CHAPTER 4 Most Diseases Start in the Digestive System
ith a clearer and more comprehensive picture
of the disease process, I have included some of the basic insights of Ayurvedic Medicine which is the most
ancient and complete system of natural health care. once you know how to “create” illness, you will also
know how to reverse it. Such is the purpose of this chapter.
o comprehend the next, even more fundamental reasons we become weak, age or fall ill, we will
need to take an in-depth look at our digestive system. The digestive system represents not only
the physical “engine” of the body, but also the center of emotions and the seat of the subconscious. If you
wish to understand and deal with the most influential, yet least tangible basis of a physical illness, you
have to include its mental and emotional counterparts. Although the body and mind appear as separate
ities with completely different purposes, they are intrinsically one and they function as one. All events
on the physical level, like eating food, cell metabolism, removal of waste or exercising the body, occur at
the same time on the mental and emotional planes as well. Consequently, no emotional or mental event
can be kept secret from the body.
The mechanisms behind the disease process are obscure to most, even to the majority of medical
practitioners. Very little is known about the origins of most chronic diseases prevalent today. You may
know of the risks that can contribute to an illness you are suffering from, but how diseases manifest from
its cause to its effect (symptom) remains elusive unless you begin to see the body and mind from a more
holistic view. By learning how our digestive system works, and in what way it can lead to illness in the
body and mind, will be of tremendous help in our journey of healing. [Whenever I am referring to disease
or illness I actually mean "toxicity crisis"] To provide you w
AGNI – The “General” Of Digestion
Whenever food enters your mouth and touches the taste buds located on the surface of your tongue,
your salivary glands begin secreting saliva. Saliva is needed to lubricate the food and to pre-digest cooked
starches. At the same time, your pancreas and small intestine receive instructions to prepare for the release
of the appropriate kinds and amounts of digestive enzymes and minerals required to help break down the
food into the smallest nutrient components.
The first most common cause of digestive trouble is swallowing food too quickly. This eating habit
indicates anxiety, impatience and nervousness. Eating too quickly reduces saliva production in the mouth
cavity, which is a major cause of tooth decay. one of the functions of saliva is to keep the mouth and
teeth free from harmful substances and microbes.
There are other reasons why chewing food properly is actually essential for our wellbeing. According
to fascinating research conducted at the Gifu University in Japan, chewing could actually improve
memory by reducing the release of stress hormones. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has
demonstrated that the hippocampus, which helps control blood levels of stress hormones, is stimulated by
the act of chewing. As a result, the simple act of chewing properly lowers both stress and stress hormones.
So chewing your food well can actually reduce anxiety levels.
The Japanese researchers also found that when teeth were missing or in a state of disrepair, older
people tended to chew less. Subsequently, this led to increased stress hormone levels. The conclusion
from this study is that good dental health and the ability to chew properly appear to be important factors
in preserving our memory as we age and in protecting ourselves against the harmful effects of stress.
After passing through the esophagus, the food enters the stomach and mixes with gastric juices.
Gastric juice is composed of hydrochloric acid, enzymes, mineral salts, mucus and water. The action of
the acid kills most of the harmful microbes and parasites that are naturally present in fresh produce, meat,
fish, dairy products and other foods. The hydrochloric acid also breaks down some of the noxious
substances that may accompany the food. Special enzymes begin to act upon proteins that may be present
in the food. once saturated with enough acid, the food is forced in small jets into the duodenum.
The duodenum is the portion of the small intestine just beyond the stomach. The first part is called the
cap because on x-ray it looks a bit like a cap. Thereafter, the duodenum makes a C-turn going from the
right to the left side of the abdomen. There is an opening in the duodenum connecting with the bile and
pancreatic duct. It is through this opening – the ampulla of Vater – that pancreatic and bile juices enter the
intestine where they are necessary for normal digestion. The pancreatic juices contain digestive enzymes,
minerals and water to help break down starches. The bile which is squeezed into duodenum via the
common bile duct aids in the digestion of fats and protein foods. The duodenum participates in this very
important step of the digestive process by releasing specific hormones and digestive juices. Ayurveda
calls the entire activity that takes place in this part of the digestive system AGNI or, "digestive fire."
AGNI “cooks” the food further in order to make its nutrients available for the cells and tissues at a later
stage (see illustration 3).
The small intestine has a total length of approximately 6 meters (18 feet). It is responsible for
absorption of nutrients, salt, and water. on average, approximately 9 liters of fluid enters the jejunum
(upper part of the small intestine) each day, a major portion of which are secreted digestive fluids. The
small intestine absorbs approximately 7 liters, leaving only 1.5 to 2 liters to move on to the large intestine.
The absorptive function of the small intestine is brought about by an intricate array of cells within its
lining (intestinal folds and villi) that will absorb and secrete salts and nutrients as well as water in order to
maintain normal salt and water balance within the body. In a healthy person the absorptive function is so
efficient that with a normal diet over 95% of ingested carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed.
Illustration 3: The Digestive System
Specific regions of the small intestine are adapted to perform specific functions. For example, the
duodenum plays an important role in coordinating how the stomach empties and at what rate bile needs to
be secreted into the intestine to optimize the digestive process. The duodenum is also a major site for
absorption of iron. The jejunum is a major site for absorption of the vitamin folic acid, and the end of the
ileum (lower part of the intestine) is the most important site for absorption of vitamin B12 and bile salts.
The blood takes up all the nutrients and moves them to the liver for further processing.
The ingested food can only be broken down into its basic nutrient components and made available for
the basic metabolic processes in the body if AGNI, the digestive fire, is strong. AGNI is fueled by bile,
without which none of the other digestive juices would be sufficiently effective to break down food into
its nutrient components. Bile is alkaline. When food that is saturated with hydrochloric acid enters the
small intestine, it first needs to be mixed with bile before digestive enzymes can act on the food. An
intestinal pH-value of high acidity would block enzyme secretion and become a major stumbling block
for proper digestion of food. And in order for them to become activated, pancreatic enzymes must
combine with bile before passing through the ampulla of Vater. To allow for that, the common bile duct
and the pancreatic duct merge together before leading into the duodenum. When bile secretion in the liver
is unimpeded by stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts of the liver, good digestion is almost guaranteed,
provided food is fresh and wholesome.
The combination of a nutritious diet and a strong AGNI is the ideal partnership to make sufficient
amounts of amino acids, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, glucose, fructose, trace elements, etc., available
throughout the body. This, in turn, produces healthy blood, vital tissues and a youthful body. The quality
of the blood and the tissues of the body, including those that make up the skin, mostly reflect the
condition of the liver and small intestine.
Toxic Body, Toxic Mind
If AGNI is depleted due to various reasons, which are explained below, even the most wholesome of
foods can become harmful for the body. Much of the ingested food will remain undigested. In that form, it
is not able to pass through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream. The food becomes a target for
destructive bacteria and starts fermenting and putrifying. These bacteria produce toxins and gases that can
be strongly irritating to the intestinal lining. Since less and less food is absorbed and utilized in the body,
more and more waste is generated, increasingly congesting the gastrointestinal tract. At this stage, food
starts turning into poison. Today, one third of the Western civilization is diagnosed as suffering from
intestinal problems, yet the real figure is much higher. It is estimated that over two thirds are afflicted
with all kinds of intestinal trouble.
The small intestine, having the diameter of a large toe, is the most hidden organ in the body and has no
direct contact with the outside world. The mental counterpart of this “unseen” part of our body is what we
may refer to as the seat of the "unconscious.” Its stored memories and hidden beliefs exert a strong
influence over our thoughts, emotions, desires and behavior. It is not surprising that traditional medicine
considers the origin of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is the general term used for most intestinal
diseases, to be psychosomatic, i.e., caused by the mind. In other words, if you feel frequently upset,
angry, worried or simply unhappy, you are not only prone to suffering from “mental indigestion” but also
from physical indigestion. Imbalances of the small intestines are characterized by holding on to things in
our insides, regardless whether these relate to undigested food or unresolved problems. Nothing from the
outside has direct access to this most hidden part of the body.
The cerebral cortex of the brain, which controls thought, is intimately connected with the digestive
process. Hence, not only foods, but also thoughts need to be properly “digested” or processed in order to
become useful for us, and to not cause us any harm. Undigested thoughts have a poisonous effect on the
body as a whole and, particularly, on the digestive system. Fear, anger, shock, trauma, anxiety, etc., may
be locked up in the cellular memory of the intestines for a long time and without any obvious indications
of their presence. once they have reached a certain point of concentration they may suddenly erupt and
alter one’s personality in a negative sense.
The mind/body connection also works in the reversed order. When you eat highly processed, refined
and denatured foods and/or when you eat while your AGNI is low, you begin to accumulate toxic waste in
your intestines. The presence of toxins in the intestinal tract may give rise to nervousness, hypertension,
nervous laughter or an emotionally volatile condition. As a generalization it can be said that toxins in the
intestines are the physical counterparts of negative thoughts. Through the mind/body connection, negative
thoughts and feelings translate into poisons and vice versa. Normally, the immune system, two thirds of
which are located in the intestines, takes care of both physical toxins and mental toxins (negative thoughts
and feelings). The immune system acts as both our physical and mental healing system. However, the
immune system can easily become overtaxed by overexposing it to non-nutritious foods and negative
thoughts (often called stress). This may make someone susceptible to disease, ranging from a simple cold
to cancer.
The “Useless” Appendix and Its Amazing Role
In a general sense, those parts of the immune system and lymphatic system that are located in the
intestinal tract help to detoxify anything harmful that may come along with the food you eat. Through
highly sophisticated processes, these systems are able to separate useful nutrients from unusable waste
matter. Some potentially harmful waste products or natural food toxins enter the lymphatic ducts for
detoxification and elimination. Most of the nutrient elements are passed through the walls of the small
intestine into the blood stream which carries them to the liver for further processing, distribution, and cell
metabolism. There are other more specific nutrients, though, that can only be absorbed through the walls
of the large intestine. These nutrients are meant for nourishing and maintaining the nervous system. Any
nutrients, minerals, water and waste products that are not removed by the small intestines now enter the
ascending colon, just above the appendix.
In traditional Indian and Chinese medicine, the appendix plays a vitally important role. It breeds large
quantities of friendly, probiotic bacteria and supplies them to the colon and other parts of the gut in order
to neutralize any harmful substances. The strategic location of the appendix allows these useful
microorganisms to blend with the still fluid fecal matter as it begins its passage through the large
intestine. There are more than 400 strands of beneficial bacteria living in the human gastrointestinal tract.
By attaching themselves to the lining of the gut, they can elbow out troublesome bacteria, such as
Candida Albicans. Balanced populations of the friendly, probiotic bacteria in the gut effectively prevent
vaginal and urinary tract infections. They also discourage tumors, particularly cancerous growths in the
colon, either by emitting protective chemicals or by inhibiting production of compounds that nurture
cancers. A diminished population, as caused for example by antibiotics, alcohol or junk foods, has been
shown to lead to an overactive immune system and, thereby, cause asthma, allergies and eczema.
For all practical purposes, and supported by the cleansing action of the bile from the liver, the
appendix's job is to keep the colon “neat and clean.” If large quantities of undigested and decomposed
foods reach this part of the intestines, congestion occurs. The intestinal congestion is followed by
microbial infestation (destructive bacteria), which can lead to thickening of the protective mucus
membrane and ulceration of the intestinal wall. If microbial growth increases further, the appendix may
become inflamed and even burst, and undermine proper performance of the colon (illustration 4).
Illustration 4: Inflamed and Burst Appendix
Under normal conditions, through a po istalsis, fecal matter is forced into the
ascending side of the colon and then passes via the tr nsverse and descending colon into the rectum for
3-4 times per day, and in some extreme cases, there may be up to 16 evacuations; these
sed, refined, microwaveco
werful wave called per
cretion. once it has reached the rectum, the feces stretch the nerve endings in the rectum walls and
cause a reflex urge for a bowel movement.
The whole digestive and eliminative process – from the ingestion of food to the bowel movement –
should take approximately 20-24 hours, depending on the types of food eaten and also on the time of day
when the food is consumed (see the following chapters for details). However, in the majority of the
population the passage of food through the intestinal tract takes much longer than is healthy. I have had
numerous patients who reportedly had a bowel movement only once every 2-5 days. In extreme cases,
there was only one movement per week or 10 days. on the other hand, many people have bowel
ividuals cannot keep the food in the body longer than from 3 to12 hours. Since most of the ingested
food is not digested properly, it decomposes through the help of destructive bacteria. Consequently, waste
eliminations are far too excessive and frequent.
Having regular bowel movements once or twice a day by itself does not necessarily indicate good
digestion either. The following are descriptions of the main problems that arise from poor digestion and
inadequate elimination.
Internal Pollution
The following foods or products have a strongly irritating effect on the protective mucus lining present
throughout the alimentary tract, from the mouth to the anus: Devitalized, proces
oked, canned and such highly acid-forming foods as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, refined sugar,
table salt, chocolate, candy, commercial fruit juices, coffee, alcohol, carbonated beverages, hallucinogenic
and pharmaceutical drugs, etc. As these foods or beverages pass through the digestive system, parts of
them undergo chemical transformations, known as fermentation and putrefaction. While acting on these
ingested things, the naturally present destructive microorganisms produce toxic substances that may injure
the intestinal lining which, acting as an internal skin, is designed to protect the blood from becoming
Regular exposure of our “internal skin” to such acidifying and irritating components as the phosphoric
acid and other chemical additives contained in colas, for example, can lead to suppurating wounds and
perforation of the intestinal walls. I often see this type of damage as tissue erosion when I examine the iris
(iridology) of regular soft drink consumers. As a natural side-effect of repairing such internal wounds, pus
handles, toilet bowls, etc. These germs
are totally harmless for us unless unhealthy habits or suppression of the symptoms of disease turns them
into deadly weapons. Immunization serums, for example, contain highly toxic substances that are meant
to heighten your immune response. But instead, the ever-present deadly bacteria in our environment may
mingle with the serum and cause such side effects as shock, convulsions, brain damage and death. The
bacteria are totally innocent unless they are given something spoiled to “eat.” Dogs and cats lick them
from their wounds and once in contact with their mouth and stomach secretions, they are digested and
rendered harmless. We are also equipped with more weapons than we normally need to effectively deal
with any kind of deadly bacteria. Healthy people kill off all bacteria and parasites before they even have a
remote chance to do them any harm.
But the story is very different when waste products from undigested food linger in the intestinal tract
longer than necessary, sometimes as long as weeks, months and years. Food that is eaten either too
quickly, in between meals, late at night, or wrongly combined, lowers AGNI, the digestive fire. Anger and
fear also lower AGNI. The deadly microbes, normally neutralized and kept in check by the probiotic
bacteria and the immune system in the gut, are given the green light to spread freely throughout the
digestive tract. After having found a fertile breeding ground in the waste deposits plastering the intestinal
walls, the harmful bacteria vastly increase in population in order to deal with the waste. While attacking
the waste, these microbes produce large amounts of toxins. They literally turn everything they find into
poison. Among the poisons generated are “cadaverine”3 and “putrescine.”4 These result from putrefying
proteins, the same as those produced from decomposing cadavers.
formed. Pus is decayed cell-matter containing plenty of bacterial organisms. Toxins released by the
bacteria or fungus may cause further tissue damage and lead to poor organ function. These toxins also
trigger a vigorous inflammatory response from the body, which can cause pain and obstruction, as
commonly found in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. If removal of the pus from the wound is
obstructed, it may turn septic and seep into the bloodstream, causing septic shock and, possibly, death.
Blaming bacteria for causing an infection reflects great ignorance about the workings of natural
processes both in the body and in the environment. Infection is not caused by bacteria, but by the
presence of harmful substances and the resulting cell damage that attracts them.
The so-called deadly bacteria, which are involved in the most serious infections, can be found almost
everywhere. They live on your hands, lips, hair, cups, cutlery, door
3 A colorless, viscous, toxic ptomaine, C5H14N2, having an offensive odor, formed by the action of bacilli on meat, fish, and
other protein, including breakdown of living and dead organisms.
4 An organic chemical compound NH2 (CHH2)4NH2 (1,4-diaminobutane or butanediamine) formed by and having the smell of
rotting flesh. Other foul-smelling chemical compounds include methyl mercaptan and butyric acid.
Illustration 5: The Body’s Largest Lymphatic vessels
ph flow leads to swelling of the abdomen and
The release of these toxins prompts the intestinal lining and intestinal lymph system, that harbor most
of the body's immune cells, to absorb and neutralize them (the toxins). Yet the constant influx of toxins
eventually becomes overwhelming, which causes lymph edemas to occur, especially in the cysterna chyli
vessels and thoracic duct (illustration 5). The obstructed lym
bsequent lymphatic congestion in other parts of the body.
The swelling or inflammation of the intestinal lining and intestinal lymph is an emergency measure the
body takes to prevent the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream. If these poisons made their way into
the blood stream, it could endanger a person’s life (septic shock).
By desperately trying to prevent the blood from being poisoned, the body begins to harden the afflicted
tissue. This is the first stage of ulcerative processes. If the unhealthy habits are continued, more and more
layers of hardened mucus are added, forming a thick crust around the troubled area. This creates further
rigidity of the intestinal tract, which in turn begins to obstruct blood circulation in the intestinal wall and
slow down intestinal motion (peristalsis). Consequently, the food tends to remain longer in the body than
it normally would. In due time, the food begins to decompose, produce smelly gases and lose moisture.
This turns it into a sticky mass, which may become dry and hard. If large numbers of bacteria invades this
mass, diarrhea may result. First, there may be alternating constipation and diarrhea and if the condition
persists, more frequent bowel movements and chronic diarrhea may occur.
them with our food, water or other
he dead corpses end up in the lymphatic system and blood. The liver, unable to filter and
amount of dead bacteria flooding the body, which merely sets the stage for a
desirable). Such individuals suffer from a near total impairment of immune functions and inability
to cleanse the liver/colon complex. It is also helpful for those who have very large, snake-sized worms in
their intestinal tract. However, the average person is better off working with the body and through the
Should We Kill Intestinal Parasites?
First, you can never completely live without parasites. We ingest
urces. Some always survive the assault by gastric juices. However, they have no real interest in doing
business in a healthy, clean intestinal tract, because they would simply not be able to survive there in the
long-term. Parasites proliferate only in filthy, polluted environments.
Poor digestion is the main cause of parasitic infection, not the other way round. For every parasite you
try to kill, you will have another one to deal with the following day. Parasites can multiply as quickly as
you can think thoughts. Why would you want to kill them and then have the burden of eliminating billions
of dead corpses (parasites/bacteria), many of which are trapped in the waste that feeds them? A large
number of t
ove them via the bile ducts (due to intrahepatic stones) becomes further congested., resulting in an
increased need to trap the parasites in the bile. Parasites entering bile is a major of cause of stone
A better solution, although not quite as fast as killing them, is to improve digestive functions through a
combination of liver/colon cleansing and adjustment of diet/lifestyle. This will help the body's immune
system to take care of this problem step-by step, not all at once. The assault on parasites can backfire and
lead to recurring parasitic infections. Killing bacteria through use of antibiotics is not any different.
Suddenly, there is a massive
eat infection and lots of harmful side-effects. Dead bacteria become food for other bacteria. That is one
of the reasons antibiotics are a major indirect cause of infection and numerous degenerative diseases (see
more details in Chapter 16).
There are some extreme cases where killing parasites is advisable to save, or prolong, a person's life (if
that is
AMA – The Main Cause of Congestion in the Body
In an unhealthy intestinal tract, mucus, toxins and fecal matter combine to create what Ayurveda calls
AMA or mucoid fecal matter. The intestines begin to lose their natural shape as they are trying to
accommodate the extra waste (illustration 6). Left with no other choice, they create protrusions that are
filled with layers of obstructive AMA.
AMA is a breeding ground for parasites and microbes, as well as cancer cells. The intestinal immune
system tries to destroy as much of the destructive material as possible but it eventually succumbs to the
overload of toxins. This occurs when septic poison starts seeping into the blood stream. Appendicitis,
diverticulitis, colitis, colon strictures, hernias, Crohn’s disease, amoebic dysentery and tumor formations
are but a few symptoms directly related to the build-up and absorption of poisonous waste products in the
intestines (illustrations 7a-c)
Illustration 6: Abnormally shaped colon
Consequences of an Overloaded Colon
The structural changes that the intestines must undergo to accommodate the mass of waste are truly
extraordinary. one particular autopsy revealed a colon of 23cm in diameter, filled with layer upon layer of
encrusted old, undigested food intermixed with hardened mucus, leaving less than 1cm in diameter for
passing stool (illustration 8).
There are an ever-increasing number of men and women who have gathered over 40 pounds of such
waste material in the colon alone. Such a condition can be recognized in an enormously extended
waistline. In the United States, 65% of the population is overweight or obese. Weight problems usually
occur first in the colon, and then in the other parts of the body. The waste accumulation may lead to a
prolapsed transverse colon (illustration 7a), which in turn puts a great deal of pressure on the organs of
the lower abdomen, including the urinary bladder, prostate or female organs. As a result, these organs
may become dislocated, which causes them further structural and functional damage.
Waste deposits attract a lot of destructive bacteria which produce toxins as a by-product of their wastedecomposing
activity. As these toxins start seeping through the colon walls into the blood, lymph and
surrounding organs, more serious complications than just “waste gain” begin to arise. Migraines,
premenstrual tension, abdominal cramps, ovarian, cysts, emotional instability, sexual problems, kidney
and bladder infections, reduced mental abilities, as well as cancer, are but a few complications related to
an overloaded colon. In fact, there is practically no chronic illness that isn’t linked with impaired colon
functions. There are major neural reflex points situated on the bowel, which closely connect this organ
with every part of the body (illustration 9). To whichever part of the colon AMA becomes attached, its
corresponding part in the body becomes afflicted with symptoms of discomfort and disease.
Illustration 7a: Abnormal conditions of the colon
Illustration 7b: Abnormal conditions of the colon
Illustration 7c: Abnormal conditions of the colon
Illustration 8: X-ray of an overloaded colon
For example, if the middle part of your transverse colon is chronically congested and weakened, you
are likely to develop sinusitis. If someone has accumulated toxic waste in the bent area of his
ascending/transverse colon, the functions of his right lung are subdued. When this same part of the bowel
becomes constricted or spastic, the shoulders become rounded, the sex impulse diminishes and migraines
may occur. Many people, women in particular, suffer from migraines without ever realizing where they
come from. When irritating substances are present in the nearby area of the medulla-colon reflex point,
nerve impulses pass to the medulla oblongata at the base of the head, stimulating its vital centers. one of
the centers controls constriction and dilation of blood vessels. Initial pain causes constriction of blood
vessels, whereas severe pain causes blood vessel dilation, a fall in blood pressure and fainting. This
results in poor circulation, especially in the hands and feet. Up to 80% of women in the Industrialized
World suffer from mild or severe forms of migraine.
A note for migraine sufferers: o suffer from chronic migraine
headaches may find great relief fr xtract Petadolex. The study was
conducted in nine clinics in the U.S. and Germany, and coordinated by researchers at the Albert Einstein
confirm this finding. Petadolex can be purchased through many Internet sources.
A new study shows that patients wh
om butterbur or the butterbur root e
llege of Medicine in New York. According to the study report, among the subjects who took 75 mg of
this herbal product per day for four months there was a 50 percent or greater reduction in the frequency of
migraine attacks. The only side-effect reported was an occasional burping. Other earlier German studies
There is also research to show how riboflavin reduces migraine frequency. Natural foods that contain
good amounts of riboflavin include leafy green vegetables, avocado, grains, etc. Alcohol consumption and
ing these nutrients while cleansing the intestinal tract can effectively reduce or
l contraceptives tend to cause riboflavin deficiency.
Ionic magnesium (see ionic minerals in Product Information ), has also shown to be of great benefit.
Since these nutrients need to be absorbed by the digestive tract, having a clogged colon can lead to
deficiencies. Supplement
minate the cause of migraines.
Illustration 9: Bowel Reflex Points
Other vital centers of the medulla include the Cardiac center which controls the rate and force of
cardiac contraction; the Respiratory center which controls rate and depth of respiration; and the Reflex
center which initiates the reflex actions of vomiting, coughing and sneezing. Congestion of the colon can
lead to disorders in any of these vital areas.
If toxic waste is collected underneath the lung reflex point in the first part of the descending colon,
heart problems may begin to occur. Accumulation of toxic waste in the lower part of the ascending colon
Sex Impulse
Right Side of the Body Left Side of the Body
R. Breast
Leg Kidney
Rips L. Breast
Solar Plexus
5 Sense Area
Mental Ability
irritates the reflex points of the liver and gallbladder, and can lead to contraction of the bile ducts and the
formation of gallstones.
A stiff neck on the right side indicates that the movement of fecal matter in the ascending colon is very
through the constant metabolic activity of 60 trillion cells and the daily turnover of more than 30 billion
cel s. To break down, detoxify and f old, worn-out cells every day
is n enormous feat the body is etting a break. But when the
ggish, leading to toxic overload and irritation of the bowel. Stiffness on the left side of the neck shows
that you suffer from a similar problem in the descending colon. If you also experience stiffness or pain in
the top parts of the left and right shoulder, it shows that your transverse colon is affected, too. A thorough
colon cleanse can rectify the situation and bring relief to these areas (see colon cleanse procedures in
Chapter 7).
The Spreading of Symptoms
Through excessive stimulation or irritation of the bowel neural reflex points, symptoms of discomfort
and disease start spreading to other parts of the body, and intestinal toxins begin seeping into the blood
stream. As a result, other organs of elimination and detoxification, such as the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs,
and the lymphatic system, may now also become congested and overtaxed, which causes further
debilitation and weakness.
he T blood and lymph fluids are meant to eliminate the body’s own “natural” waste products, generated
l remove such an astronomical number o
a challenged to perform without ever g
estinal tract is increasingly congested and harmful waste begins to overload the eliminative organs, the
body is left with no other choice but to develop a toxicity crisis to save itself.
The liver is the first organ that receives the flood of toxins from the intestines. When exposed to these
toxins, the bile flora, which consists of beneficial bacteria, begins to alter and intrahepatic stones are
formed in the bile ducts. The stones trap the toxins to prevent them from doing further harm. But the
stones hinder bile secretions and subsequently render AGNI, the digestive power, weak and inefficient.
Now, the vicious cycle is closed. Low AGNI leads to further intestinal congestion and ever-increasing
toxicity in the liver. Since the liver is the body’s primary blood-detoxifying organ, its ducts providing the
outlets for toxins, waste products, bacteria, viruses, chemicals, etc., are blocked by stones. Hence these
substances remain in the blood, thereby forcing some of them to accumulate in the connective tissues of
organs and systems in the body, including the brain and nervous system. It is not difficult to imagine that
this will not only weaken and prematurely age these organs and systems, but eventually cause them to be
chronically diseased or even fail.
Medical intervention, which usually doesn’t include any cleansing procedures, can greatly interfere
with the body’s waste-eliminating efforts. Pain-reducing medication often leads to further pain and even
death. The “alleviation” of the cough in pneumonia through drugs can be fatal, too. Removing a
gallbladder that is filled with gallstones does not resolve the problem because the major bile ducts of the
liver remain blocked. Is it at all surprising that medical intervention is not very successful in the treatment
of chronic diseases? The reputable medical journal New Scientist announced on the cover page of one of
its more recent issues that 80 percent of the medical procedures used today have never been properly
tested. Nobody really knows what effects they really have on the patients. There are so many factors
contributing to disease that cannot be treated away simply by taking a few drugs or having surgery (more
about this in Chapter 16 What Doctors Should Tell You).
Moreover, the stress, tension and exertion that are so often an integral part of man’s incessant drive for
success, money and power, can deplete the vital energy of the body and lower the effectiveness of all the
organs and cells to such a degree that they begin to suffocate in their own waste. Added to this dilemma,
external influences such as drastic weather conditions, a change of season, traveling to other countries,
mid-life transition, etc., can sap the remaining energy in the body in its constant effort to adapt to these
changes. When under emotional duress, all of these factors combined may suddenly become a trigger for
a health crisis. It is for these or similar reasons that so many people have respiratory trouble in polluted
cities during the summer periods or catch colds during the change of seasons. They may be suffering from
low physical energy and a depleted immune system long before they actually fall ill.
nce the cells and tissues in the body are no longer supplied with adequate nourishment, water and
oxygen, the aging process acc of continuous toxicity are,
in most cases, a culmination of many years of overuse or "under use" of body, mind and senses, as well as
enormously complex network, sustained
elerates very rapidly. Cancer and all other forms
incomplete elimination of waste matter from the body. What we need most in today's health care is a
balanced lifestyle that helps maintain the vital energy of the body on a continual basis. Vital energy is
made available throughout the body by Vata – the principal power of movement in the body.
Vata – The Power of Movement
Ayurvedic medicine has always had a very thorough understanding of the human body and its intricate
functions. Thousands of years ago, Ayurveda proclaimed that the main cause of ill health and premature
death is located in the bowel. The Ancient Healers considered the large intestine to be an extremely
important part of the body due to its vital roles, that is, synthesis and absorption of essential nutrients for
the nervous system, and elimination of waste matter. When you think of it, without the internal motion
(Vata) of fluids, waste and nutrients, the body would be dead.
Vata translates as “air” or movement and as such is present throughout the body. Think of your body
as a network of different canals, tubes or vessels through which it transports food, air, water, blood,
lymph and waste. The nervous system, circulatory system, lymphatic system, digestive tract, bronchi and
lungs, hormonal pathways and cellular ducts are all part of this
the movement and power of Vata. Diminished or excessive motion in the body makes it ill, whereas
balanced motion keeps it healthy and strong. So you can easily imagine that the most commonly found
symptoms of “dis-ease,” such as pain, nervousness or fatigue, naturally start occurring when the
movement of Vata is either excessive, as in hyperactivity and hypertension, or slows down and comes to a
halt, as in constipation or bile duct blockage. Congestion of coronary arteries, blood vessel walls, lymph
nodes, urinary ducts, prostate gland, uterus, sinuses, thyroid gland, etc., is behind the disturbed Va
tivity and is responsible for the hundreds of diseases that conventional medicine tries to treat away with
drugs or medicine, but without giving due attention to what causes the congestion.
Vata, which is one of the three principle forces (doshas) that control all the functions in the body, is
especially and most directly in charge of proper bowel activity. Vata’s primary seat is in the colon. If the
large intestine is clear of obstructions, Vata is able to perform its important activities throughout the rest
of the body. This guarantees that all the systems function at their best. on the other hand, a build-up of
fecal matter and hardened layers of mucus (AMA) in the large intestine drastically slows down Vata’s
eliminative functions in the colon, and also in the rest of the body. Similarly, the accumulation of
gallstones in the liver and gallbladder hinder Vata’s transportation of bile and thus impairs AGNI, the
digestive fire. Congestion in both of these important parts of the body directly and indirectly increase the
retention of harmful substances in the intestinal tract. Consequently, healthy cells making up the intestinal
tract no longer have enough “space” to breathe. Cut off from their life support system, many of them
simply die off and are replaced with residues of toxic, undigested food. In more severe cases, cancer
Solving the Mystery of Back Problems
The accumulation of intestinal waste also affects the normally very strong muscles of the ascending,
transverse, and descending colon. one of their functions is to assist the body in maintaining a normal
body posture. Insufficient blood and nutrient supply to the muscle cells that make up the large intestine
causes them to become loose and weak. A prolapsed transverse colon as shown in illustration 7a is
already enough to significantly distort one’s posture. The spinal column is forced to cave in and help the
rest of the body adapt to the collapsing structures of the colon.
The main sections of the gastro-intestinal tract are affixed to the spinal column. So when the large
intestine, for example, is forced to accommodate extra amounts of waste material other than the daily
normal amount, the lower spine may be pulled forward by the weight of this load (see illustration 10).
Since the resulting distortion of the spinal curvature puts an unequal distribution of body weight onto the
spine, there are several stress points generated, particularly in the area of the spine that lies closest to the
rectum. It is at these stress points that the body weight is concentrated most. This can lead to major lower
back problems. The abnormal change of curvature in the lower back (see gentleman’s posture before he
underwent intestinal cleansing) also forces the upper back and neck areas to undergo major abnormal
displacements. In many cases, the neck is found to be curving forward, and the head is no longer sitting
on the shoulders. These conditions are felt as chronic pain in the neck and shoulders. Please note that after
intestinal cleansing, this man’s body posture returned to normal.
Physical movement becomes increasingly difficult once the spinal structure has been altered in this
way. Consequently, lifting heavy objects or bending to the floor can cause muscle spasms and back pain
for days and weeks, and even dislocate discs. In many cases, the enlarged colon puts pressure on kidneys
and the urinary ducts (ureters) and displaces them. This may lead to retention of irritating and
inflammation-causing urinary deposits, which is the main cause of the excruciating pain in the lower back
that plague so many millions of people. Prostrate health and sexual performance may also be affected.
Another very common cause of back problems is gallstone formation in the liver and gallbladder.
AGNI, the digestive fire, is fueled by bile. A person who accumulates toxic waste in the colon is also
most likely to have stones in the liver and gallbladder. The two disorders go hand in hand. As the
gallstones grow in size and number, the liver and gallbladder become enlarged and exert increasing
pressure on the surrounding organs and parts of the body. The liver spans almost the entire width of the
body. When this already large organ becomes even more enlarged, it restricts the movement of the
diaphragm and reduces the breathing capacity of the lungs. The restricted breathing forces the lungs to
hold back abnormal amounts of the acidic gas, carbon dioxide. To protect themselves against the extra
acid, the lungs respond by producing more mucus than they normally would. This leads to lung
congestion. If this situation is not resolved at the ore and more mucus, dead cells and
metabolic w e me so enlarged that
they push o ack and shoulders become
causal level, m
ast accumulate both in the lungs and bronchi. Eventually, the lungs beco
ut the back, and in some more severe cases, also the chest. The b
more hard a lso among
teenagers. All this may be accompanied by pain in the upper back, neck and shoulders.
r detail in my book, The Amazing Liver Cleanse. In
this context, if the gallbladder which is attached to the back of the liver is packed with gallstones, the
body needs to adapt its posture to the increasing pressure that the gallbladder exerts against the
surrounding tissue and the spina ommon phenomenon among
both the young and the old. The right e raised. In
aterials from the intestinal tract
3. Eliminate all gallstones from the liver and gallbladder
4. Dissolve kidney stones (if not sure you ave any, cleanse the kidneys anyway)
nd rounded, as it is so often seen among the elderly and middle-aged, but now a
The accumulation of gallstones in the gallbladder can give rise to hundreds of different symptoms in
the body. Most of these have been discussed in greate
l column. The result is spinal scoliosis, a c
shoulder may drop and the left shoulder may becom
me cases, even the left rib cage may begin to protrude. There may also be pain between the shoulder
blades and a strong, dull ache in the middle/upper back area while standing upright for a while. The right
shoulder and arm may become stiff. Frozen shoulder and tennis elbow are clear indications that gallstones
are present in the liver and gallbladder.
If gallstones gets stuck in one of the major bile ducts, there is strong, sharp pain around the area of the
right shoulder, which may spread toward the entire back region. At that stage, due to spasmodic pain
attacks, breathing becomes increasingly difficult. All of this can produce permanent back problems [I
personally suffered from most of these conditions (including a difficult spinal scoliosis) and over 40
gallbladder attacks, all of which disappeared completely after I cleansed my liver and gallbladder of a
total of 3,500 stones].
Over 60 percent of Americans are estimated to have back problems. About the same percentage of
Americans are overweight, which basically means that their digestive systems are malfunctioning. If you
also sufferer from back pain and consider having surgery, you ought to be aware of the fact that more than
two thirds of back pain sufferers who receive surgery for their condition end up with more pain than
before. Unless the chunks of toxic waste are removed from the colon, gallstones removed via cleansing
from the liver and gallbladder, and the kidney/ureters are cleansed, the causes for back pain are likely to
continue or worsen. The symptoms linked with these obstructions are not limited to the back. The
congestion in these organs can also lead to a disruption in the flow of energy through the spinal nerves,
contributing to problems in the legs, such as poor circulation, numbness, pain, and varicose veins.
Another major cause of back problems is dehydration, caused by stimulating (diuretic) foods, such as
meat, coffee, tea, soft drinks, power drinks, alcohol, and by inadequate intake of fresh drinking water.
Imagine that the water stored in the core of the spinal column supports over 75 percent of the weight of
the upper body! Both restricted water supply and accumulated waste in the intestinal tract decrease the
volume of spinal water and deplete the water contained in the disk cartilage and surrounding back
muscles. Both may also lead to thinning of the inter-vertebral disks and, thereby, to muscle spasms. The
shortening of height among the elderly, which is so often attributed to “normal” aging, has actually
nothing to do with aging, but with simple dehydration due to the reasons outlined above.
Back problems remain serious and complex problems only for as long as the most basic needs of the
body are not met. Unless a back injury has occurred due to an accident, back problems can be
permanently resolved; and even among most injuries, there can be significant improvements. The
following are simple solutions to the most complex back problems:
1. Give the body sufficient amounts of water to drink
2. Remove accumulated waste m
Th in
can mean a new lea
at hinders the flow of food,
waste, and gases, as well as blood and lymph. To unde ay imagine a river that is held up
by a dam. As the water begins to backup it causes extensive flooding.
The most severe form o n causes backup of the
intestinal contents, and stagnation of lymph fluid that is flooded with intestinal toxins. Through the
r upward, more and more toxins end up in the lymphatic ducts
eavily stressed and burdened with the task of keeping itself functional. This further
e following chapters provide you with detailed directions to that end. Resolving chronic back pa
se on life for millions of people.
When the “River” Takes a U-Turn
While digesting a major meal, beneficial bacteria generates 10 liters or more of different kinds of
harmless gases (Vata). These gases help to stimulate and facilitate the peristaltic movement necessary to
transport food and waste. once this task has been accomplished, these gases are being absorbed by the
blood which takes them to the lungs for elimination. But if the colon is filled with undigested foods, these
gases become trapped. Hence, the natural “downward” movement of Vata slows down, comes to a halt,
and is reversed eventually. Instead of eliminating all the waste matter via rectum and anus, Vata quite
literally takes a U-turn and moves parts of the toxic mass of fermented or putrefied food in the upward
Any impediment in any section of the intestinal tract acts like a dam th
rstand this, you m
f obstruction is known as constipation. Constipatio
ersed Vata pressure, minute toxins, harmful bacteria, mucoid fecal matter and toxic gases are forced all
the way into the upper parts of the digestive tract, which causes something of a “traffic jam.” This chaos
can be felt as flatulence or intestinal bloating, cramps or feeling full. Flatus is comprised of over 250
gases, of which hydrogen is the most common. It results when bacteria feed off undigested carbohydrates,
especially those found in grains and beans.
As the internal pressure extends furthe
ining the gastro-intestinal tract. This generates lymph edema in the relatively large Cysterna Chyli
vessels (illustration 5) located in the navel area, noticeable by a further extension or ballooning out of the
The continuous upward stream of waste particles, toxins, and microbes now passes into the duodenum,
and sometimes evening through the ampulla of Vater into the gallbladder and pancreas. Some of this
AMA material may actually seep into the pancreatic duct and, from there, into different parts of the
pancreas. Subsequent blockage of the pancreatic duct, apart from inhibiting the release of digestive
enzymes by pancreas cells, may cause pancreatic infection and even diabetes. All this further aggravates
AGNI, the digestive fire. Lymph drainage from these organs becomes more and more difficult, and the
digestive system is h
akens digestion and increases the amount of fecal matter in the colon, as well as toxins in the blood and
lymph. As a direct consequence of raised blood toxins, even more stones are being formed in the liver and
gallbladder. Food, instead of providing the body with energy and nutrients, is now increasingly converted
into fat and toxins-filled waste.”
Illustration 10: Abnormal Body Postures
In the diagram at the top, please notice the link between the black areas of waste matter and the
changed spinal curvature). This is also shown in the lower photos.
The Dynamic Force of Pitta
The area between the duodenum and the beginning of the colon is mainly controlled by the energy of
Pitta – the second dosha. Pitta, which in Sanskrit means "bile," controls AGNI and, therefore, digestion
and metabolism. Pitta ensures that food is properly digested, absorbed and converted into the basic
building compounds needed for the growth of new cells and tissues. once Pitta dosha becomes disturbed
at its main seat, located where the gallbladder and pancreas connect with the duodenum, all metabolic
processes in the body are subsequently disrupted. Consequently, the assimilation and metabolism of
nutrients is insufficient and the body suffers the effects of malnourishment, even if the person eats well.
Being overweight indicates that the body has reached this stage of intestinal dysfunction.
If Vata continues to act in its reversed mode, intestinal toxins and waste fragments, as well parts of the
bile released by the gallbladder are further discharged toward the stomach. A continued reduced secretion
of bile and digestive enzymes can lead to obesity, heart disease and cancer.
Kapha – Cohesion, Structure and Stamina
The third principle force that controls the human body is Kapha. Kapha stands for cohesion, structure,
stamina and strength. Its main seat is in the stomach and chest. Kapha governs the digestive fluids and
forms the connective tissue (the interstitial fluid surrounding cells), muscles, fat, bones and sinew. It also
lubricates the joints, generates the mucus lining in the mouth, throat, lungs, stomach and intestines, and it
holds the body together. Without the cohesive properties of Kapha, the body would be a pool of
disconnected cells spread on the ground.
Kapha becomes aggravated when the reversed movement of the Vata force reaches the pyloric
sphincter – the valve that connects the stomach with the duodenum. Reflux of bile from the gallbladder,
as well as toxins and microbes from the intestines, and in some rare cases, even feces, may be forced
through the pyloric sphincter and enter the stomach. Occasionally, this may trigger spasmodic
constrictions and pain. The backup of the bile and AMA material may lead to various types of stomach
disorders. The stomach problems may differ from each other due to the different types of toxins and
microbes involved. There may also be other factors present, such as stress and the types and quantities of
food being consumed. To protect the blood and it s walls against the influx of these irritating substances,
the stomach secretes large quantities of mucus. Mucus is one of the body's most effective means to absorb
and “digest” AMA.
If the situation continues, the stomach lining may become injured and dehydrated in places, exposing it
to the destructive action of hydrochloric acid. The stomach cells begin to absorb toxic hydrogen ions.
This, in turn, increases their internal acidity, disrupts their metabolic processes, and triggers inflammatory
reactions. This is known as acute gastritis, which may become chronic and lead to peptic ulcers and
formation of cancerous tumors. The disruption of Kapha in this part of the body can greatly undermine
psychological balance and happiness. It is usually accompanied by a "strange" feeling in the gut and by
emotions of insecurity and anxiousness.
Disturbing the Doshas
Symptoms include:
• Bad breath
• Frequent colds
• Coughing
• Bronchitis
• Asthma
• Pneumonia
• Lymph congestion
• Low immunity
• Hay fever
• Allergies
• Any Chronic illness
The reversed movement of Vata in the intestines displaces both Pitta-dosha (in the middle part of the
body) and Kapha-dosha, (in the stomach and the chest). The more toxins start backing up in the
gastrointestinal tract, the less efficient becomes the lymph drainage from the organs located in the pelvic
area. Eighty percent of the lymphatic system is associated with the intestines, making this area of the body
the largest center of immune activity. This is no coincidence. The gastrointestinal tract is actually the part
of the body where most disease-causing agents are generated and combated. Any lymph edemas, or other
kind of obstruction in this important part of the lymphatic system, can lead to potentially serious
complications elsewhere in the body.
Wherever a lymph duct is obstructed, there is also an accumulation of lymph at a distance to the
obstruction. Consequently, the lymph nodes located in such an area can no longer adequately neutralize or
detoxify the following things: dead and live phagocytes and their ingested microbes, worn-out tissue cells,
cells damaged by disease, products of fermentation, pesticides in food, inhaled or congested toxic
particles, cells from malignant tumors, and the millions of cancer cells every healthy person generates
each day. Incomplete destruction of these things can cause these lymph nodes to become inflamed,
enlarged and congested with blood. Infected material may enter the blood stream, causing septic
poisoning and acute illnesses. In most cases, though, the lymph blockage occurs slowly, without any
symptoms other than swelling of the abdomen, hands, arms, feet, or ankles, or puffiness in the face and
eyes. This is often referred to as “water retention,” a precursor of chronic illness.
Continuous lymphatic obstruction usually leads to chronic conditions. Almost every chronic illness
results from congestion in the Cysterna Chyli. Eventually, the thoracic duct, which drains the Cysterna
Chyli sacks, gets overburdened by the constant influx of toxic material and becomes clogged up, too. The
thoracic duct is linked up with numerous other lymph ducts that empty their waste into the thoracic
“sewer canal.” Since the thoracic duct has to remove 85% of the body’s daily-generated cellular waste
and other harmful material, a blockage there causes back-flushing of waste into other, more distant parts
of the body.
When the daily-generated metabolic waste and cellular debris are not removed from an area in the
body for a certain period of time, symptoms of disease start manifesting. The following are but a few
typical examples of illness indicators that result directly from chronic, localized lymph congestion:
Obesity, cysts in the uterus or ovaries, enlargement of the prostate gland, rheumatism in the joints,
enlargement of the heart, congestive heart failure, congested bronchi and lungs, enlargement of the neck
area, stiffness in the neck and shoulders, backaches, headaches, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, ringing in
the ears, earaches, deafness, dandruff, hair loss, frequent colds, sinusitis, hay fever, certain types of
asthma, thyroid enlargement, eye diseases, poor vision, swelling in the breasts, breast cancer, kidney
problems, lower back pains, swellin , brain disorders, memory loss,
stomach trouble, enlarged spleen, irritable bowel syndrome, hernia, polyps in the colon, etc., etc.
e lymph fluids, the thoracic duct empties its now harmless waste contents into the
lef k. This vein enters the superior vena cava, which leads straight
int t l In addition to blocking proper lymph drainage from these various organs or
parts of the body, congestion in the cysterna chyli and thorac d xic materials to be passed
into the heart and heart arteries. This unduly stresses the he these toxins and diseasecausi
e general circulation and spread to other parts of the body. There rarely is a
disease that is not caused by lymphatic obstruction. Lymph bl k
diges e ted liver bile ducts.
As the noxious substances, gases and harmful bacteria from the lower parts of the intestines are further
brought upward through the alimentary tract, the bacteria acting on the waste begin to produce toxic, bad
smell nly referred to as “bad breath.” Some o h enter the blood, which
takes e chial system and lungs, causing irritation to their protective mucus lining.
As m ntioned, the failure of the (congested) lymphatic system to efficiently remove metabolic waste
ma rial from the respiratory organs can cause a variety of symptoms. If trapped toxins in the bronchial
idents in the lungs, find a fertile ground in the congested environment and begin to
A upward, some of the backed up toxins may become deposited in and
roteins as found in pollen, are neutralized quite easily without
g of the legs and ankles, scoliosis
Once detoxified in th
t subclavian vein at the root of the nec
o he eft side of the heart.
ic uct permits to
art. It also allows
ng agents to enter th
oc age, in most cases, has its origin in poor
tiv functions and conges
ing gases, commo f t e gases may also
th m to the bron
stem, for example, begin to mingle with germs that naturally reside there, the body will first try to
remove some of them through the mucus formed during a cold or a cough. However, if such release
efforts are subdued through medication or rendered ineffective through congesting foods or stress, the
mucus lining begins to thicken further. This causes breathing difficulties, bronchitis, and eventually
Pneumonia and other respiratory infections result when certain microbes, which are permanent and
normally harmless res
read. The supply of oxygen and water to the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines and other
parts of the body becomes increasingly scarce. Consequently, the body can no longer guarantee the
efficient elimination of carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products, as well as cellular debris,
from the tissues and organs.
The bronchial system and the lungs attempt to remove some of the excessive mucus, which is formed
in response to the irritation, by coughing it up into the throat. Chain smokers also experience this problem
after awakening in the morning.
If the body keeps moving AM
und the thymus gland, which is in charge of activating immune cells. Congestion of the thymus
weakens the natural defenses of the body against cancer, bacteria, parasites, and viruses. If a nose catarrh
occurs, it is extremely unwise to treat it as a localized disorder. A cold is a toxicity crisis, which
represents the body’s need to rid itself of toxins that have already spread to different parts of the body. If
head colds or the flu occur more frequently, the mucus membranes may become hypersensitive to dust
and pollen, which can cause sneezing attacks, bronchial spasms and constant watering of the eyes –
typical symptoms of hay fever.
All toxins have a dehydrating effect because the body’s cells have to give up precious water to r
m – water they cannot afford to do without. Allergies (and also asthma) indicate that the body has
increased the production of histamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating water metabolism,
water distribution, as well as antibacterial and anti-viral activities. In a well-hydrated body, foreign agents
such as bacteria, viruses, chemicals and p
need to raise histamine levels to an exaggerated level. Histamine activity becomes exaggerated when
the body becomes dehydrated, which may occur due to the presence of toxins or insufficient water
consumption. In such a situation the body may become oversensitive to all sorts of allergens, including
the potassium of orange juice.
In asthmatics, the exaggerated release of histamine promotes bronchial constriction. once their
dehydrated bodies receive the normal daily amount of water5 , and existing toxins, including those
produced from fermented and putrefied intestinal waste, as well as gallstones from the liver, are removed,
histamine production decreases and bronchial constriction begins to lessen or disappear. In some extreme
cases, though, to permanently stop an allergy it may also be necessary to “delete” the very memory of the
further toxicity crises. Colds and fever now fail
infection in her ear. Those who keep suppressing their bodies’ cleansing mechanisms,
mune cells that leads them to produce antibodies upon contact with the normally harmless allergens
(foreign agents). To fully restore the body’s balance, it may be necessary to neutralize all existing
allergies, including the hidden ones, against foods, pollen, dust, chemicals, metals, etc. (for details see
Chapter 7: Employing Nature’s Healing Powers).
If the body continues to accumulate toxins faster than it is able to remove them, it may eventually
become “tolerant” towards them. In other words, you can “get used” to drinking alcoholic beverages,
smoking, eating too much, and wearing yourself out without developing any signs of major discomfort.
But this only means that the body has ceased to respond to the build-up of toxins. In this case, the body is
no longer able to put up a good fight and may undergo no
come. This, however, is the time when the real trouble begins.
Unable to remove the toxic deposits, the body becomes severely congested. Hence, the normal signals
of intact self-defense mechanisms can no longer occur and fail to alert the person about the imminent
danger of permanent damage. This is the beginning of chronic disease. What would have been an acute
cold before, may now turn into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, a stomach ulcer, chronic cystitis, syphilis,
Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Fibromyalgia (FMS), heart disease, cancer, or any other illness. To
diagnose and treat a cancerous tumor as an isolated, separate disease event is as illogical as blaming a
cat’s tail for an
ch as an infection or a simple cold, hurt themselves more than they know. They sow the seeds for a
vicious cycle of ill health.
5 To stop the body’s histamine response to dehydration, which constricts blood flow and reduce your need for water, all you
may need is water. So the next time you have an asthma attack, instead of drugs, try 3 or 4 glasses of water. It could stop your
reaction almost instantly. (And be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.)
When Vata “Hits the Head”
Symptoms include:
• Cardiac Arrhyth
• Weight loss
• Muscle wasting • Nervousness
• Mental stress
• Thyroid problems
• Protruding eye balls
• Metabolic disorders
• Ear infection
• Meningitis
• Deafness
• Throat, teeth and sinus problems
• Eye trouble, headaches
• Hair loss
• Loss of Memory
When the “river of toxins” reverses and moves in the upper parts of the body, it eventually reaches
such sensitive areas as the thyroid gland. Blood flow and lymph drainage become impaired. Blood
congestion, which is characterized by thickening of he blood, prevents hormones from reaching their
target places in the s go into hypersecretion
(overprodu ode, the overall
metabolic rate of the bod nd an ever-increasing
amount of nutrients.
Given the congestion in the abdominal Cysterna Chyli vessels and the thoracic duct, the lymphatic
ducts that drain metabo to do so adequately.
When lymph drainage f ph nodes may start
swelling up and the thyroid becom
High toxicity in the thyroid gland often causes cardiac arrhythmia, which is a serious heart condition,
one t ply over-stressed trying to supply
weight lo production, redness of chest, neck and face,
and h e
and mental stress. In many cases, the eyes begin to protrude due to deposits of excess fat, degenerate
prote , nd the eyeballs. The internal
press other problems of vision.
If nd of a Kapha body type (see section on
body-types), the resulting low production of thyroid hormone decreases his basic metabolic rate, leading
to w h l cold, even when the
envir m
Ea y
drain e
gastro t pper
mia • Hot flushes
• Weight gain
body in sufficient amounts and on time. Consequently, the gland
ction) of hormones. If the thyroid moves into a hyperactive m
y increases. The body’s cells become hyperactive and dema
lic waste from the thyroid area into the thoracic duct fail
rom the glands is insufficient, they become congested. Lym
es enlarged. This brings about hypo-secretion (lack) of hormones.
Diseases related to imbalances of the thyroid glands include toxic goiter, graves disease, cretinism,
myxoedema, and tumors of the thyroid, hypo-parathyroidism, which reduces calcium absorption and
causes cataracts, as well as behavioral disorders and dementia. The failing detoxification of the thyroid
gland results in thyr
hat I suffered from when I was a child. The heart becomes sim
oxygen and nutrients to the hyperactive body cells. Other related symptoms include abnormal
ss, muscle wasting and weakness, excessive heat
yp ractivity of the nervous system. The latter condition causes nervousness, physical restlessness
ins fibrous tissue and other harmful material both inside and behi
ure in the eyes can cause staring and rigidity of eye movement and
lymph congestion occurs particularly in the thyroid gla
eig t gain and slowing mental activity. In this case, the body may fee
on ental temperature remains high.
r problems usually occur when, due to lymphatic congestion, metabolic toxins are not properl
ed from the chest and head areas, and when other noxious substances stemming from th
in estinal tract are forced up into the auditory (Eustachian) tubes. If this coincides with an u
respiratory tract infection, microbes may move from the chest area into the ear canals and cause painful
e edical
drugs) tumor formation, meningitis and other brain disorders, even loss of hearing, may result. If you
experience any liquid coming from your ears or discover a swelling near the ears, you need to start some
cleansing procedures straight away (se t relief, the ancient technique of ear
coning or ear candling can help drain old wax, fungus and toxic residues from the ears and open the
ar infections and accumulation of pus (dead, decomposed cells). If wrongly treated (through m
e chapters 6&7). Note: For shor
mph ducts for improved drainage.
If in this stage of imbalance, the body is still fairly well hydrated and not interfered with, it will
provide extra amounts of fluids and mucus to prevent toxins from entering the blood stream. Any form of
intervention in this very delicate area of the body should be handled with utmost care as it may damage
the sense organs of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
Most people think that such problems as tooth decay, tonsil infection, ear aches, vertigo, tinnitus, sore
throat, stiffness of neck and shoulders, hair loss, hoarse voice, broken speech, headaches, nose and sinus
congestion, etc., are accidental occurrences that don't need to be taken very seriously. Yet, these “minor”
complaints indicate major imbalances in the digestive system, can be the harbingers of eventually lifethreatening
circulatory problems and even brain tumors.
Constant presence of toxins in the nasal area can cause an enlargement of nasal bone or cartilage,
which, in turn, can lead to hay fever. Sinus headaches, weak eyesight, sore and swollen or puffy eyes, and
general headaches are directly related to a build-up of toxins caused by lymphatic obstruction and backflushing
of waste from the intestines due to reversed movement of Vata. The names that describe these
various symptoms are not relevant. But it is important to know that all these symptoms are indications of
the body’s attempt to eliminate toxins that have accumulated at these various locations. The obstruction of
Vata activity, i.e. the movement of air, water, lymph, blood, waste, etc., is the common factor in every
toxicity crisis.
The crisis occurs when none of the three doshas are capable of conducting their assigned functions
properly. Forced from their respective abodes, the normally benign doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha become
vicious and destructive. By suppressing or combating the various symptoms of discomfort or disease, they
become even more unbalanced. The use of pharmaceutical drugs, which only aim at relieving a symptom
of disease, may cause long-term damage to the physiology and ought to be used solely as a last resort.
Any successful approach to healing must be based on balancing the three dosha – Vata, Pitta, and
Kapha. once settled in their respective, rightful places, they ensure that the body operates with the best
possible precision and efficiency. All the channels of circulation will remain clear, digestion will stay
strong, and elimination of waste matter will be smooth, complete and frictionless. This allows the body to
give continuous nourishment to all its cells and tissues. The result is uninterrupted health and
youthfulness throughout life.
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