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Foods to avoid kidney problems

hanngill 2014. 4. 6. 09:17

Foods to avoid kidney problems
kidney problems symptoms, kidney problems diet, kidney function problems, renal disease, renal diet, kidney failure, foods for kidney problems, kidney health tips, chronic kidney failure, diabetes and kidney disease

Kidneys are very important to our body as they control a variety of metabolic processes. Kidney has many other important functions to perform in the body which includes flush of the waste materials from the body and controlling blood pressure. When the kidneys of a person are not functioning properly our body is more prone and more vulnerable and to numerous problems and diseases and some of them are potentially very serious and dangerous. You must also know as a general knowledge that what the kidney problems symptoms are. Just like other organs of the human body Maintaining over all good health is very much related with proper renal function or kidney function. If you are sure you have chronic kidney disease (CKD) and have been diagnosed with this problem and this has been confirmed by blood tests indicating potential renal dysfunction or kidney problem then this is a very serious problem for your heal but you can partially help your kidneys function in a well-controlled manner by reworking your diet plan and avoiding certain foods. You can modify your diet and consult a nutritionist which will suggest you a kidney problem diet. This cannot obviously prove to be cure but it can increase your life quality and feeling of your well being. It is also advisable that you. Even if you don’t have a kidney disease yet you must be aware of kidney health tips and advices to avoid chronic kidney failure at any point in your life and to avoid kidney function problems. However the problem increases many fold if a person with renal disease have other illnesses as well like diabetes. If in case if you have both then your doctor would have to keep this thing in mind that the foods which he is recommending to you to avoid kidney problems and failure does not increase your diabetes levels.

Protein for Kidney patients and renal disease
Kidney or renal patients should be specially take care of their protein consumption. Protein intake must also be carefully monitored and may be limited to 0.6 grams per kilogram of the body weight per day. Also it is recommended that you can go to vegetable protein which is supposed not to put extra effort in straining. This means that you must meet protein requirements of your body with vegetable sources like beans, lentils and other green vegetables.
So if you are a kidney patient you must avoid animal protein and go for vegetable protein as animal protein produces purine which is helpful in the production of uric acid forming crystals (kidney stones) in the kidneys.

Sodium for kidney patients and renal disease (Na)
Foods that contain Sodium in large amounts can increase blood pressure and blood pressure as we know is one of the major causes of kidney disease and hence kidney failure in long rung. Research has proved that in kidney diseases strict blood pressure control is crucial. This means that if a person has a failing kidneys or his kidney are not working 100% he should be very careful about his Sodium intake and should be taking care to maintain his blood pressure. If a person is already a blood pressure patient than he may require more than one high blood pressure medicine. So a renal failure patient should use any proper medicine to control your blood pressure with the advice of your physician.
These high sodium foods to avoid include Salt, All types of frozen meats, Corned Beef, Pepperoni, Sausage, Pizza, Chinese Food, Fast Foods, Cheese, Pickles, Soy Sauce, Potato chips and all types of Canned Soups. So these are the health tips that you must avoid these foods if you suspect that your kidney are not 100%.

Potassium Restriction for kidney patients and renal disease
Potassium is restricted for a kidney patient only when the urine begins decreasing and kidney function is reduced to 20% to 30%. So in this case the kidney problem diet and foods to avoid for this type of kidney diseases are those with high Potassium foods. Foods having high value of potassium content include Bananas, Prune Juice Oranges, Orange Juice, Milk, Prunes, Tomato Juice, Tomato Sauce, Nuts, Chocolate, Dried peas and Beans.

Fluid Restriction for kidney patients and renal disease
If your kidneys are not performing at all or you have chronic kidney failure then fluid restriction on patient is applied until severe kidney disease (Stage 4 , 5) is reached. Dialysis is a procedure in which blood is cleaned by an artificial method.. It is called “kidney failure” because eventually the kidneys fail to make urine. This usually means that the amount of urine your kidneys can make will usually not decrease until it is almost time to begin dialysis to clean your blood.

Phosphorus Restriction for kidney patients and renal disease
Phosphorus is a an important mineral and is found in almost all foods including fruits and vegetables. When kidneys are healthy and kidneys are working they will balance the amount of phosphorus in our body. Phosphorus decreases the ability to absorb calcium from the diets to the body. However, when the kidneys will decrease its functions it will fail to eliminate this in the urine, the phosphorus will increase in the blood. This high phosphorus will stop calcium to be absorbed. High phosphorus foods will need to be limited and avoided by a person with kidney problems. Controlling the intake of phosphorus is very difficult for kidney disease patients but if you ignore this problem it can lead to bone disease with pain in the back and joints. Foods containing high phosphorus foods needed to eliminate are Milk (any kind) – Start learning to use a milk substitute which may be artificial prepared milks (powdered or liquid) , Beans (black ,red and white), Black Eyed Peas, Nuts, Chocolate, Yogurt (Natural or artificial), Cheese of any kind, Liver, Desserts prepared milk
Vitamins to avoid for kidney patients and renal disease

In a recent recent it has been identified that increased level of homo cysteine is a great risk in kidney diseases. More than 75% of dialysis patients have increased homocysteine levels. This homocysteine level is further associated to certain vitamins like folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6. So if you have kidney function problems than should avoid in taking these vitamins excessively. Always ask your doctor about these things and they kidney specialist doctor will definitely recommend you a renal diet and will guide you that what are the food to avoid in case of kidney failure or renal failure.
Anemia problem for kidney patients and renal disease

One of the critical problems which you have to face is “Anemia”. So if you have failed kidneys it is almost certain that you will have Anemia too because of these kidneys not functioning properly. This is because healthy kidneys make a hormone that helps make red blood cells. Anemia is also a dangerous problem and Anemia further causes weakness, tiredness and shortness of breath. Physicians sometime give you an injection called Procrit. which may help improve your anemia. Sometime iron supplements are advised in order in order to make red blood cells. In extreme blood shortage cases you will be given blood from an external source.

Diabetes for kidney patients and renal disease
It is a fact to note that about forty to forty five percent of all kidney disease patients have diabetes and thus it is important to have a good control of patients blood sugar levels at all times. There is a special blood test called a “hemoglobin A1C.” The normal range is 4.5 to 6.0 percent. This test tells what your blood sugars have been in the past two to three months. Poor control of blood sugar contributes to the progression of your kidney disease. Be sure to ask your doctor how you are doing with blood sugar control. So in case of both diabetes and kidney disease you need to be extra conscious because food that are good diabetes might not be good for Kidneys so a balance food have to be taken.