연구하는 인생/Nature·Universe

Planets proposed by Zecharia Sitchin

hanngill 2009. 10. 27. 14:34

Planets proposed by Zecharia Sitchin

For "Nibiru" as relates to the 2012 Doomsday prediction, see Nibiru collision

In recent years the work of Zecharia Sitchin has garnered much attention among ufologists, ancient astronaut theorists and conspiracy theorists. He claims to have uncovered, through his retranslations of Sumerian texts, evidence that the human race was visited by a group of extraterrestrials from a distant planet in our own Solar System. Part of his theory lies in an astronomical interpretation of the Babylonian creation myth, the Enuma Elish, in which he replaces the names of gods with hypothetical planets. However, since the principal evidence for Sitchin's claims lies in his own personally derived etymologies and not on any scholarly agreed interpretations, his theories remain at most pseudoscience to the majority of academics.[1]

Sitchin's theory proposes the planets Tiamat and Nibiru. Tiamat supposedly existed between Mars and Jupiter. He postulated that it was a thriving world in a much differently shaped solar system, with jungles and oceans, whose orbit was disrupted by the arrival of a large planet or very small star (less than twenty times the size of Jupiter) which passed through the solar system between 65 million and four billion years ago. The new orbits caused Tiamat to collide with one of the moons of this object, which is known as Nibiru. The debris from this collision are thought by the theory's proponents to have variously formed the asteroid belt, the Moon, and the current incarnation of the planet Earth.

To the Babylonians, Nibiru was the celestial body or region sometimes associated with the god Marduk. The word is Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. Because of this, the planet Nibiru is sometimes also referred to as Marduk. Sitchin hypothesizes it as a planet in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed orbital period of about 3,750 years; he also claims it was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki, who apparently visited Earth in search of gold. These beings eventually created humanity by genetically crossing themselves with extant primates, and thus became the first gods.

Beginning in 1995, websites such as ZetaTalk have identified Nibiru or "Planet X" as a brown dwarf currently within our planetary system, soon to pass relatively close to Earth. Sitchin disagrees with the timing of passage.[2]

Sitchin also postulates that Pluto began life as Gaga, a satellite of Saturn which, due to gravitational disruption caused by Nibiru's passing, was flung into orbit beyond Neptune.

[edit] Planets proposed by Joseph Smith

Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, claimed to reveal knowledge of a number of extrasolar objects through his examination of ancient religious documents. Of principal importance was Kolob, the star or planet "nearest the throne of God".

[edit] Planets proposed by L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, proposed as part of his religious cosmology a Galactic Confederacy which consisted of 26 stars and 76 planets including Earth, which was then known as "Teegeeack".[3][4] one planet in the Scientology doctrine is known as Helatrobus.

[edit] Hercolubus

New Age author V.M. Rabolu writes in Hercolubus or Red Planet that Barnard's star is actually a planet known to the ancients as Hercolubus, which purportedly came dangerously close to earth in the past, destroying Atlantis.[5] Rabolu claims that Hercolubus will come close to earth again. He also claims that humanity will only be saved by means of mantras and "astral unfolding".[6] Nibiru collision originator Nancy Leider has used Rabolu's ideas to bolster her claims.[7]

Barnard's star has been directly measured to be 5.98 짹 0.003 light years from Earth (35.15 trillion miles). At that distance, it would need to be travelling at ten thousand miles a second (an appreciable fraction of the speed of light) to reach Earth in less than a century. While it is approaching Earth, Barnard's Star will not make its closest approach to the Sun until around 11,700 AD, when it will approach to within some 3.8 light-years.[8] This is only slightly closer than the closest star to the Sun (Proxima Centauri) lies today.

[edit] Lilith

In 1918, astrologer Walter Gornold, also known as "Sepharial," claimed to have confirmed the existence of a second moon. He named it Lilith and affirmed that it was indeed invisible for most of the time but claimed to have viewed it as it crossed the sun.[9]

In modern Western astrology, Lilith is not an actual moon, but is a blank focus of the ellipse described by the moon's orbit (the other focus occupied by the Earth). The moon's hypothetical apogee point (the point at which it is furthest in its orbit from the Earth), is known as the "Dark Moon" Lilith. It is said to signify instinctive and emotional intelligence in astrological charts.[10]

[edit] Credo Mutwa's comet

In the year 2000, Zulu Sangoma Credo Mutwa gave a keynote address to the Living Lakes Partnership. In his conclusion, he said:[11]

Let me tell you one last thing: I am told by the great storytellers of our tribes that fresh water is not native to our earth. once, many thousands of years ago a terrible star, the kind of star with a very long tail, descended very close upon our skies. So close that the earth turned upside down and what had become the sky became down, and what was the heavens became up. The whole world was turned upside down. The sun rose in the south and set in the north. Then came drops of burning black stuff, like molten tar, which burned every living thing on earth that could not escape. After that came a terrible deluge of water accompanied by winds so great that they blew whole mountaintops away. And after that came huge chunks of ice bigger than any mountain and the whole world was covered with ice for many generations. After that the surviving people saw an amazing sight. They saw rivers and streams of water that they could drink, they saw that some of the fishes that escaped from the sea and were now living in these rivers. That is the great story of our forefathers. And we are told that this thing is going to happen again very soon. Because the great star, which is the lava of our sun, is going to return on the day of the year of the red bull, which is in the year 2012.

[edit] Rizq

An extrasolar planet in a trinary star system believed by the followers of the Nuwaubian doctrine espoused by self-described contactee Dwight York to have been the homeworld of the Anunaqi Eloheem, who came to Earth and played a role in the creation of humans.

[edit] Serpo

Some ufologists believe, based on the testimony of Betty and Barney Hill, one of the first recorded cases of alleged alien abduction, that the alien civilization known as the Greys derive from a planet orbiting the binary star Zeta Reticuli. Bob Lazar has claimed that the crashed UFO found at Area 51 is from that system. In 2005, ufologist Victor Martinez claimed to have unearthed evidence that the alien from the Roswell UFO crash of 1947 was eventually peacefully repatriated, which led to establishment of diplomatic relations with this planet, which was nicknamed Serpo.

[edit] Ummo

Home planet of a group of extraterrestrials who supposedly composed a series of documents detailing their mission to study Earth's culture. The documents were later found to be an elaborate hoax.

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