연구하는 인생/Natural Therapy

** Keep Your Colon Clean- Andreas Moritz

hanngill 2014. 2. 20. 10:41

 Keep Your Colon Clean

A weak, irritated and congested large intestine is a breeding place

for bacteria, which simply do their job. That is, they break down

potentially hazardous waste material. As a side effect of their lifesaving

activities, the microbes produce poisonous substances. Some

of the toxins produced by the bacteria enter the blood, which delivers

them straight to the liver. Constant exposure of liver cells to these

toxins impairs their performance and reduces bile secretion, which

leads to further disruption of digestive functions.

When we eat highly processed foods that have been stripped of

most nutrients and natural fiber, the colon has difficulty moving the

food mass or chyme along. Processed foods tend to make for a dry,

hard or sticky chyme that does not pass easily through the intestinal

tract. The muscles wrapped around the colon can easily squeeze and

push fibrous, bulky chyme along, but they have great difficulty

dealing with fiberless, gooey, sticky chyme. When chyme sits too

long in the colon, it becomes harder and drier. If that were the only

thing that happened—chyme turning into hard, dry feces—we would

only need to worry about constipation (which millions of Americans

suffer from). But there is more. After the chyme/feces plasters itself

onto the walls of the colon, it begins to do several things, including:

Ferment, rot and harden, thereby becoming a breeding ground

for parasites and pathogens (disease-causing agents), and a

storehouse for toxic chemicals that can pollute the blood and

lymph and, thereby, poison the body.

Form a barrier that prevents the colon from interacting with

and absorbing nutrients from chyme.

Restrict movement of the colon walls, making it impossible

for the colon to rhythmically contract in order to speed the

chyme along its way. (How well could you do your job if you

were covered with thick sludge?) The following are some of

the symptoms manifesting as a result of colon dysfunction:

o Lower back pain

o Neck and shoulder pain

o Skin problems

o Brain fog (difficulty concentrating)

o Fatigue

o Sluggishness

o Colds and flus

o Constipation or diarrhea

o Digestive problems

o Flatulence/gas

o Bloating

o Crohn’s disease

o Ulcerative colitis

o Colitis/Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

o Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis

o Leaky Gut Syndrome

o Pain in lower stomach (especially left side)

The large intestine absorbs minerals and water. When the

membrane of the large intestine is impacted with plaque, it cannot

assimilate and absorb minerals (as well as some vitamins). When this

occurs, deficiency diseases are created regardless how many

supplements you take. Most diseases are, in fact, deficiency disorders.

They arise when certain parts of the body suffer malnourishment,

particularly minerals (see also Take Ionic Minerals in this Chapter).

There are several methods that can be used for colon cleansing:

1. Keeping the colon clean through colonic irrigation, for

example, is an effective preventive method to safeguard the liver

against toxins generated in the large intestine. Colonic irrigation, also

known as Colon Hydrotherapy, is perhaps one of the most effective

colon therapies. Within a 30-50 minute session, it can eliminate large

amounts of trapped waste that may have taken many years to

accumulate. During a typical colonic a total of 3-6 liters of distilled or

purified water is used to gently flush the colon. Through gentle

abdominal massage, old deposits of mucoid fecal matter are loosened,

detached from the colon wall and subsequently removed with the


Colonics have a ‘relieving’ effect. There is usually a feeling of

lightness, cleanness, and increased clarity of mind following a

colonic. However, during the procedure itself you may feel a slight

discomfort from time to time, whenever larger quantities of toxic

waste detach themselves from the intestinal walls and move towards

the rectum.

Colonic irrigation is a safe and hygienic system for cleansing the

colon. Rubber tubing carries water into the colon, and waste out of the

colon. The released waste material can be seen floating through a

tube, showing the type and quantity of waste eliminated.

Once the colon has been thoroughly cleansed through two, three

or more colonics, diet, exercise or other health programs are likely to

be much more effective. It is estimated that 80% of all immune tissue

resides in the intestines. Therefore, cleansing the colon from immunesuppressive

toxic waste and removing gallstones from the liver can

make all the difference in the treatment of cancer, heart disease, AIDS

or other serious illnesses.


2. If you do not have access to a colon therapist, you may greatly

benefit from using a colema board (see Suppliers List), as a second

best choice. The colema board allows you to clean your colon in the

comfort of your own home. The colema colonic is a do-it-yourself

treatment that is easy to learn and perform.


3. Another method of cleansing, which uses Epsom salts, does not

only cleanse the colon, but also the small intestine. This may become

necessary if you have major difficulties absorbing food, repeated

kidney/bladder congestion, severe constipation, or are simply unable

to do a colonic. For three weeks, mix 1 teaspoon of oral Epsom salt

(magnesium sulfate) with 1 glass of warm water and drink first thing

in the morning. This oral enema flushes out your entire digestive tract

and colon, from top to bottom, usually within an hour, prompting you

to eliminate several times. It clears out much of the plaque and debris

from the walls, along with the parasites that have been living there.

Expect the stools to be watery for as long there is intestinal waste to

be disposed of. Stools adopt a normal shape and consistency once the

entire intestinal tract is clean. This treatment can be done 2-3 times

per year. Expect some cramps or gas formation, at times, while on this

cleanse (a result of releasing toxins).

4. Castor oil is a traditionally used, excellent remedy to clear

waste material from the intestines. It is less irritating than Epsom salts

and has no side effects other than normal cleansing reactions. Take

one to three teaspoons of castor oil in 1/3 glass of warm water on an

empty stomach in the morning or before going to sleep at night

(depending on which works out better). It is a very beneficial

treatment for stubborn cases of constipation. It can also be given to

children (in smaller dosages). Although, it is not recommended to

replace Epsom salts with any other cleanser during the liver cleanse,

in case of an allergy to Epsom salts, castor oil could be used instead.

5. Aloe Vera juice is another very effective way to cleanse the

gastro-intestinal tract. However it should not be used as a replacement

for the colonics or colemas before and after a liver cleanse. Aloe Vera

has both nourishing and cleansing effects. One tablespoon of Aloe

Vera juice diluted with a little water before meals, or at least once in

the morning before breakfast, helps to break down old deposits of

waste and bring basic nutrients to cells and tissues. For those who feel

their liver is still releasing a lot of toxins several days after a liver

cleanse, may greatly benefit from drinking Aloe Vera juice.

Aloe Vera has been found to be effective in almost every illness,

including cancer, heart disease and AIDS. It is helpful for all kinds of

allergies, skin diseases, blood disorders, arthritis, infections, Candida,

cysts, diabetes, eye problems, digestive problems, ulcers, liver

diseases, haemorrhoids, high blood pressure, kidney stones and

strokes, to name a few. Aloe Vera contains over 200 nutrients,

including the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, Folic acid, iron, calcium,

magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, barium, sulphate, 18 amino

acids, important enzymes, glycosides, polysaccharides, etc. Make

certain you only purchase pure, undiluted Aloe Vera, available in

health food stores. one of the best brands is produced by the

company, Lily of the Desert, Texas, USA. It is made of 99.7% organic

Aloe Vera juice, with no water added.

Caution: With regular drinking of Aloe Vera, diabetics may

improve the ability of the pancreas to produce more of its own insulin.

Therefore, diabetics should consult their physician to monitor their

need for extra insulin, since too much insulin is dangerous. Many

diabetics report a reduction in the amount of insulin required. Make

certain you purchase only undiluted Aloe Vera juice.

6. COLOSAN is a blend of various oxides of magnesium designed

to gently release oxygen in the digestive tract for the purpose of

cleansing it. COLOSAN is a powder that you mix with citrus juice

and drink. This drink produces oxygen in the intestinal tract, which

eliminates all old fecal material, parasites and mucus. COLOSAN is

available from
