Reduplication, in linguistics, is a morphological process by which the root or stem of a word, or part of it, is repeated.
Reduplication is used in inflections to convey a grammatical function, such as plurality, intensification, etc., and in lexical derivation to create new words. It is often used when a speaker adopts a tone more "expressive" or figurative than ordinary speech and is also often, but not exclusively, iconic in meaning. Reduplication is found in a wide range of languages and language groups, though its level of linguistic productivity varies.
Reduplication is the standard term for this phenomenon in the linguistics literature. Other terms that are occasionally used include cloning, doubling, duplication, and repetition.
A recent study involving brain imaging found that newborn babies are drawn to words that have repeated syllables. According to the study, this explains the widespread presence of reduplicants such as 'mama' and 'dada' in many of the world's languages.
English uses some kinds of reduplication, mostly for informal expressive vocabulary. There are three types:
- Rhyming reduplication: claptrap, hokey-pokey, honey-bunny, razzle-dazzle, slim jim, super-duper, teenie-weenie, wingding
Although at first glance "Abracadabra" appears to be an English rhyming reduplication it in fact is not; instead, it is derived from the Aramaic formula "Abəra kaDavəra" meaning "I would create as I spoke")
- Exact reduplications (baby-talk-like): bye-bye, choo-choo, night-night, no-no, pee-pee, poo-poo
Couscous is not an English example for reduplication, since it is taken from a French word which has a Maghrebi origin.
- Ablaut reduplications: bric-a-brac, chit-chat, criss-cross, kitty-cat, knick-knack, jibber-jabber, splish-splash, zig-zag
In the ablaut reduplications, the first vowel is almost always a high vowel and the reduplicated ablaut variant of the vowel is a low vowel. There is also a tendency for the first vowel to be front and the second vowel to be back.
None of the above types are particularly productive, meaning that the sets are fairly fixed and new forms are not easily accepted, but there is another form of reduplication that is used as a deprecative called shm-reduplication (or schm-reduplication) that can be used with most any word; e.g. baby-shmaby or car-shmar. This process is a feature of American English from Yiddish, starting among the American Jews of New York City, then the New York dialect and then the whole country.
When the slang -ma- infix is used on a two-syllable word with an initial open syllable, the second syllable is reduplicated and the infix appears in between, though often the first instance of the reduplicated syllable is reduced to consonant-schwa. Thus from oboe we get oboe-ma-boe or oba-ma-boe, and from purple we get purple-ma-ple or purpa-ma-ple (Yu 2004).
Contrastive focus reduplication. Exact reduplication can be used with contrastive focus (generally where the first noun is stressed) to indicate a literal, as opposed to figurative, example of a noun, or perhaps a sort of Platonic ideal of the noun, as in "Is that carrot cheesecake or carrot CAKE-cake?".[3] This is similar to the Finnish use mentioned above. An extensive list of such examples is found in [1].
More can be learned about English reduplication in Thun (1963), Cooper and Ross (1975), and Nevins and Vaux (2003).ㅇ
English gitaigo: Flip-Flop Words | |||
ReDuplications | ||| | |||
(words in parentheses not found in Webster's III) | |||
ack-ack | (antsy-pantsy) | argy-bargy | artsy-craftsy |
aye aye | aye-aye | baba | barabara |
BB | bebop | beebee | beriberi |
bibi | bigwig | blackjack | bonbon |
boo-boo | (boob-tube) | boogie-woogie | boohoo |
bowwow | bric-a-brac | buddy-buddy | bugaboo |
bugbear | bulbul | bumpety-bump | by-by, bye-bye |
bye-bye | (caca) | cagmag | cancan |
cha-cha(-cha) | chalk-talk | chichi | chiffchaff |
chin-chin | chitchat | chocho | choochoo |
chowchow | chuck(-a)-luck | (chug-a-lug) | claptrap |
click-clack | clickety-clack | clickety-click | cling-clang |
clink-clank | clinkety-clank | clinkety-clink | clip-clop |
clip-clop | clippety-clop | (clitter-clatter) | cocoa |
cookie | couscous | crackerjack | (cring-cling) |
cringle-crangle | crinkle-crankle | crinkum-crankum | crisscross |
cuscus | deadhead | diddle-daddle | dig-dig |
dik-dik | dillydally | (dindin) | ding-a-ling |
dingdong | divi-divi | dodo | (doodoo) |
downtown | drip-drip | duk-duk | dumdum |
eager beaver | even Steven | falderal | fancy pants |
fat cat | fee-faw-fum | fee-fo-fum | feery-fary |
fiddle-faddle | FIFO | fifty-fifty | fizgig |
flag bag | flapdoodle | flapjack | flatfoot |
Fleet Street | flibberti-gibberty | flibbertigibbet | flick-flack |
flimflam | flip-flap | flip-flop | flipperty-flopperty |
flippity-flop | (flower power) | flubdub | fluffy-ruffle |
flyby | fofarraw | folderol | foo-foo |
foofaraw | foofoorah | forfar | four-door |
four-four | frank bank | (frizzle-frazzle) | froufrou |
(fuddle-duddle) | fuddy-duddy | funny-money | furfur |
fussbudget | fuzzy-guzzy | fuzzy-wuzzy | gaga |
geegaw | (Georgy-Porgy) | gewgaw | (gibber-jabber) |
gobbledygook | gogo | goo-goo | goody-goody |
grandstand | (gruesome twosome) | grugru | gugu |
ha-ha | habnab | handy-andy | handy-dandy |
handy-pandy | handy-spandy | hanky-pank | hanky-panky |
hari-kari | harum-scarum | haw-haw | he-he |
hee-haw | hee-hee | heebie-jeebies | (heh-heh) |
heigh-ho | hell's bells | hellhole | helter-skelter |
(Henny-Penny) | heyday | hi-fi | (hickory-dickory-dock) |
higgledy-piggledy | higglety-pigglety | high-high | (highty-flighty) |
highty-tighty | hillbilly | (hip-hip-hooray) | (hip-hop) |
(hipper-dipper) | (hipperty-skipperty) | hippety-hop | hippity-hoppity |
hirdie-girdie | hirdum-dirdum | hiwihiwi | (ho-ho) |
ho-hum | hobnob | hobo | hobson-jobson |
hocus-pocus | hoddy-doddy | hodgepodge | hogan-mogan |
hogen-mogen | hoi polloi | hoity-toity | hokey-pokey |
hokus-pokus | holus-bolus | (holy-moley) | honky-tonk |
hoo-ha | hoodoo | hoopoe | hoopoo |
hootchy-kootchy | hot pot | hot spot | hotchpotch |
hotnot | hotshot | hotsy-totsy | house mouse |
housey-housey | hubba-hubba | hubble-bubble | hubbub |
(huff & puff) | (huff-duff) | huff-snuff | huff-snuff |
(hufty-magufty) | hugger-mugger | huhu | hull-gull |
hullabaloo | humbug | humdinger | humdrum |
humdudgeon | humhum | hummum | humpty-dumpty |
humstrum | hunky-dory | hurdy-gurdy | hurly-burly |
hurrbur | hurry-scurry | hurry-skurry | hush-hush |
hustle-bustle | ilang-ilang | ill will | itsy-bitsy |
itty-bitty | jeepers creepers | (jet set) | jib-o-jib |
jig-a-jig | jig-a-jog | jig-jig | jig-jog |
jig-joggy | jigaboo | jiggery-pokery | jiggumbob |
jigjoggy | jim-dandy | jimjams | jinglejangle |
jipijapa | jirajara | joukerypawkery | juju |
juju | kai-kai | kaka | kakkak |
kavakava | kawakawa | kegmeg | khuskhus |
kiekie | killer-diller | killickinnic | kinchin |
(King Kong) | kinnikinnick | kit-cat | kit-kat |
(kitchy-koo) | kittle cattle | (kitty-cat) | kiwi |
klop-klop | knick-knack | (knock-knock) | (knockity-knock) |
(kobo) | koko | koko | koodoo |
kowtow | kudu, koudou | kuku | kukukuku |
kumkum | kuskus | la-di-dah | lab-lab |
lablab | lalapalooza | lallygag | lap-lap |
lapo-lapo | lapu-lapu | lardy-dardy | lavalava |
lazy daisy stich | (lead head) | (legal beagle) | (legal eagle) |
Lei Day | Lib-Lab | libidibi | lickety-brindle |
lickety-cut | lickety-split | lillypilly | linsey-woolsey |
loa loa | locofoco | log-log | lollygag |
lolo | lovey-dovey | low-low | lulu |
mahimahi | mama | matamata | (matta-matta) |
MauMau | May Day | (mellow yellow) | miminy-piminy |
mishmash | motmot | muckamuck | mucluc, muckluck |
mukluk | mumbo-jumbo | mumu | murmur |
muumuu | namby-pamby | nana | niminy-piminy |
(nitter-natter) | (nitty-gritty) | nitwit | (no-no) |
nulla-nulla | okey-doke | (oops-a-daisy) | pall-mall |
palsy-walsy | papa | paw-paw | pawpaw |
payday | (pee-pee) | peewee | peg leg |
pell-mell | picnic | (piggly-wiggly) | Ping-Pong |
pip-pip | pishpash | pishposh | pit-a-pat |
pitter-patter | (plunk-plonk) | (plunkety-plunk) | (polly-wolly-doodle) |
pom-pom | pooh-pooh | (poopoo) | poppycock |
(puff-puff) | put-put | putt-putt | (quack-quack) |
ragbag | ragtag | (rang-kang) | (rat-a-tat) |
razzle-dazzle | razzmatazz | (ribble-rabble) | rickrack |
(ricky-tick) | ricrac | riffle-shuffle | riffraff |
(riki-tiki) | (ringey-dingey) | rinktum ditty | (rinky-dink) |
riprap | roly-poly | rub-a-dub | (rub-a-dub-dub) |
rum-dum | rumble-bumble | rumble-tumble | rumblegumption |
(sci-fi) | (scrub-a-dub) | (scrub-a-scrub) | seesaw |
shilly-shally | shim-sham shimmy | shipshape | silly Billy |
singsong | slam-bang | slap-bang | slapdab |
slapdash | slaphappy | slipshod | slipslop |
(slish-slosh) | snip-snap | snipsnapsnorum | so-so |
splish-splash | (splitter-splatter) | superdooper | superduper |
(swishy-swashy) | ta-ta | (tak-a-tak) | (tappety-tap) |
tappietoorie | tartar | (tch-tch) | tee-hee |
teensy-weensy | teeny-weeny | teeter-totter | thriller-diller |
tic-tac-toe | ticktack | ticktick | ticktock |
(ticky-tacky) | tie-tie | (tika-tika) | tikitiki |
ting-a-ling | tip-top | (tish-tosh) | titbit |
tittle-tattle | tom-tom | tontine | too-too |
tootsy-wootsy | topsy-turvy | toto | (trot-trot) |
tsetse | (tsk-tsk) | tum-(ti-)tum | (tush-tush) |
tussie-mussie | tut-tut | tutti-frutti | tutu |
tuzzy-muzzy | (tweng-tweng) | twit-twat | (twit-twit) |
(ubble-gubble) | (uffa-uffa) | uh-huh | (uh-oh) |
(uh-uh) | um-hum | voodoo | (wa-wa) |
wah-wah | walkie-talkie | (wang wang) | wee-wee |
(wham-bam) | whim-wham | whimsy-whamsy | whing-ding |
(whip-whap-whip) | whirligig | (whoit-whoit) | whoop-de-doo |
(whooper-dooper) | (whurra-whurra) | wiggle-waggle | wiggle-woggle |
wigwag | willy-nilly | wingding | wishy-washy |
wou-wou | (yackety-yak) | ylang-ylang | yo-ho |
(yo-ho-ho) | Yo-Yo | yoo-hoo | yum-yum |
zap flap | zero-zero | zigzag | (zit-zit) |
Zoot suit | zoozoo | zou-zou | zu-zu |
Reduplicated | |||
ack-ack | aye aye | aye-aye | baba |
barabara | BB | beebee | beriberi |
bibi | bonbon | boo-boo | buddy-buddy |
bulbul | by-by, bye-bye | bye-bye | (caca) |
cancan | cha-cha(-cha) | chichi | chin-chin |
chocho | choochoo | chowchow | cocoa |
couscous | cuscus | dig-dig | dik-dik |
(dindin) | divi-divi | dodo | (doodoo) |
drip-drip | duk-duk | dumdum | fifty-fifty |
foo-foo | four-four | froufrou | furfur |
gaga | gogo | goo-goo | goody-goody |
grugru | gugu | ha-ha | haw-haw |
he-he | hee-hee | (heh-heh) | high-high |
hiwihiwi | (ho-ho) | housey-housey | hubba-hubba |
huhu | humhum | hush-hush | ilang-ilang |
jig-jig | juju | juju | kai-kai |
kaka | kakkak | kavakava | kawakawa |
khuskhus | kiekie | kinnikinnick | klop-klop |
(knock-knock) | koko | koko | kuku |
kukukuku | kumkum | kuskus | lab-lab |
lablab | lap-lap | lapo-lapo | lapu-lapu |
lavalava | loa loa | log-log | lolo |
low-low | lulu | mahimahi | mama |
matamata | (matta-matta) | MauMau | motmot |
mumu | murmur | muumuu | nana |
(no-no) | nulla-nulla | papa | paw-paw |
pawpaw | (pee-pee) | pip-pip | pom-pom |
pooh-pooh | (poopoo) | (puff-puff) | put-put |
putt-putt | (quack-quack) | so-so | ta-ta |
tartar | (tch-tch) | ticktick | tie-tie |
(tika-tika) | tikitiki | tom-tom | too-too |
toto | (trot-trot) | tsetse | (tsk-tsk) |
tum-(ti-)tum | (tush-tush) | tut-tut | tutu |
(tweng-tweng) | (twit-twit) | (uffa-uffa) | (uh-uh) |
(wa-wa) | wah-wah | (wang wang) | wee-wee |
(whoit-whoit) | (whurra-whurra) | wou-wou | ylang-ylang |
Yo-Yo | yum-yum | zero-zero | (zit-zit) |
zoozoo | zou-zou | zu-zu | |
Head (consonant) Shift | |||
(antsy-pantsy) | argy-bargy | bigwig | blackjack |
(boob-tube) | boogie-woogie | boohoo | bowwow |
cagmag | chalk-talk | claptrap | (cring-cling) |
deadhead | downtown | even Steven | fat cat |
flag bag | Fleet Street | flibberti-gibberty | (flower power) |
flubdub | flyby | four-door | frank bank |
(fuddle-duddle) | fuddy-duddy | funny-money | fuzzy-guzzy |
fuzzy-wuzzy | (Georgy-Porgy) | grandstand | (gruesome twosome) |
habnab | handy-andy | handy-dandy | handy-pandy |
handy-spandy | hanky-pank | hanky-panky | hari-kari |
harum-scarum | heebie-jeebies | heigh-ho | hell's bells |
helter-skelter | (Henny-Penny) | heyday | hi-fi |
higgledy-piggledy | higglety-pigglety | (highty-flighty) | highty-tighty |
hillbilly | (hipper-dipper) | (hipperty-skipperty) | hirdie-girdie |
hirdum-dirdum | hobnob | hobo | hobson-jobson |
hocus-pocus | hoddy-doddy | hodgepodge | hogan-mogan |
hogen-mogen | hoity-toity | hokey-pokey | hokus-pokus |
holus-bolus | (holy-moley) | honky-tonk | hoodoo |
hoopoo | hootchy-kootchy | hot pot | hot spot |
hotchpotch | hotnot | hotshot | hotsy-totsy |
house mouse | hubble-bubble | hubbub | (huff-duff) |
huff-snuff | huff-snuff | hugger-mugger | hull-gull |
humdrum | hummum | humpty-dumpty | humstrum |
hurdy-gurdy | hurly-burly | hurrbur | hurry-scurry |
hurry-skurry | hustle-bustle | ill will | itsy-bitsy |
itty-bitty | jeepers creepers | joukerypawkery | kegmeg |
killer-diller | kinchin | kiwi | (kobo) |
koodoo | kowtow | kudu, koudou | lardy-dardy |
(lead head) | (legal beagle) | (legal eagle) | Lei Day |
libidibi | lillypilly | locofoco | lovey-dovey |
May Day | (mellow yellow) | miminy-piminy | mucluc, muckluck |
mukluk | mumbo-jumbo | namby-pamby | niminy-piminy |
(nitty-gritty) | nitwit | okey-doke | pall-mall |
palsy-walsy | payday | peewee | peg leg |
pell-mell | picnic | (piggly-wiggly) | ragbag |
ragtag | (rang-kang) | razzle-dazzle | (riki-tiki) |
(ringey-dingey) | (rinky-dink) | roly-poly | rum-dum |
rumble-bumble | rumble-tumble | (sci-fi) | silly Billy |
superdooper | superduper | tee-hee | teensy-weensy |
teeny-weeny | thriller-diller | titbit | tootsy-wootsy |
tussie-mussie | tutti-frutti | tuzzy-muzzy | (ubble-gubble) |
uh-huh | um-hum | voodoo | walkie-talkie |
(wham-bam) | whing-ding | (whooper-dooper) | willy-nilly |
wingding | yo-ho | yoo-hoo | zap flap |
Zoot suit | |||
Vowel Shift: i-a | |||
chiffchaff | chitchat | click-clack | cling-clang |
clink-clank | (clitter-clatter) | cringle-crangle | crinkle-crankle |
crinkum-crankum | diddle-daddle | dillydally | fiddle-faddle |
flick-flack | flimflam | flip-flap | (frizzle-frazzle) |
(gibber-jabber) | jimjams | jinglejangle | jipijapa |
jirajara | kit-cat | kit-kat | kittle cattle |
(kitty-cat) | knick-knack | Lib-Lab | mishmash |
(nitter-natter) | pishpash | pitter-patter | (ribble-rabble) |
rickrack | ricrac | riffraff | riprap |
shilly-shally | snip-snap | splish-splash | (splitter-splatter) |
ticktack | (ticky-tacky) | tittle-tattle | twit-twat |
whim-wham | whimsy-whamsy | wiggle-waggle | wigwag |
wishy-washy | zigzag | ||
Vowel Shift: i-o | |||
clip-clop | clip-clop | crisscross | dingdong |
flip-flop | flipperty-flopperty | (hip-hop) | hippity-hoppity |
jig-jog | (King Kong) | Ping-Pong | pishposh |
singsong | slipslop | (slish-slosh) | (swishy-swashy) |
ticktock | tip-top | (tish-tosh) | wiggle-woggle |
Vowel Shift: other | |||
cookie | feery-fary | FIFO | flatfoot |
forfar | geegaw | gewgaw | hee-haw |
hellhole | hoo-ha | (plunk-plonk) | seesaw |
shipshape | teeter-totter | tontine | (uh-oh) |
Tripled Form | |||
bric-a-brac | bumpety-bump | chuck(-a)-luck | (chug-a-lug) |
clickety-clack | clickety-click | clinkety-clank | clinkety-clink |
clippety-clop | ding-a-ling | falderal | fee-faw-fum |
fee-fo-fum | flippity-flop | folderol | (hickory-dickory-dock) |
(hip-hip-hooray) | hippety-hop | (huff & puff) | jib-o-jib |
jig-a-jig | jig-a-jog | jig-joggy | jigjoggy |
(knockity-knock) | la-di-dah | lazy daisy stich | muckamuck |
pit-a-pat | (plunkety-plunk) | (polly-wolly-doodle) | (rat-a-tat) |
razzmatazz | rub-a-dub | (scrub-a-dub) | (scrub-a-scrub) |
shim-sham shimmy | (tak-a-tak) | (tappety-tap) | tic-tac-toe |
ting-a-ling | (whip-whap-whip) | (yackety-yak) | (yo-ho-ho) |
OTHER | |||
artsy-craftsy | bebop | bugaboo | bugbear |
crackerjack | eager beaver | fancy pants | fizgig |
flapdoodle | flapjack | flibbertigibbet | fluffy-ruffle |
fofarraw | foofaraw | foofoorah | fussbudget |
gobbledygook | ho-hum | hoi polloi | hoopoe |
(hufty-magufty) | hullabaloo | humbug | humdinger |
humdudgeon | hunky-dory | (jet set) | jigaboo |
jiggery-pokery | jiggumbob | jim-dandy | killickinnic |
(kitchy-koo) | lalapalooza | lallygag | lickety-brindle |
lickety-cut | lickety-split | linsey-woolsey | lollygag |
(oops-a-daisy) | poppycock | (ricky-tick) | riffle-shuffle |
rinktum ditty | (rub-a-dub-dub) | rumblegumption | slam-bang |
slap-bang | slapdab | slapdash | slaphappy |
slipshod | snipsnapsnorum | tappietoorie | topsy-turvy |
whirligig | whoop-de-doo | ||
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