죽상동맥경화증에서 지방 침착물이 쌓이면 반흔 조직과 석회화가 뒤따라 일어나고, 혈관을 침식하여 혈액순환을 방해하며, 석회화는 혈관의 탄력성을 잃게 하여 혈압을 높인다.
심근(心筋)에 산소가 많은 혈액을 공급하는 관상동맥에 죽상동맥경화증이 생기면 산소공급이 제대로 되지 않아서 심근 일부가 괴사되는 심근경색증(心筋梗塞症)을 일으킬 수 있다. 이때는 풍선 카테터를 사용하여 혈관을 넓혀준다. 망막의 소동맥(小動脈)에 생긴 동맥경화증은 시력을 저하시키며, 혈압이 계속 높으면 망막과 시신경이 위축된다.
뇌혈관에 동맥경화증이 생기면 뇌로 가는 혈액순환을 방해하여 의식을 잃고 팔다리가 마비되는 '뇌졸중'을 일으키는데, 이러한 뇌졸중을 예방하기 위해서는 혈압강하제를 복용한다(→ 뇌출혈). 말초동맥 동맥경화증은 다리로 혈액 공급이 잘 안 되어서 이따금 다리를 절거나 피부궤양을 일으키기도 하며 발과 다리에 감염이 생길 가능성도 높다(→ 뇌종맥경화증).
Arteriosclerosis refers to a stiffening of arteries.[1]
Arteriosclerosis refers to a stiffening of arteries.[1]
Arteriosclerosis is a general term describing any hardening (and loss of elasticity) of medium or large arteries.
(from the Greek Arterio, meaning artery, and sclerosis, meaning hardening)
It should not be confused with "arteriolosclerosis" or "atherosclerosis", which are described in greater detail below.
Also known by the name "myoconditis" which is outdated and no longer in general use.
Arteriolosclerosis is any hardening (and loss of elasticity) of small arteries and arterioles (small arteries). It is often associated with hypertension.
Atherosclerosis is a hardening of an artery specifically due to an atheromatous plaque. Atherosclerosis is the most common form of arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is characterized by a thickening of the intima with plaques that can contain lipid-laden macrophages ("foam cells"). The plaques contain free lipid (cholesterol, etc.) and are prone to calcification and ulceration.
Arteriosclerosis obliterans is typically seen in medium and large arteries of the lower extremity. Characterized by fibrosis of the intima and calcification of the media. The lumen of the vessel may be obliterated or markedly narrowed.
Medial calcific sclerosis (Monckeberg’s calcific sclerosis) is seen mostly in the elderly, commonly in arteries of the thyroid and uterus. Characterized by calcification of the internal elastic lamina but without thickening of the intima or narrowing of the vessel lumen. A similar form of an intramural calcification, presenting the picture of an early phase of arteriosclerosis, appears to be induced by a number of drugs that have an antiproliferative mechanism of action.
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