its
accompanying message we may even have to face death to appreciate life or living.
Jeromy needed to give himself the love and appreciation he didn’t feel he was getting from his parents.
He also needed to make room for enjoyment and pleasure, and to take time for himself, for mediation, for
self-reflection, for being in nature and sensing the joy and energy it is able to instill in us. Cancer cells are
fighting cells that try to survive in “hostile,” toxic environment. Letting go of the need to fight in life
reprograms the DNA of the body, changing its course of warfare and eventual self-destruction to one of
healthy reproduction. Not needing to fight for their survival gives the cancer cells a chance to be accepted
again by the family of all the other cells in the body. Cancer cells are normal cells that have been
“rejected” by what they “considered” home. They are deprived of proper nourishment and support. In
their desperation to survive, they grab everything they can find to live on, even cellular waste products
and toxins. This practically makes them “outcasts.”
But just as we want to be loved, cancer cells also need to know that they are loved. Cutting them out of
the body through surgery, or destroying them with poisonous drugs or radiation just adds more violence to
the body. To live in health and peace in life, we especially need to be friends with the cells of the body,
including any cancer cells. Jeromy’s cause of cancer was a lack of self-appreciation, a feeling of not
being wanted, or not being worthy. By waiting for his parents to show him their love, he effectively
denied this love to himself. Jeromy realized that his disease was, in fact, a great blessing in disguise that
could help him find himself and love himself, for the very first time.
It is Not Cancer that Kills
Cancer, like any other disease, is not a clearly definable phenomenon that suddenly and randomly
appears in some part(s) of the body like mushrooms popping up out of the ground. Cancer is the result of
many crises of toxicity that have as their common origin an energy-depleting influence. Stimulants,
emotional trauma, repressed emotions, irregular lifestyle, dehydration, nutritional deficiency, overeating,
stress reactions, lack of sleep, etc., all hinder the body in its effort to remove metabolic waste, toxins and
dead cells (the body creates and destroys 30 billion cells each day). When they accumulate in a part of the
body they naturally lead to a number of progressive responses that include irritation, swelling, hardening,
inflammation, ulceration and abnormal growth of cells. Like every other disease, cancer is but a toxicity
crisis and marks the body’s final attempt to rid itself of septic poisons that result from not being able to
properly remove metabolic waste and putrefying dead cells in the body.
Cancer cannot be its own cause. Treating it as if it were its own cause is like cleaning a dirty pot with
filthy water, it never gets clean. You can throw away the pot and solve the problem in this way, but when
it comes to preparing a new meal you will face an even bigger problem. Despite the huge effort and
expenditure on behalf of the medical establishment, mortality rates from cancer remain unchanged.
Although X-rays, chemotherapy drugs, or surgery can certainly help neutralize or eliminate a lot of the
septic poison kept in check by a tumor mass and in a good number of cases improve the condition, they
nevertheless fail to remove the cause(s) of cancer. A cancer patient may return home after a “successful”
treatment, relieved and obviously “cured,” but continue depleting his body’s energy and gathering toxins
as he did before. The immune system, already battered by one traumatic intervention, may not make it
through a second one. If the patient dies, it is not the cancer that killed him but it’s untreated cause(s).
Tumor cells are cells that “panic” due to lack of food, water, oxygen, and space. Survival is their basic
genetic instinct, just as it is ours. To survive in such an acidic, unsupportive environment, the defective
cells are forced to mutate and begin devouring everything they can get hold of to sustain them, including
toxins. They leach more nutrients such as glucose, magnesium and calcium from the connective tissue,
etc. than they would need to if they were normally growing cells. Their healthier neighboring cells,
however, begin to gradually waste away in the process, and eventually an entire organ becomes
dysfunctional due to exhaustion, malnutrition, or wasting. Cancerous tumors always look for more energy
to divide and multiply cells. Sugar is one of their favorite energy-supplying foods. Craving sugar reflects
excessive cell activity, and many people who eat lots of sugar end up growing tumors in their body.
It seems so obvious that the cancer cells must be responsible for the death of a person –the main reason
why almost the entire medical approach is geared towards destroying them. But cancer cells may not be
the culprits after all, just as blocked arteries are not the real culprits of heart disease. In fact, cancer cells
help a highly congested body survive a little longer than it would without them. In a body filled with toxic
waste, what possible reason could the immune system have to ignore cancer cells that cluster together and
form a tumor mass? Cancer cells are not at all vicious; in fact, they serve a good purpose. You wouldn’t
call a poisonous mushroom “vicious” or “evil” just because it could kill you if you ate it, or would you?
Those mushrooms in the forest that attract and absorb poisons from the soil, water and air form an
essential part of the ecologic balance of nature. Their existence and activity allow for the healthy growth
of the forest and its natural inhabitants. It is not the primary choice of healthy normal cells to suddenly
one day become “poisonous” or malignant, but it is the next best choice they have to avoid an immediate
catastrophe in the body. If the body dies, it is not because of cancer, but because of the reasons that lead
up to it.
Cancer Isn’t a Disease
To continue doing their increasingly difficult job, these tumor cells need to grow, even if it is at the
expense of other healthy cells. Some of the cancer cells may even leave a tumor site and enter lymph fluid
carrying them to other parts of the body that also suffer from an equally high degree of toxicity or
acidosis. The spreading of cancer cells is known as metastasis. Cancer cells are programmed to settle only
where there is a “fertile” ground of high toxicity (acidity), a milieu in which they can survive and
continue their unusual rescue mission. They have mutated to be able to live in a toxic, non-oxygenated
environment, and to help neutralize at least some of the stuck metabolic waste, such as lactic acid, (more
on this below), and decomposing cellular debris. Given the circumstances, it would be a fatal mistake by
the immune system to destroy these types of “estranged” cells as they are doing part of the immune
system’s work. Without the tumor’s presence, large amounts of septic poison resulting from the
accumulated corpses of dead cells would perforate the capillary walls, seep into the blood and kill the
person within a matter of hours or days. Cancer cells are still the body’s cells and one “call” from the
DNA would stop them from behaving like senseless lunatics, if they were no longer needed.
The body has to exert a lot more effort in maintaining a tumor than eliminating it. If it were not forced
to use cancer growth as one of its last survival tactics, the body would never opt for this final form of selfpreservation,
final, because it could very well fail in its attempt to survive – against the odds. Yes, against
the odds! Research has shown that most tumors (about 90%) appear and disappear completely on their
own, without any medical intervention. Millions of people walk around with cancers in their body and
will never even know they had them. There is no other cancer treatment out there that can even closely
compete with the body’s own healing mechanism, which we call disease. Cancer isn’t a disease; it is a
very unusual, but obvious highly efficient mechanism of survival.
We ought to give the most developed and complex system in the universe – the human body – a little
more credit that it has so far received, and trust that it knows perfectly well how to conduct its own
affairs, even under the grimmest of circumstances.
Cancer is “Not Loving Yourself”
Many cancer patients have devoted their entire lives to helping and supporting others. Their selfless
service can be very a noble quality, depending on the motivation behind it. If they sacrifice and neglect
their own wellbeing to avoid facing any shame, guilt or unworthiness within them, they are actually
cutting off the very limb they are hanging on. They are “selflessly” devoted to please others so that, in
return, they may be loved and appreciated for their contributions. This, however, serves as an unconscious
acknowledgement of not loving oneself. This may lock up unresolved issues, fears and feelings of
unworthiness in the cellular memory of organs and tissues in the body.
“Love your neighbor as you love yourself” is one of the most a basic requirements for curing cancer.
This phrase means that we can only love others as much as we are able to love and appreciate ourselves,
no less and no more. To be able to truly love someone else without cords of attachment and
possessiveness, one has to fully accept oneself with all the flaws, mistakes, and inadequacies one may
have. The degree to which we are able to care about the well being of our body, mind, and spirit
determines upon the degree to which we are able to care about other people, too. By being critical of
ourselves, or disliking the way we look behave, or feel, we close down our heart and feel unworthy and
ashamed. To avoid exposing our shadow self (the part of us we don’t like) to others out of fear of
rejection, we try to win over the love of others by pleasing them. This way, we assume, we could receive
the love we are unable to give to ourselves. But this approach cannot work in the long term.
Your body always follows the commands given by your mind. Your thoughts, emotions, feelings,
desires, beliefs, drives, likes, dislikes, etc., serve as the software your cells are programmed with on a
daily basis. Through the mind/body connection, your cells have no other choice but to obey the orders
they receive via your subconscious or conscious mind. As DNA research has recently proved, you can
literally alter your DNA’s genetic setting and behavior within a matter of a moment. Your DNA listens to
every word you utter to yourself, and it feels every emotion you experience. And it responds to all of it.
You program yourself every second of the day, consciously and unconsciously. If you choose so, you can
rewrite the program in any way you want to, provided you are truly self-aware. once you know who you
truly are you cannot help but love yourself. You can no longer judge yourself for making mistakes in life,
for not being perfect, for not always being how others want you to be. Seeing yourself in this light, you
send a signal of love to your cells. The bonding effect of love unites differences and keeps everything
together, including the cells of your body. When love, which should not be confused with neediness or
attachment, is no longer a daily experience, the body begins to disintegrate and become sick.
It is the expansion of love that is the main purpose of our existence here on earth. Those who love
themselves are also able to love others and vice versa. These two aspects of love always go hand in hand.
People who accept themselves fully have no real fear of death; when their time comes to die, they leave
peacefully without any regrets or remorse in their heart.
Whenever we close our hearts to ourselves, we become lonely, and the body begins to become weak
and diseased. It is known that widows and people who are socially isolated, or have nobody to share their
deepest feelings with, are the most prone to developing cancer.
Your body cells are the most intimate “neighbors” you can have and they need to feel your love and
self-acceptance, to know that they are a part of you and that you care about them. Giving yourself an oil
massage, going to sleep on time, eating nutritious foods, etc., are simple, but powerful messages of love
that motivate your cells to function in harmony with each other. They are also messages that keep
elimination of toxins flawless and efficient. There is nothing unscientific about this. You can go around a
number of hospitals and ask all the patients whether they felt good about their life prior to falling ill. The
overwhelming response would be a “no.” Without being a medical researcher, you would have conducted
one of the most important research studies anyone could ever do. You would have stumbled over the most
common cause of ill health, which is, “not loving yourself,” or, to use a different expression, "not being
happy about how your life turned out to be.” Not being happy or satisfied in life is perhaps the most
severe form of emotional stress you could possibly have. It is, in fact, a major risk factor for many
diseases, including cancer.
A recently published study suggests that severe emotional stress can triple the risk of breast cancer.
One hundred women who had a breast lump were interviewed before they knew that they had breast
cancer. one in two who had the disease had suffered a major traumatic life event, such as bereavement,
within the previous five years. The effects of emotional stress or unhappiness can severely impair
digestion, elimination, and immunity, thus leading to a dangerously high level of toxicity in the body. Just
ridding the body of cancer through weapons of “mass” destruction doesn’t remove the unresolved
emotional pain behind it (see Chapter 7 about my approaches for restoring emotional health).
The Body’s Desperate Attempt to Live
Nobody wants to be attacked by anyone in life; this also applies to the cells of the body. Cells only go
into a defensive mode and turn malignant if they need to ensure their own survival, at least for as long as
they can. A spontaneous remission occurs when cells no longer need to defend themselves. Like every
other disease, cancer is a toxicity crisis that, when allowed to come to its natural conclusion, will naturally
relinquish its symptoms.
Out of the 30 billion cells that your body turns over each day, at least one percent are cancer cells. But
does this mean you all are destined to develop cancer – the disease? Most certainly not. These cancer cells
are products of “programmed mutation” that keep your immune system alert, active and stimulated.
The situation changes, though, when due to constant energy-depleting influences the body can no
longer adequately deal with the continual presence of worn out, damaged and cancerous cells. The result
is gradual buildup of congestion in the inter-cellular fluids. This can affect both the transportation of
nutrients to the cells and the elimination of waste from the cells. Consequently, a large number of the
corpses of dead cells begin to decompose, leaving behind a mass of degenerate protein fragments. To
remove these harmful proteins, the body builds some of them into the basal membranes of the blood
vessels (see illustrations in previous chapter) and dumps the rest into the lymphatic ducts, which leads to
lymphatic blockage. All this disrupts the normal metabolic processes and alienates some groups of cells to
such a degree that they begin to become damaged. Out of these cells, a number of them undergo genetic
mutation and turn malignant. A cancerous tumor is born and the toxicity crisis has reached its peak.
With the correct approaches, a tumor as big as an egg can spontaneously regress and disappear,
regardless of whether it is in the brain, the stomach, a breast or an ovary. The cure begins when the
toxicity crisis stops. A toxicity crisis ends when we cease to deplete the body’s energy (see chapters 3&4)
and remove existing toxins from the blood, bile ducts, lymph ducts, and cell tissues. Unless the body has
been seriously damaged, it is perfectly capable of taking care of the rest. Medical intervention, on the
other hand, reduces the possibility of a spontaneous remission to almost zero because of its suppressive
and debilitating effects.
Most cancers occur after a number of repeated warnings. These may include headaches that you stop
with pain killers; tiredness that you keep suppressing by having a cup of coffee, tea, or coke; nervousness
you want to control through nicotine; medicines you take to ward off unwanted symptoms; seasonal head
colds which you don’t have time to let pass on their own; not giving yourself enough time to relax, laugh,
and be quiet.; conflicts that you keep avoiding; pretense that you are always fine when you are not; having
a constant need to try pleasing everyone, but feeling unworthy and unloved by others; trying to constantly
prove yourself to others; rewarding yourself with comfort foods, etc. Any of these are likely risk
indicators for developing cancer or another illness.
There are no principle physiological differences between a simple cold and the occurrence of a cancer.
Both are attempts by the body to rid itself of accumulated toxins, but with varied degrees of intensity.
Taking drugs in an attempt to ward off a head cold or an upper respiratory infection, before giving your
body the chance to eliminate the accumulated toxins, has a strongly suffocating effect on the cells of the
body. It coerces the body to keep large amounts of cellular waste products, acidic substances and,
possibly, toxic chemicals from drug medicines, in the extra-cellular fluid (connective tissue) surrounding
the cells. By repeatedly undermining the body’s efforts of cleansing itself, the cells are increasingly cut
off from their supply routes of oxygen and nutrients. This alters their basic metabolism and eventually
affects the DNA molecule itself.
Located in the nucleus of every cell, the DNA makes use of its six billion genes to mastermind and
control every single part and function of the body. Without the adequate supply of vital nutrients, the
DNA is left with no other choice than to alter its genetic program in order to guarantee the cell’s survival.
Mutated cells can survive in an environment of toxic waste. Soon they begin to draw nutrients from other
surrounding cells. For these nutrient-deprived cells to survive, they also need to subject themselves to
genetic mutation, which leads to the spreading or enlargement of the cancer. Cancerous growths are
anaerobic, which means that they develop and survive without the use of oxygen.
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg was one of the first scientists to demonstrate the principal
difference between a normal cell and a cancer cell. Both derive energy from glucose, but the normal cell
utilizes oxygen to combine with the glucose, whereas the cancer cell breaks down glucose without the use
of oxygen, yielding only 1/15 the energy per glucose molecule that the normal cell produces. It is very
obvious that cancer cells opt for this relatively inefficient and unproductive method of obtaining energy
because they have no access to oxygen anymore. The capillaries supplying oxygen to a group of cells, or
to the connective tissue surrounding them (usually both) may be severely congested with harmful waste
material, noxious substances such as food additives and chemicals, excessive proteins, or decomposing
cellular debris, and unable to deliver oxygen and nutrients.
For this reason, (blocked oxygen and nutrient supply) cancer cells have an insatiable appetite for sugar.
This may also explain why people with constant cravings for sugar foods have a higher risk for
developing cancer cells, or why cancer patients often want to eat large amounts of sweets. The main waste
product resulting from the anaerobic breakdown of glucose by cancer cells is lactic acid, which may
explain why the body of a cancer patient is so acidic, in contrast to the naturally alkaline body of a healthy
To deal with the dangerously high levels of lactic acid (and to find another source of energy) the liver
reconverts some of it into glucose. In doing so, the liver uses 1/5 the energy per glucose molecule that a
normal cell can derive from it, but that's three times the energy a cancer cell will get from it. To help feed
the cancer cells, the body even grows new blood vessels, funneling more and more sugar towards them.
This basically means that the more the damaged cancer cells multiply, the less energy is available to the
normal cells, hence the sugar cravings. In a toxic body the levels of both oxygen and energy tend to be
low and is the environment where cancer spreads most easily. Unless the toxins and the cancer’s food
source are eliminated, and oxygen levels are sharply increased, the wasteful metabolism associated with
cancer becomes self-sustaining and the cancer spreads further. If death occurs it is not caused by the
cancer, though; it is due to wasting of body tissues and final acidosis (over-acidification).
Genetic mutation is believed to be the main cause of cancer, yet in truth it is only an effect of “cellular
famine” and nothing more or less than the body’s desperate, but oftentimes unsuccessful attempt, to
survive. Something similar occurs in a person’s body when he uses antibiotics to fight an infection. Most
of the infection-causing bacteria that are being attacked by the antibiotics will be killed, but some of them
will survive and reprogram their genes to become antibiotic-resistant. Nobody really wants to die, and this
includes bacteria. The same law of nature applies to our body cells. Cancer is the final attempt of the
body to live, and not, as most people assume, to die. Without gene mutation, those cells in the body that
live in a toxic (anaerobic) environment would simply suffocate and expire. Similar to bacteria that are
combated with antibiotics, many cells, in fact, succumb to the poison attack and die, but some manage to
adjust to the abnormal changes of their natural environment. The cells know that they will eventually die,
too, once their final survival tactics fail to keep the body alive.
To truly understand cancer and more successfully treat it than we do now, we may have to radically
alter our currently held views about it. We may also have to ask what its purpose is in the body and why
the immune system fails to stop it from spreading. It is just not good enough to claim that cancer is an
autoimmune disease that is out to kill the body. Such a notion (of the body trying to commit suicide) goes
against the core principles of physical life. It makes so much more sense to say that cancer is nothing but
the body’s final attempt to live.
By removing all excessive waste from the gastrointestinal tract and any harmful deposits from the bile
ducts, connective tissues, blood and lymph vessels, etc., the cancer cells will have no other choice but to
die or reverse their faulty genetic program. Unless they are too damaged, they certainly can become
normal, healthy cells again. Those anaerobic cells and much damaged cells that cannot make the
adjustment to live in a clean, oxygenated environment may simply die off. By thoroughly cleansing the
liver and gallbladder from gallstones and other toxins, AGNI, the digestive power, improves considerably,
thereby increasing the production of digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes possess very powerful antitumor
properties. When the body is being decongested through major cleansing and is given proper
nourishment, these powerful enzymes have easy access to the cells of the body. Permanently damaged
cells or tumor particles are easily and quickly neutralized and removed.
There are many people in the world who cure their own cancers in this fashion. Some are aware of this
because their diagnosed tumors went into spontaneous remission without any form of medical treatment.
But most of them will never even know that they had it because they never received a diagnosis for it.
After passing through a bout of flu, a weeklong of coughing up bad-smelling phlegm or a couple of days
with high fever, many people eliminate massive amounts of toxins, and along with them, tumor tissue.
Recent cancer research on gravely ill patients at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA,
revealed a promising treatment to kill cancer cells by giving them a cold, that is, injecting tumors with a
cold virus. It may still take a while, though, before researchers will discover that catching a few colds can
do the same job. This way, without interfering with the body’s self-repair mechanisms, a person may
experience a spontaneous remission of cancer, easily and only with relatively minor discomfort.
Prostate Cancer – Risky Treatments?
There is indeed scientific evidence now to suggest that most cancers disappear by themselves if left
alone. A 1992 Swedish study found that of 223 men who had early prostate cancer but did not receive any
kind of medical treatment, only 19 died within ten years of diagnosis. Considering that one third of men
in the European Community have prostate cancer, but only one percent of them die (not necessarily from
the cancer), it is very questionable to treat it at all. This is especially after research has revealed that
treatment of the disease has not decreased mortality rates. on the contrary, survival rates are higher in
groups of men whose “treatment” consists merely of watchful waiting, compared with groups undergoing
prostate surgery. Known as the Trans-Urethral Resection (TURP) Procedure, during this operation a 1/4-
inch pipe is inserted into the penis (to just below the base of the bladder), through which the prostate is
then fried with a hot wire loop. Far from being a safe procedure, one study found that a year after the
surgery, 41% of men had to wear diapers because of chronic leakage, and 88% were sexually impotent.
Even the screening procedure for prostrate cancer can be dangerous. According to a number of
studies, more men who are screened with the PSA (prostate-specific-antigen) screening test die from
prostate cancer compared with those who are not tested. A recent editorial in the British Medical Journal
sized up the value of the PSA test with this comment: “At present the one certainty about PSA testing is
that it causes harm.” A high enough positive PSA test is typically followed up by a prostate biopsy – a
painful procedure that can result in bleeding and infection. Recent evidence suggests that a great number
of these biopsies are completely unnecessary.
The main problem is that PSA tests are notoriously unreliable. In a 2003 study undertaken by the
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, researchers found that half of the men found
to have PSA levels high enough to be recommended for a biopsy had follow-up tests with normal PSA
levels. In fact, doctors at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC) in Seattle, estimated that
PSA screening may result in an over-diagnosis rate of more than 40 percent. To make matters worse, a
“disturbing” new study finds that fully 15% of older men whose PSA readings were considered perfectly
normal had prostate cancer – some even with relatively advanced tumors.
There is a much more reliable test than PSA. The lesser known AMAS (Anti-Malignan Antibody
Screening) blood test is very safe, inexpensive, and more than 95% accurate at detecting cancer of any
type. Anti-Malignan antibody levels become elevated when any cancer cells are present in the body, and
can be detected several months before other clinical tests might find it (find out more about the AMAS
test at
If men learned how to avoid a build-up of toxins in the body, prostate cancer could perhaps be the
least common and the least harmful of all cancers. Aggressive treatment of early prostate cancer is now a
controversial issue, but it should be controversial for every type of cancer, at whatever stage of
Note regarding prostrate enlargement: Prescription drugs for enlarged prostate encourage
testosterone-to-estrogen conversion. This can greatly increase cancer risk. Men who take them have even
known to grow female breasts. Also beware of estrogen-mimicking foods (soy products and others) that
men and women are advised to eat. There are better ways to prevent prostate enlargement. In a study
published in a recent issue of the British Journal of Urology International, researchers from the University
of Chicago reviewed the results of nearly 20 trials that tested Permixon, a commercial extract of saw
palmetto. The results were overwhelmingly positive, including improved urine flow; reduction of urinary
urgency and pain; improved emptying of the bladder; reduction in size of the prostate gland after two
years; and significant improvement in quality of life. In one trial saw palmetto extract produced positive
results similar to the drugs, but without the sexual dysfunction that accompanied the drug use. Permixon
is manufactured in Europe and not yet available in the U.S., but there other supplements available here
that are just as effective. Look for prostate products that contain Beta-sitosterol, such as “Prostate Care”
by Healthy Choice Nutrionals, which is even more powerful than Saw Palmetto. If there are red blotches
on the penis, massage it with pure Aloe Vera gel, twice daily. Many prostate problems are caused by
trapped urinary deposits in the penis and disappear when removed by the gel. You should notice a
clearing of the skin irritation.
Why Most Cancers Disappear Naturally
Every toxicity crisis, such as a complex cancer or a simple head cold, is actually a healing crisis that,
when supported by cleansing measures, leads to swift recovery. However, if it is interfered with by
symptom-suppressive measures, following a short-lived “recovery” it may become a chronic condition.
Unfortunately, cancer researchers don’t dare or don’t care to find a natural cure for cancer; this is not
what they are trained and paid for. Even if they did stumble over a natural cure, it would never be made
Rose Papac, MD, a professor of oncology at Yale University School of Medicine, in New Haven,
Connecticut, USA, once pointed out that there is little opportunity these days to see what happens to
cancers if left untreated. “Everyone feels impelled to treat immediately when they see these diseases,”
says Papac, who has studied cases of spontaneous remissions of cancer. Being stifled with fear, and in
some cases being paranoid about finding a quick-acting remedy for the dreaded illness, many people don’t
give their bodies the chance to cure themselves, but instead choose to destroy what does not need to be
destroyed. This may be one of the main reasons spontaneous remissions occur in just so few cancer
patients nowadays.
On the other hand, numerous researchers have reported over the years that various conditions such as
typhoid fever, coma, menopause, pneumonia, chickenpox, and even hemorrhage can spark spontaneous
remissions of cancer. However, there are no official explanations to explain how these remissions relate to
the disappearance of the cancer. Because they are unexplained phenomena (having no scientific basis),
they are not used for further cancer research. Consequently, the interest of the scientific community
discovering the mechanism for how the body cures itself of cancer remains almost nil. . These “miracle
cures” seem to happen most frequently in certain types of malignancies: kidney cancer, melanoma (cancer
of the skin), lymphomas (cancers of the lymph), and neuroblastoma (a nerve cell cancer that affects
Considering that most of the body’s organs have eliminative functions, it is obvious that liver, kidney,
colon, lungs, lymph, and skin cancers are more likely to disappear when these major organs and systems
of elimination are no longer overloaded with toxins. A toxicity crisis like pneumonia or chickenpox
removes large amounts of toxins and helps the cells to “breathe” freely again. Fever, sweat, loss of blood,
mucus discharge, diarrhea, vomiting, etc., are additional outlets for toxins to leave the body. After
breaking down and removing the toxins in an unhindered way, the immune system receives a natural
boost. A renewed immune stimulation based on reduced overall toxicity in the body can be sufficient to
do away with a malignant tumor that no longer has a role to play in the survival of the body. The
undesirable chickenpox, pneumonia, fever, etc. may actually be “a gift of God” (to use another
unscientific expression) that could save a person’s life. Refusing to accept the gift could take his life.
Many people die unnecessarily because they are prevented from going through the all the phases of an
illness. Illness is nothing other than the body’s many attempts attempt to create outlets for poisonous
substances. Blocking the exits routes for these poisons, which happens when symptoms are being treated
away, can suffocate the body and stop its vital functions.
The suppression of children’s diseases through unnatural immunization programs can put the children
into a high risk level of eventually developing cancer. Chickenpox, measles, and other natural selfimmunization
programs (wrongly called “children’s diseases”) help equip a child’s immune system with
the ability to counteract potential disease-causing agents more efficiently and without having to go
through a major toxicity crisis.
With 500,000 annual cancer deaths in the USA alone, the justification of mandatory immunization
programs in this country is very questionable. The standard approach of establishing immunity, which is
unproved and unscientific (see chapter 12), may undermine and override the body’s own far superior
programs of self-immunization. The body gains natural immunity through a healing crisis, which
naturally eliminates cancer-producing toxins. Whether man-made immunization directly or indirectly
causes cancer is irrelevant. It is important to know, however, that conventional immunization programs
can prevent the body from developing a potentially life-saving healing crisis.
Cancer – Who Cures It?
Those who have gone into complete remission of cancer and remained free of it are the most likely
candidates to reveal the mechanisms of causing and curing cancer.
Anne was forty-three when she was diagnosed with an incurable form of lymphoma and was given
only a short time to live. She was strongly recommended to have radiation and chemotherapy treatments,
which are the two most commonly used methods of combating cancer cells. Anne was aware that the
treatments could not only substantially increase the risk of secondary cancer, but also have potentially
severe side effects. She refused the treatment, arguing that if the cancer was incurable anyway, why treat
it and suffer painful side effects.
Having accepted that she had an incurable disease, which meant that she came to terms with death,
Anne felt free to look for alternative ways to make the “transition” easier. Rather than passively accepting
her fate, she decided to focus on feeling well and began taking an active role in improving her well being.
She tried everything from acupuncture and herbal medicine to meditation and visualization, which were
all definite signals of caring attention sent to her body’s cells. Anne’s cancer went into remission a few
months later. Within a year all apparent signs of cancer had disappeared, much to the astonishment of her
oncologist. Today, 19 years later, she is not only without a trace of cancer, but she also feels that she has
never been healthier and more vital as she is now.
Linda was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma (the most aggressive form of skin cancer) when she
was just 38 years old. After several unsuccessful operations, she was informed that her cancer had
progressed to the point that it was “terminal” and that she had only about one year to live. Linda also
refused treatment with chemotherapy and radiation and, instead, focused on the more positive approaches
of healing, including yoga, praying, vegetarian diet, meditation and daily visualizations. Today, 18 years
after having “outlived” her death sentence, she is as healthy as she can be with no trace of even a skin
Both Anne and Linda have changed their entire attitude to life from being passive victims of an
uncontrollable “invasive” disease, to being active participants in the creation of a healthy body and mind.
Taking self-responsibility was their first step to remove the focus from cancer and direct it towards
consciously creating healthfulness.
To call the remissions “miracle cures” is certainly not correct. Remarkable recoveries have been
documented with every type of cancer and with nearly every other disorder, from diabetes to warts and
even AIDS. The fact that a spontaneous remission of cancer can occur even in the final stages of the
illness shows that the immune system has not only the potential to quickly and effectively clear the body
from existing tumors, but also to prevent new ones from forming, provided their origins being taken care
of. A shift in attitude from “having” to attack and kill cancer cells to leaving them in peace and
eliminating the energy-depleting influences in life may be a strong enough stimulant for the immune
system to do away with the symptom (the cancerous tumor). Without its root causes, cancer is as harmless
as a simple cold.
People like Anne and Linda don’t have to be the exception, they can be the rule. When Michalis, a
Cypriot businessman who came to me with kidney cancer, he told me that his doctors had given him only
one month to live. They had already removed one of his kidneys and believed that his second one “would
not make it that much longer either.” Yet one month was sufficient for Michalis to remove enough toxins
from his body to stop the cancer from growing. The cleansing procedures described in chapters 6 and 7
turned out to be very effective for him. Formerly a heavy drinker, meat eater, and late night reveler, he
decided to stop depleting his energy from one day to the next. I have seen few people as determined to
change his lifestyle as Michalis. The next visit to his cancer clinic in Germany three months later (much
to the doctors’ surprise, as they didn’t expect to see him alive) revealed no trace of kidney cancer or any
other disease, and after 14 years he is as healthy and active as ever.
Spontaneous remissions rarely occur spontaneously or for no apparent reason. The body regards cancer
as an emotional and physical obstruction that can be overcome through a healing crisis and cleansing on
all levels of body, mind and spirit. Active participation in the healing process and taking selfresponsibility
(an expression of love for oneself) is an absolute necessity in the treatment of every type of
disorder, including cancer. Having cancer does not equate with being a helpless victim who is at the
mercy of oncologists or surgeons.
Useful Tips to Remove the Need for Cancer
After having examined numerous cancer patients in my practice I discovered that all of them,
regardless of the type of cancer, have large amounts of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. If all stones
are removed from the liver and gallbladder through a series of liver cleanses, and the colon and kidneys
are cleansed before and after each liver cleanse, you have created the physical preconditions for most
every type of cancer to go into spontaneous remission. This also applies to cancers that are considered to
be terminal.
If a healthy diet and lifestyle is maintained hence forward, the cure is likely to be permanent. There
is plenty of evidence that fruits and vegetables have cancer-curing and cancer-preventive properties.
Research carried out at Britain’s Institute of Food Research has revealed that brassica vegetables such as
cabbages, kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts contain anticarcinogenic compounds, stimulating cancer cells to
commit suicide. The vegetables have strong purifying effects on tissues and blood. This greatly reduces
overall toxicity and eliminates the body’s need for cancer cells. There are also numerous herbs and plants,
such as Pau D ‘Arco, green tea, Aloe Vera, etc. that have powerful antitumorous properties. Those
substances that help heal cancer always have strong blood and tissue-cleansing effects.
Dr. Warburg’s insights about the sugar-cravings of cancer cells are also very helpful in this context.
Cancer cells are unable to multiply rapidly without it. If you have cancer, you better stop eating refined,
processed sugar immediately. Nutritionally, refined sugars contain none of the nutrients necessary for the
assimilation of the sugar ingested. Eating these sugars drains body stores of nutrients and energy (if any
are still present), leaving less (or none) for other tasks. Cancer never kills a person, the wasting of organ
tissues does. Cancer and wasting go hand in hand. Eating regular sugar feeds cancer cells, but starves
healthy cells.
Sweeteners that don’t rob the body’s nutrient and energy resources are stevia and xylitol. Stevia has
zero-calories, so it cannot serve as food for cancer cells. Xylitol, contains calories (about 40% less than
sugar), but its slow release into the blood gives it a much lower glycemic index. If taken in moderation,
xylitol is unlikely to pose a problem. However, refined carbohydrates, such as pasta, white bread, pastries
and cakes, etc., are quickly broken down into glucose and act just as refined sugar does. Obviously, sugarrich
foods and beverages, such as chocolate, ice cream, and sodas, etc. should be avoided. Milk, yoghurt
and cheese should also be avoided. Cancer cells thrive on milk sugar (lactose).
Graviola – More Effective than Chemo
If you suffer from cancer and feel you need to have a specific treatment that is natural and at least as
effective as chemotherapy or radiation, you may wish to consider the use of the herbal remedy graviola.
Graviola is a plant indigenous to most of the warmest tropical areas in South and North America,
including the Amazon.
Many active compounds and chemicals have been found in graviola, as scientists have been studying
graviola’s properties since the 1940s. It has shown a large variety of benefits for numerous ailments, once
of which is cancer. Graviola produces a set of chemicals called Annonaceous acetogenins. Graviola makes
these natural compounds in its leaf and stem, bark, and fruit seeds. In a total of eight clinical studies,
several independent research groups have confirmed that these chemicals have significant antitumorous
properties and selective toxicity against various types of cancer cells (without harming healthy cells).
Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana, has conducted a great deal of research on these chemicals
(acetogenins), much of which has been funded by The National Cancer Institute and/or the National
Institute of Health (NIH). Thus far, Purdue University and/or its staff have filed at least nine U.S. and/or
international patents on their work around the antitumorous and insecticidal properties and uses of these
One of America's billion-dollar drug companies attempted to produce an anticancer drug from Graviola
after it discovered that this compound was 10,000 times more toxic to colon cancer cells than a common
chemo drug. It found Graviola to be lethal to 12 different kinds of malignant cells, especially those that
cause lung, prostate, and breast cancers, and to be also safe enough to protect healthy cells instead of
killing them. With Graviola, there is no nausea or hair loss, dropping of large amounts of weight, getting
weak, or compromising the immune system. Graviola actually boosts the immune system.
For seven years, this drug company tried to develop a synthetic patented prescription version of
Graviola’s anticancer chemicals (you can't patent natural compounds – it's against the law), but all
attempts failed and the project was terminated. Instead of making their findings public, the researchers
boxed up the research and put it away for good. Eventually, though, the story leaked out and Graviola is
now increasingly receiving the recognition it deserves among health professionals and researchers alike.
Many terminal cases of cancer were reversed through use of Graviola, even in people 85 years or older.
When cancerous tumors break up, the body may be flooded with lots of poisons. When this happens the
patient may feel quite poorly. To minimize the intensity of the healing crisis, it is important to cleanse the
colon every day, perhaps through enemas, colema, colosan, etc. The kidneys should be supported by
drinking the kidney tea (see kidney cleanse recipe in chapter 7). If possible, the liver should be cleansed,
Note: Graviola has cardiodepressant, vasodilator, and hypotensive (lowers blood pressure) actions. The
dosage should be increased gradually. Overly large dosages can cause nausea and vomiting. Use only
when under the supervision of a health practitioner who understands its value, the above actions, and
possible interaction with other medical drugs.
'연구하는 인생 > Natural Therapy' 카테고리의 다른 글
CHAPTER 12 (0) | 2014.04.27 |
Chapter 11 (0) | 2014.04.27 |
CHAPTER 9 (0) | 2014.04.26 |
CHAPTER 8 (0) | 2014.04.26 |
CHAPTER 7 Employing Nature’s Healing Powers (0) | 2014.04.26 |