ACL and PCL Injuries - Anterior and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) are the two major ligaments in the knee that work together to provide stability in the knee. They cross each other and form an 'X' which allows the knee to flex and extend without side to side movement.
Watch a video about the ACL
Injuries to these cruciate ligaments of the knee are typically sprains. The ACL is most often stretched, or torn by a sudden twisting motion while the feet remain planted.
ACL and PCL Injuries Causes
Both the ACL and PCL can be injured or torn by a sudden twisting of the knee joint.PCL injuries (image) are likely with impacts to the front of the knee, or from hyper-extending the knee. The PCL can also be injured by a direct impact from the outside of the knee joint, such as those that occur during soccer or football.
ACL injuries, including partial or complete tears, can occur when an athlete changes direction rapidly, twists without moving the feet, slows down abruptly, or misses a landing from a jump. This type of movement may cause the ACL to stretch to the point of tearing.
The degree of injury to the ACL may determine the type of treatment recommended.
Cruciate ligament injuries don't always cause pain, but typically a loud popping sound can be heard at the time of the injury.
ACL and PCL Injury Treatment
Incomplete ACL and PCL tears are treated conservatively to allow the body to hear on its own.
Rest, ice, compression and elevation are the immediate treatment.
Anti-inflammatory medications and Nsaids can help reduce pain.
Physical therapy is often recommended to regain and build muscle strength over time.
For a complete tear of the ACL Arthroscopic surgery and ACL Reconstruction is usually performed.
MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) Injuries
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is more easily injured than the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). It is most often caused by a blow to the outer side of the knee (such as occur in contact sports) that stretches and tears the ligament on the inner side of the knee.
Torn Medial Collateral Ligament Image
Degrees of Medial Collateral Ligament Injuries - Image
Degrees of Lateral Collateral Ligament Injuries - Image The classic sign of this injury is hearing a "pop" and feeling the knee buckle sideways. Pain and swelling are are immediate. To diagnose a collateral ligament injury, a medical professional will perform several manual tests (applying ressure on the side of the knee to determine the degree of pain and looseness of the joint) and possibly order an MRI to confirm the diagnosis.
Minor sprains of the collateral ligaments will heal with rest and gradual return to activity. R.I.C.E. - rest, ice, compression and elevation help reduce pain and swelling and a knee brace may be used to protect and stabilize the knee. A sprain may take 2 to 4 weeks to heal. A severely sprained or torn collateral ligament may occur along with a torn anterior cruciate ligament, which usually requires repair with Arthroscopic surgery.