Iridiology is a natural diagnostic system, surprisingly, one of the oldest forms of alternative medicine, and Iridologists have a theory that states that every body organ corresponds to a location on the iris (the colored portion of the eye surrounding the pupil) and its structure; that no part of the body functions in isolation, and that every organ and every tissue is in contact with every other part of the body. XYZ-Wellbeing believes in this theory.
According to iridology theory, the iris serves as a road map of the body, that the eye is a convenient and easily visible indicator of health, and gives early warning signs of physical, mental, and spiritual issues; that it can reflect very early signs of disease in distant body organs, making it a very useful medical diagnostic tool, especially for those not wanting to undergo conventional tests, such as x-rays and blood tests.
Iridology is best described as the scientific practice which involves correlating the markings and patterns of the iris to reflex manifestations and body malfunctions among the many organs of the body. By studying the eye, doctors can reveal a patient's overall degree of health and wellbeing, as well as the patient's inherent weaknesses. In this alternative medicine technique, the eye is perceived as the gateway to the body, whereby its condition reflects the overall condition of the patient.
Iridology represents a holistic approach to health care because it analyzes and diagnoses weaknesses in all of the tissues of the body. The eye is seen as an instrument unlocking the many hidden symptoms of the body. Just like a throat culture, thermometer or blood pressure instrument, reveals the body's overall condition and can give clues as to what specific organs are hindered, so too does the iris of the human eye.
An Iridologist really analyzes the iris, rather than making a full diagnosis (this task is left up to the physician). There are no iris markings or colors that are uniquely associated with a particular disease state. By definition, iris analysis is to discern by observation of the irides (the plural of iris) the various stages of tissue inflammation - acute, subacute, chronic, and degenerative - and where the inflammations are located.
Iridology uses iris analysis to determine how a patient should go about enacting a reversal process which involves a remission of the troubles and illnesses which exist at the present in the patient's body and which have been experienced in the past.

The iris contains hundreds of nerve endings which are attached to the optic nerve, the base of the brain, and all of the tissues of the body. Therefore, the neural circuitry of the eye is able to express the continuity of the body, an integrated unit composed of various cells which all communicate with the irides about their overall wellness. Weaknesses in body tissues or organs often show up in the eye before they show up in medical tests. An Iridologist maps out a person's eye and compares this chart to the iris charts developed by the two fathers of Iridology: Ignatz von Peczely and Nils Liljequist, and then perfected by Dr. Bernard Jensen1, a renowned U.S. Iridologist and Nutritionist. on the iris chart, the brain areas are represented at the top while the feet are at the bottom, and the bowel area is on the inside while the skin is on the outside. It is important to note that although the charts for the left and right irides are similar, they are not identical. The Iridologist then interprets the person's mapped out eye chart and analyzes the individual's colors and markings. Indications of dangerous tissue alternations are transmitted to the eye and can be discerned and interpreted by the Iridologist. An opthalmoscope is often used by an Iridologist to focus bright light in the eye. X-ray photographs are used to clearly see the iris and computers are now used in mapping out the markings and color of the eye. These new computer mapping systems triple image processing capability. Computers can display the surface of the iris, show elaborate graphs on the iris analysis and show heat zones on the iris. During the examination itself, an Iridologist might use a strong light source, a magnifying glass, and possibly a mirror. A major landmark is the autonomic nerve wreath. There are several iris signs that can be visualized on the nerve wreath. They concern the heart, thymus gland, and solar plexus. Several more iris signs are found inside the nerve wreath. These signs represent a portion of the intestinal area and the stomach. The stomach ring is an indicator of the tissue integrity of the stomach wall. This integrity is related to the stomach's acid output. Irides are basically blue, basically brown, or mixed. A miasmic iris is also called a "dishwater eye" because of its murky, lackluster color. The effect is often from some type of body pollution, such as a medications or environmental toxins. Iridology is a holistic alternative medicine approach which is always used in cooperation with nutrition, but also sometimes with herbal medicine, orthomolecular medicine, chiropractic medicine and/or acupuncture. Without a proper diet mixed with the appropriate vitamins and mineral supplements, iris analysis woud do absolutely no good because of the lack of follow-up treatment on the part of the patient. Iridology is mainly a preventative medicine because it can warn a doctor of a person's apparent tendency toward disease. If a person is potentially approaching an illness, this will show up in an examination of the iris. A person's progress can also be expressed by the iris. Cleansing and healing of the body can be verified from changes in the iris. A patient who undergoes Iridology should have irides that look significantly different after analysis and treatment. Iridology works conjunctively with nutrition, herbal medicine, and orthomolecular medicine to make certain that a patient is getting the appropriate dose of nutrients, minerals, organic elements, enzymes, vitamins, and the proper pH in the stomach. Every disease is considered the result of a chemical shortage. There are certain mineral deficiencies which are associated with specific markings in the iris, such as zinc, calcium, phosphorous, as well as a lack in niacin or folate. An iridologist might suggest what foods a patient should eat to obtain the nutrients that are really needed; a person's diet is discussed and may need to change in order for the patient to curb certain risk factors. In addition, a strong constitution of the iris can reveal a person's genetic factors that affect the likeliness for developing a particular disease, such as cancer, and other serious illnesses which affect health and wellbeing. It is valid that some portions of a person's heredity can be revealed by the striations of the iris. According to iridology, the main chemical needs of the body organs and organ systems are2: The XYZ-Wellbeing System offers nutritional information assistance and nutritional programs that are a perfect complement to our iridology practices. Talk with one of our trained practitioners for more information on how XYZ-Wellbeing can help! Your XYZ-Wellbeing trained practitioner can help you with any questions you may have concerning the uses of iridology, and how to proceed in obtaining assistance, or more information, about our ReTreat Facility's programs.Iridiology may produce information in the following areas:
Wikipedia online,, Iridology, as accessed and published June 6, 2009.
Thinkquest, Alternative Medicine online, Featured Study: Iridology,, as accessed and published June 6, 2009.
International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), http://www.iridologyassn.corg, as accessed and published June 6, 2009.
Visions of Health: Understanding Iridology by Dr. Bernard Jensen and Dr. Donald V. Bodeen, Avery Publishing Group Inc., Garden City Park, New York, copyright 1992
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