The kidneys and the liver are two of the most important organs in the body. Each one has a special function in maintaining balance and health in the body. The kidney is responsible in excreting waste products like toxins, salts and excess minerals in the body while the liver metabolizes fat, carbohydrates and proteins. When one organ begins to falter, the body is sure to suffer. This is why you need to take care of your liver and kidneys by eating healthy, avoiding alcoholic beverages and by doing a liver and kidney cleanse.
A liver and kidney cleanse is a procedure that cleans the kidneys as well as the liver. There are different kinds of cleansing procedures available in the market but the most recommended are natural liver and kidney cleansing. Here are some of the most popular:
Water – drinking as much as 12 to 15 glasses (3 liter정도)of water each day will help you start a liver and kidney cleanse. You simply drink as much water as you can to rest your kidneys and liver from taking heavy meals, carbonated beverages, highly preserved foods and different kinds of prescription medications and over-the-counter medications.
Water will also help dilute the kidneys from salts and toxins which are mostly the cause of kidney stones and infection. Aside from using water as a natural liver and kidney cleanse you must try to replace all your usual caffeinated beverages and carbonated drinks with water for good measure.
Green tea – one of the most popular cleanses is the use of green tea. This refreshing tea has antioxidants that will help the body fight harmful free radicals and can help treat liver disorders like hepatitis and can help reduce the damage brought about by chronic alcoholism. But be sure to consult your doctor before taking green tea, some medications create an adverse reaction when taken with this natural tea like blood thinners and anti-hypertensives.
Cranberry juice – cranberry is high in antioxidants which can treat urinary tract infections, protect the body from harmful free radicals and prevent premature aging. Take cranberry juice several times a day or you may take cranberry extracts available in pills or capsule form.
Dandelion teas – the dandelion is a popular natural tea that is used in treating various kidney and liver disorders. It has natural properties that can help strengthen the immune system and may even protect the liver with its antiviral properties. The best part of the dandelion plant is the dandelion root. This is also an effective diuretic which can help stimulate the kidneys to produce more urine. When urine production is increased, salts, toxins and impurities will be flushed from the body effectively.