The picture of Christ in the early church: The Apostles' Creed
Even before the Gospels were written, Christians were reflecting upon the meaning of what Jesus had been and what he had said and done. It is a mistake, therefore, to suppose that such reflection is a later accretion upon the simple message of the Gospels. on the contrary, the early Christian communities were engaged in witness and worship from the very beginning. The forms of that witness and worship were also the forms of the narratives in the Gospel accounts. From this fact it follows that to understand the Gospel accounts regarding Jesus we must consider the faith of the early church regarding Christ. Inthis sense it is valid to maintain that there is no distinction between “the Jesus of history” and “the Christof faith,” and that the only way to get at the former is by the latter. Christology, the doctrine about Christ, is then as old as Christianity itself.
To comprehend the faith of the early church regarding Christ, we must turn to the writings of the New Testament, where that faith found embodiment. It was also embodied in brief confessions or creeds, but these have not been preserved for us complete in their original form. What we have are fragments ofthose confessions or creeds in various books of the New Testament, snatches from them in other early Christian documents, and later forms of them in Christian theology and liturgy. The so-called Apostles' Creed is one such later form. It did not achieve its present form until quite late; just how late is a matter of controversy. But in its earliest ancestry it is very early indeed, perhaps dating back to the 1st century. And its confession regarding Christ is probably the earliest core, around which later elaborations of it were composed. Allowing for such later elaboration, we may say that in the Apostles' Creed we have a convenient summary of what the early church believed about Christ amid all the variety of its expression and formulation. The creeds were a way for Christians to explain what they meant by their acts of worship. When they put “I believe” or “We believe” at the head of what they confessed about God and Christ, they meant that their declarations rested upon faith, not merely upon observation.
The statement “I believe” also indicated that Christ was deserving of worship and faith, and that he was therefore on a level with God. At an early date, possibly as early as the words of Paul in Phil. 2:6–11, Christian theology began to distinguish three stages in the career of Jesus Christ: his preexistence with the Father before all things; his Incarnation and humiliation in “the days of His flesh” (Heb. 5:7), and his glorification, beginning with the Resurrection and continuing forever.
Probably the most celebrated statement of the preexistence of Christ is the opening verses of the Gospel of St. John. Here Christ is identified as the incarnation of the Word ( Logos) through which God made all things in the beginning, a Word existing in relation to God before the creation. The sources of this doctrine have been sought in Greek philosophy, both early and late, as well as in the Jewish thought of Philo and of the Palestinian rabbis. Whatever its source, the doctrine of the Logos in John is distinctive by virtue of the fact that it identifies the Logos with a specific historical person. Other writings of the New Testament also illustrate the faith of the early Christians regarding the preexistence of Christ. The opening chapters of both Colossians and Hebrews speak of Christ as the preexistent one through whom all things were created, therefore as distinct from the created order of things in both time and preeminence; the preposition “before” in Col. 1:17 apparently refers both to his temporal priority and to his superior dignity. Yet beforeany theological reflection about the nature of this preexistence had been able to find terms and concepts, the early Christians were worshipping Christ as divine. Phil. 2:6–11 may be a quotation from a hymn used in such worship. Theological reflection told them that if this worship was legitimate, he must have existed with the Father “before all ages.”
Jesus Christ
By the time the text of the creed was established, this was the usual designation for the Saviour. Originally, of course, “Jesus” had been his given name, meaning “Yahweh saves,” or “Yahweh will save” (see Matt. 1:21), while “Christ” was the Greek translation of the title “Messiah.” Some passages of the New Testament still used “Christ” as a title (e.g., Luke 24:26; II John 7), but it is evident from Paul's usage that the title became simply a proper name very early. Most of the Gentiles took it to be a proper name, and it was as “Christians” that the early believers were labelled (Acts 11:26). In the most precise language, the term “Jesus” was reserved for the earthly career of the Lord; but it seems from liturgical sources that it may actually have been endowed with greater solemnity than the name “Christ.” Within a few years after the beginnings of the Christian movement, Jesus, Christ, Jesus Christ, and Christ Jesus could be used almost interchangeably, as the textual variants in the New Testament indicate. only in modern times has it become customary to distinguish sharply among them for the sake of drawing a line between the Jesus of history and the Christ of faith, and this only in certain circles. The theologians and people of many churches still use phrases like “the life of Christ,” because “Christ” is primarily a name. It is difficult to imagine how it could be otherwise when the Old Testament implications of the title have become a secondary consideration in its use—a process already evident within the New Testament.
God's only son
The declaration that Jesus Christ is the son of God is one of the most universal in the New Testament, most of whose books refer to himthat way. The Gospels do not quote him as using the title for himself in so many words, although sayings like Matt. 11:27 come close toit. There are some instances where the usage of the Gospels appears to echo the more general implications of divine sonship in the Old Testament as a prerogative of Israel or of the true believer. Usually, however, it is evident that the evangelists, like Paul, meant some special honour by the name. The evangelists associated the honour with the story of Jesus' baptism (Matt. 3:17) and transfiguration (Matt. 17:5), Paul with the faith in the Resurrection (Rom. 1:4). From this association some have argued that “Son of God” in the New Testament never referred to the preexistence of Christ. But it is clear in John and in Paul that this implication was not absent, even though it was not as prominent as it became soon thereafter. What made the implication of preexistence more prominent in later Christian use of the term “Son of God” was the clarification of the doctrine of the Trinity, where “Son” was the namefor the eternal Second Person (Matt. 28:19). As the Gospels show, the application of the name “Son of God” to Jesus was offensive to the Jews, probably because it seemed to smack of gentile polytheism. This also made it all too intelligible to the pagans, as early heresies indicate. Facing both the Jews and the Greeks, the apostolic church confessed that Jesus Christ was “God's only Son”: the Son of God, in antithesis to Jewish claims that the eternal could have no sons; the only Son, in antithesis to Greek myths of divine procreation.
The Lord
As passages like Rom. 1:4, show, the phrase “Jesus Christ our Lord” was one of the ways the apostolic church expressed its understanding of what he had been and done. Luke even put the title into the mouth of the Christmas angel (Luke 2:11). From the way the name “Lord” (Kyrios) was employed during the 1st century it is possible to see several implications in the Christian use of it forChrist. The Christians meant that there were not many divine and lordly beings in the universe, but only one Kyrios (I Cor. 8:5–6). Theymeant that the Roman Caesar was not the lord of all, as he was styled by his worshippers, but that only Christ was Lord (Rev. 17:14). And they meant that Yahweh, the covenant God of the Old Testament, whose name they pronounced as “Lord,” had come in Jesus Christ to establish the new covenant (see Rom. 10:12–13). Like “Son of God,” therefore, the name Kyrios was directed against both parts of the audience to which the primitive church addressed its proclamation. At times it stood particularly for the risen and glorifiedChrist, as in Acts 2:36; but in passages that echoed the Old Testament it was sometimes the preexistence that was being primarily emphasized (Matt. 22:44). Gradually “our Lord,” like “Christ,” became a common way of speaking about Jesus Christ, even when the speaker did not intend to stress his lordship over the world.
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