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The Indian Road

hanngill 2009. 6. 7. 14:14

The Indian Road


They took the whole Cheroke nation put us on this reservation
Took away our ways of life tomahawk and the bow and knife
Took away our native tongue taught their English to our young
And all the beads we made by hand are nowadays made in Japan
Cherokee people, Cheroke tribe so proud to live, so proud to die



They took the whole Indian nation locked us on this reservation
Though I wear a shirt and tie I'm still part redman deep inside
Cherokee people, Cherokee tribe so proud to live, so proud to die
But maybe someday when they learn Cherokee nation will return,
will return, will return, will return, will return



01. The offering (기도)

02. Fog (안개)

03. Unrequited (대답 없는 사랑)

04. peace And Power (평화와 힘)

05. Within My Heart (내 마음 안에)

06. Flight Song (탈주의 노래)

07. Eagle Come Pray For Me (독수리가 와서...)

08. Yellow Ram's Song (노란 숫양의 노래)
09. Eagle Clan (독수리의 후예)

10. Yuba (유바)

11. Navajo Lullaby (나바호족 자장가)

12. oneida Iroquois (이로쿼이족 자장가)

13. Beneath the Raven Moon (갈가마귀 달 아래서)

14. If Walls Could Speak (벽들이 말을 한다면)

15. The Dance Of The Puma And The Wolf (퓨마와...)